Everything posted by DarthPotato
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
I'm really glad this leaked; there's been tons of leaks for other Force Friday products but prior to this there had been nothing recent from LEGO. I was getting a bit worried. Honestly... it doesn't look that interesting. The design seems a bit random to me. You could clearly see the design they were going for with the Mandalorian and Flash Speeders, but this speeder just seems like a grey box with a few mounted guns. Ah, well, that's okay with me. It means I can save $40. Plus, I'm sure we'll see the Snowtroopers again in the future (perhaps as soon as January with the First Order Battle Pack).
71014 Soccer Minifig Series
They're probably doing this instead because Germany's a larger market than Brazil. I don't care for soccer at all, but if this series gives us some good flesh heads/new colored hairpieces then I could be interested. Although since it'll probably only be available in Germany I'll probably not end up bothering to import these.
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Well, to be fair, Cody did appear onscreen next to Obi-Wan and the blue interceptor in the hangar before Obi-Wan left for Utapau. So Cody does make a lot of sense even without Lego's usual random inclusions of characters. Hopefully we'll get him. And yeah, Boga's definitely too much of a stretch. Unless we're getting the booster ring as well (and we're probably not), this set will most likely be $25. And there's no way they'll put a large molded creature in a $25 set. That's why we never got Boga in the Wheel Bike, and that's also why I doubt we'll get a Bantha in the Droid Escape set.
LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
I think the people hoping for the Battlefront battle packs to include generic rebels and stormtroopers are going to be disappointed. If they were just going to be generic Endor/Hoth battle packs, they probably would have been labeled that way. But since they're marked as Battlefront-inspired, they'll probably contain more specialized troops. That Sullustan rebel is definitely a safe bet for the Rebel pack and I bet that we'll see some of those Imperial Shocktroopers in the Imperial battle pack.
LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
I'm not expecting anything too large in regards to the Carbon Freezing Chamber. Since it's part of the winter wave, it's going to be a bit of a smaller set, so I'm not expecting anything close to Death Star Final Duel's size. I still think it could be a really good set in the $30-$50 range. Oh, and I think we'll get an Ugnaught or two. The Droid Escape Pod is really strange though... it's only been four years since the last one, and even then it's really not a desirable set to remake. Hopefully it'll give us either some Jawas or Tusken Raiders. Or maybe it could even finally give us that missing Aunt Beru figure.
LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Bespin at last! Or at least the Carbon Freezing Chamber. And I'm sure those two TFA battle packs will give us First Order Stormtroopers and Resistance Soldiers. The Battlefront inspired battle packs are a nice surprise as well! But just one question... no new Rebels sets? Weird. Maybe they'll be the retailer exclusives.
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Are you sure? The head sort of looks like it's the same as the one used on the Naboo pilot from the Naboo Starfighter that came out this year. Also, I sort of agree with others that the minifigure list is a bit disappointing. Obviously we'll get all of what we missed eventually, but I guess it just feels sort of empty... oh, well, I'm already looking forward to old Leia, Maz Kanata, and First Order battle packs in January.
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Wow, those look great! I'm a little surprised they actually went with the colors of Poe's X-Wing instead of the grey and blue one, but I would have been fine with either color combination. I wasn't expecting those two guys in the Falcon though... Kanjiklub Gang? Tasu Leech? They look pretty cool though. I don't really like Chewbacca's stud-shooting bowcaster and prefer the old one.
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
While I don't mind the secrecy of these sets, I'm pretty sure they aren't being hidden for spoiler-related reasons. They're all vehicles and I think 80% of the figures we'll be getting are of characters that have already been revealed. Vehicle sets generally don't do the best jobs of accurately depicting scenes anyway (just look at the new Sith Infiltrator).
70751 Temple of Airjitzu
This makes me wish I collected Ninjago sets. It's so beautiful... and that fireworks launcher is so awesome. Even the box art's amazing.
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
The Hoth Echo Base set is looking really good. I was expecting the Ion Cannon to be its own set in the near future, but I think I actually prefer the mini version here. Although as someone who owns the Wampa Cave set from 2010, I hope we don't get a Wampa in this set. It just seems like it would take away from the possibility of something else instead. But that's sort of selfish reasoning. Hopefully we can also get some new Hoth battle packs next year with the new Snowtroopers and Rebel troopers. It's under the Movies section on the site. It's Episode 11 and called "Battle of Hoth".
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
After a year long hiatus from Star Wars sets I came back with full force recently and got Jabba's Sail Barge, General Grievous' Wheel Bike, the MTT, an Imperial Troop Transport, and the Death Star Final Duel. All of them are awesome sets and reminded me of how much I love LEGO Star Wars. The Death Star Final Duel is such an amazing set. I've got to say that it's probably one of the best Star Wars sets out there. If you don't have it, I'd definitely recommend getting it (or you could wait a while since I bet it'll go on sale for $70 or $60 in the near future).
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
It's nice to see that the Microfighters are back. I guess that means the ones that came out in the 2014 winter wave sold well enough. I'm surprised we're still getting PT sets though (but I'm not complaining). It seemed like they were trying to push those aside and have more OT era sets. I really wonder how big this AAT is going to be... the Wookiee Gunship is most likely the largest set of the wave. Can they do the AAT justice if it's under $60? Because going by the numbers even the Skyhopper's bigger than the AAT. I'm curious about this. Captain Tarpals or Boss Nass would be cool, although I'm expecting another Padme. The Skyhopper really interests me as well. I think it will either come with either Tusken Raiders or Jawas.
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Hobbit 2014
I really like the set, but five minifigures is way too low. I was expecting the 9 dwarves that went to the Lonely Mountain and Bilbo to all be included. Only four dwarves and Bilbo is disappointing, especially when two of them are Fili and Kili (although maybe that's a mistake because of the description... but I sort of doubt that). And this unfortunately means that we'll most likely get Thorin in his armor in the Battle of the Five Armies set, which would take up the spot of a different figure.
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
I think the price might actually be $60. I remember that it was reported that the AT-AP from last year would be $70, but it turned out to be $60. $60's usually the price of the largest winter wave set too. I'm hoping this was just misreported again. It's a really nice set too. It sucked that we didn't get any Wookiees in the Kashyyyk Battle Pack this year but I think this set makes up for it!
- [75059] Sandcrawler
Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Lost Missions
I agree, while it was a bit weird at times, I thought it was an extremely interesting arc and did a great job of bridging together PT Yoda with OT Yoda. I find immense amounts of hate like this over a fictional character to be ridiculous. Instead of comparing your hate of a SW character with that of Hitler, maybe you could just get over it. The force isn't magic. There's a difference between the force and magic. The force is still mystical though, and it's been like that pretty much since TESB. It works in mystical ways, like when Luke went into the cave and fought that vision of Vader.
LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
About the Sandcrawler, I agree with everyone that's said the Lars homestead will probably be included. It won't be large or anything I bet, probably just a small representation of it. And I really think it's going to be there if this thing is going to be $300. Then it could come with Owen, Beru, Luke, 3PO, R2, several jaws, and lots of droids. And that would get the job done pretty well.
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
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