Hello everyone I would like to say that the story of book Legion of Darkness is Hero Thresher forms the Alpha Team comprised of himself and rookies Preston Stormer, Von Ness, Dunkan Bulk and Jimi Stringer, this is when Hero Factory is in its beginning, and they have to defeat villain Black Phantom and an army of criminals he put together to destroy Hero Factory so that villains can rule the galaxy. At one time Black Phantom has battle with Von Ness and he offers Von Ness to become his apprentice because he sees potential in him but Von Ness refuses at the last moment. In the end Alpha Team defeats the army of criminals but Black Phantom disappears into thin air. It is also hinted in last few pages that Von Ness, after he go rogue, which is also told about, takes Black Phantoms offer and become Von Nebula as his apprentice! Breakout guys Splitface and Voltix are mention in the intro. I know this because the book can be got in my country (Slovakia). Book The Doom Box can be bought also its about Core Hunter finding pieces of big mega-weapon. I apologise if my English is not good you can tell its not my first language.