Everything posted by NovaSentinel
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Hmm I doubt Lego would release so many aotc focusing on geonosis. No kamino, tatooine or coruscant sets? An obi wans starfighter with jango and lama su or a zam wessel chase remake would be nice... And wtf is a Yoda chronicle set? I'm thinking maybe a plinth with a scene that featured Yoda from each film? Kind of like the death star playset but Yoda based?
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
I find it hard to belive that lego would release 3 potentially $100+ sets in one wave, but then again, stanger things have happened. I hope that perhaps the AT-TE will be of a lower price range, but I find it more likely that it will be the sail barge as it won't include the skiff or sarlacc, and probably only Jabba, Han, Leia, R2-D2, Blue Guy (Max Rebo?), and a Weequay.
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Something about the box art doesn't seem quite right on the new sets - if you look at the AT-RT box the ground is completely out of perspective with the walker. I doubt lego would let this through as nothing has evey looked that bad before, so i expect the presentation of the sets on the final box art will differ slightly With that in mind, here's hoping they do put holes in the phase 2 clone helmets...
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
The ARC trooper was Hammer not Colt but I still see your point. TLG seems to have gona mad with their printing abilities and blank generic troopers are becoming rarer, which is a great shame. I kind of hope the BP clones are plain white, simply because they can be used more widely. I think the two army battlepacks are a great marketing scheme though as they mean one has to buy two of the same set to get what they could have got with just one previously :L
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
I hope the trooper in the AT-RT is a ARF trooper or AT-RT driver, not just a generic 501st trooper. Also it will be interesting to see how TLG justify selling the AT-RT for that price point without making it ridiculously oversized, like the 2005 version. It would be nice if we got two correctly sized walkers in the set, or maybe something for the Droids to use? I was again wondering about the droideka, and I think that seeing as TLG have now produced 3-4 variations of brick built droidekas, none of which are great, it wouldn't surprise me if they come up with some new moulded pieces to build the droid
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
I take it you mean the non CW phase 1s, but there was two sets, Republic Gunship and AT-TE Walker :) 8 regular sets is unusual but all of them are at the normal winter wave price points. Looking forward to those battlepacks and i was wondering about the clone one, we may get 1 501st and 1 212th, seeing as TLG has the prints for them?
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
I wonder why the Commando droids have 'new' asterixes on them? Also I hope that some of the 501st troopers are the named ones like Jesse and Hardcase, rather than just generic troopers. Hoping one of them is going to include Fives! The Clone/Droideka battlepack sounds like it could be Ep II or CW, and personally I wouldnt mind either way :) TOR battlepack is a must have for me, hopefully the republic trooper's helmets will be done properly, and not reprints of clone helmets A-Wing is a nice idea but i'll have to see how much of an improvement it is over the last one AT-RT is a must buy :D Z-95 unless Krell is done right, this could well be one of the weaker sets of the wave Rancor Pit - speaking as someone who doesn't have and has no intentions to get Jabba's Palace, i think that as a standalone set this one is pretty poor. I can't see it selling well at all, and that makes me doubt further that a Droid dungeon will ever be made. I think if TLG were going to do it, they should have stuck it on the side of this. BARC Speeder - FTW! hopefully they keep the same design for consistensy, as i can't see any major faults with it. And yes to whoever asked, the Flitknot speeder is a CIS bike ( the one dooku used in EP II) so the droid does have a vehicle Umbaran MHC - wasn't expecting this but if done right this could be an excellent set! Ahsoka should have a new print but I doubt they'll give her a new headpiece to show her slighly more grown up head tails Kamino- Wasted oppurtunity for Lama su Asteroid field- WTF Lego? Coruscant- Which pilot? Phase II? Z-95 Pilot? or Phase 1? Hoth- Isn't a snowspeeder pilot the same as an X-Wing pilot? Endor- ummm... Alderaan- would have preferred Cpt Antilles but the troopers are nice too :D So I guess the BARC and the MHC are the two exclusives then? both CW same as 2011 Now for the pictures!
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Oh I see now thank you :) i didnt see that it had no sides and i thought it covered the whole cockpit :L never mind... although i think that a new piece would definitely be good to be used on both the z95 and a wing, especially as lego tends to release a new mold in multiple sets at a time (eg the r5 droid head last year came in 3 sets in 1 wave)
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Find what? the slave 1 is the lego celebration VI exclusive... the pic was posted a couple of pages ago XD about the cockpit i think it's a new piece but i may be wrong if anyone could help that would be great! if it is new then i think it would work well on the z-95 and the a-wing, like i said before :)
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
What actually is rex's helmet? because it looks like a phase 2 but with a phase 1 visor? It's almost like a phase 1.75? :D Also i was looking at pictures of the exclusive slave 1 thing, and it looks like it has a new cockpit piece, which looks like it could also be used on both the A-Wing and Z-95 :) what do you guys think?
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Actually last year we only got 1 TPM set in the winter wave (Battle of Naboo) so i doubt we will get more than one AOTC set this wave. The majority will probably come out in the summer wave. My money's on the A-Wing as its 6 years since the last regular release one, and its a good $25 set :)
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