- Pirates Teamwork Contest - Voting Topic
10.000 members
There was some sort of glitch the day I joined. I was briefly member 300, and then very soon somehow became number 301, hence my title :) I'm not complaining :) Congrats to EB and to "Lucky 10000" whoever that is!
How many rowing boats do you have?
3 old brown 2 new brown 1 red 1 light grey 1 dark blue
Review: 6074 Black Falcon's Fortress
Good Review. Nice Pictures. As for the actual fortress... I'd have dinged it a couple of points for 1) The clumsy drawbridge string. 2) The downside of the hinged walls is that the whole model becomes a bit fragile.
Advent Calendar 2006 daily news
My figs do not seem to fit on the bed! Which way round should they go ?
Minifig Arm Removement Question
I'd caution against taking the legs off unless you feel you really have to. If you have to use too much force then you run a very real risk of the pegs on the hips breaking :( The other downside is that once you get them back on they are never as tight as they were. I've got some legs that are so loose that any fig using them can barely stand up straight.
Favorite Wild West Set
I'm not voting, because I only have a few of the small sets, of which my favourite is; 6712 - Sheriff's Showdown Why? Because of the BIG barrel included. I was going to include this set as an answer to the what-non-pirate-sets-are-good-for-pirates question because of that barrel.
Which is better: Castle or Pirates?
My heart said to vote Castle, but... but I voted Pirate Reasons: 1) The sadness I feel when I look at KK2 :( 2) The puzzlement I felt after completing The Witches Magic Manor (6087) (What in tarnation is it supposed to be? )
Reviews of sets 8801 & 8802
That's the first thing I thought of soon as I saw this. Second was "Now I know what I'll be getting for christmas" :). Last years combo was well priced so I'd expect this one to be too. Having only seen the pictures, the Castle-thing looks pretty good, but the Boat-thing looks just a little bland.
I've found photos of the VIKINGS lego!
On the down side ( there HAS to be down side ), I see they use those horrid KK2 swords >:(
Where is the LEGO Logo on...?
Those 4219s are only part of a garage door. You need quite a few of them to make one. I guess that someone into Town, or who happened to own a Fire Station or Police Station, would be familiar with them, but to someone like me, who buys mainly used, and usually only if I can see Castle or Pirate minifig, or a horse, in the bag, they were a bit of a mystery.
Where is the LEGO Logo on...?
Ahem! Sorry, I meant...
Where is the LEGO Logo on...?
Another one for the "We only know it's Lego because Peeron and Bricklink say so" category is this: It took me ages to work out what they were when I first found them in joblots. I still don't have a use for them.
Where is the LEGO Logo on...?
I keep the Megabloks and other copies as a sort of black museum or rogues gallery. Non-lego bricks are pretty easy to identify, but I usually end up with a load of non-brick plastic parts, most of which are broken bits of other toys completely, but some of which might be specialist parts, like unknown minifig tools, or maybe technic parts, or vehicle axles.
Where is the LEGO Logo on...?
doh! I meant: It could be on the wheel ! Where's the logo on sloping roof bricks?
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