Build your own Pirate LEGO Animal Battle Pack - Survey
1 x Octopus = 5 points 1 x Monkey = 3 points 1 x Turtle = 3 points 1 x Parrot = 1 point 1 x Parrot Shoulder Brace = 1 point 1 x Crab = 1 point
Architecture Contest: Andrea Palladio's "Villa Rotunda"
Here is my entry. It is Andrea Palladio's "Villa Rotunda", also known as "Villa Almerico" after the owner it was designed for, and "Villa Capra" after the owners who actually completed the building after Palladio's death. Palladio is very much seen as the Grandfather of modern architecture because of his renaissance publication "QuattroLibri dell'Architettura" which referenced classical Greek and Roman styles, and continued to influence European building for the following 300 years, so he seemed like an ideal choice for the Lego 'Architect Series'. "Villa Rotunda" can be seen as the epitome of his domestic work. Started in the late 1560's it comprises of a central, two-storey, domed hall with the rooms around it arranged according to Palladio's system of ratios and proportion. The four facades are almost identical, each having a 6 columned, pedimented portico which leads to a flight of steps. This made it seem natural to go with a modular design, so I have built 4 identical porticoes, 2 identical halves of the main block, and a roof/upper floor section. I made the internal walls see-through so that Palladio's layout of the 'piano nobile' could be seen, although I had no reference materials for making the basement or upper floor accurate. I did toy with the idea of making decals to stick on the central saloon walls, as it is stunningly decorated all over with fresco paintings. The only major problem I had was the small triangular pediments over the windows to the side of each portico. In the end everything I tried was too big and clunky so I left them plain. (What did work quite nicely was a filed-down '1x1 plate with tooth' but that was against the rules!)
POTC Discounted in UK
Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, but the new Argos catalogue came out today in the UK and Pirates Of The Carribean Lego has been taken out, so nearly all of the sets are discounted in a clearance sale. Try Argos on-line and search for "Lego Pirate" - they aren't listed in the new catalogue, but still show up in a search. I missed out on a big £28.00 saving on Queen Anne's Revenge as they have sold out now , so if you are thinking of getting any of the other sets, this might be a good opportunity...
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 3 discussion
New Lego Exclusive 10217 Harry Potter Diagon Alley
Hmmmmmm... Fluted column pieces in this set and a Spartan soldier in the Minifig series 2 - could we be getting an ancient history line of Lego soon???
Magnificent Castle Sets
You see, this is why I can't stop buying Lego! These ARE all magnificent sets, and I count myself very fortunate to have a complete collection of all of the castle sets, mainly aquired as they were released, with a few added later as an adult. It's not just nostalgia or history, there is a simplistic beauty about 375 too. I defy you not to love it! It has that ellusive X-factor. Something about the yellow colour gives it an "other-worldliness" that the black and grey castles don't have. I got used to using the wall panel pieces from the later sets (and quite like the angled corner ones) but this set had the fleixibilty of being all regular bricks. Of course I am swayed by the fact that I still remember the awe I felt building it for the first time as a 9 year old. The way the walls swung open on the hinges, the detail of the red window, and the buttresses - oh my word, the buttresses! The possiblities that those 2x2x3 slopes had - and there were even corner versions too!! bliss I had 6080 too, but there was something too square and boxey about it that I never took to, although the overhanging ramparts were a nice touch. 6085 was the next one I was really excited by. I was at University at that point, but the architectural detailing of this set meant that approaching adulthood didn't stop me buying it, and I never have. 6086 was a highlight too, with its riot of flags and yellow half-timbered panels. Since then they all seem to have been variations on a theme. Whilst none have been a disappointment as such, none have had that flare of innovation. I'd like to put in a word at this point for 6097 the Night Lord's Castle. Although it's no looker, there is something quite impressive about actually building it. The tower is pretty tall and there are some rather nifty black columns used in it. It's more magnificent in reality than pictures lead you to believe. And why are people so down on Knight's Kingdom I & II? 6091 King Leo's Castle rated highly with me. And not just because those blue 2x2x3 corner slopes took me back over 20 years to my excitement about the first yellow ones! Finally if you count "Ninja" as part of the castle theme (I know, I know, but some people do!) then 6093 the Flying Ninja's Fortress is truly magnificent from its sloping rock walls, to its colour scheme, to its height, to its styling, to the way its modular construction actually allows you to add to its splendour.
The Death Star 10188 S@H price rise
Clearly there's some communication breakdown at TLC on prices, as the Giant Castle Set was prcied wrong initially in the UK too. I pre-ordered it at £149.99 and then when the next catalogue dropped through the door it was listed at £139.99. I phoned up and they kindly cancelled the initial order and let me have it for the lower price, and within a couple of days the price had been changed on the website too. Does anybody know if they contacted people who had ordered it at the higher price to tell them it was wrong? (Doubt it!) When I saw the Death Star on S@H for £199.99 I was quite shocked because the prices in the UK are usually closer to Pounds=Dollars (which means we pay nearly twice as much as the USA) so I was expecting it to be closer to £400. I just thought "Hurrah - maybe we are finally getting price parity" because £199.99 is much closer to the actual exchange rate of the US price. So I thought no need to rush into pre-ordering it - DOH! Once I got over my initial pique at realising I'd missed out when the price changed, I thought about it more rationally. £275 is still cheaper than I was expecting, and if I buy it from the Lego shop in Milton Keynes they offer a loyalty points scheme that S@H do not, which works out at about 8% off if you are spending larger amounts. So I guess I'll still be buying it anyway. Maybe somebody could suggest to S@H that they start a loyalty scheme to help placate all the upset Eurobunnies?
TLG wants your ideas & suggestions for City themes
Hey, You've either got an idea or you don't! Waiting won't make it better
Entry Thread: The Elflands Contest
Hi folks - I've long been skulking around this site, but this contest has really got me going so here it is - my first ever post! I've dusted off the Lego and built my first MOCs in about 5 years, and I was really happy with what I came up with - until I did a brick count Curse you and your 100 brick limit! So after some radical reductions in height, figures, accessories and scenery here's what I'm left with... Set Name: Elf Queen's Throne Pieces: 100 The Elvish Queen surveys her Forest Realm from the (recently reduced) heights of her tree-top throne room. You will notice that Elvish architecture is very organic, and forms more of a sculptural structure (integrated with the native flora) than a regular 'building' does. The throne too is natural and simple in style reflecting the Elves' rejection of material wealth in favour of a symbiosis with their surroundings. P.S. I'll see if I can post a picture of the pre-reduction version somewhere just in case anybody is interested, because it captures my original concept better and includes my versions of some male Elves preparing for battle. OK - here is the link to the original creation that I had to reduce for the contest: I'm now going nuts and working on a much bigger version - I'll keep you posted!
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