Admiral Croissant-2
jansued-I like how the shark looks happier than the patient. Considering how much I hate going to the dentist, I can only imagine how painful a Pirate dentist would be.
I know when my grandfather was in the navy, they didn't use anesthetic for dental work. Ouch. Saying that I am not sure about the dentist's main tool. Maybe something like a screwdriver and spanner with a stud in it for a 'prodder' and mirror. That said, excellent moc.
Admiral Croissant-I love the contrast between heaven and earth. Both scenes are lovely. The 'sky' though seems a little empty and bland. Having it being solid blue somewhat limits the effect making the moc seem restricted from different angles. Also death has a helmet? I more imagined him with a hood like a sith.
Selander. Tasty. The decals are amazing. Very nice scene. However apart from the pun and description it seems very generic. Personally I think a basement level would allow for more expression of the pie seller's previous life. (Or he could be a pirate Sweeny Tod.) I think this would be a great official set, perhaps part of a pirate/medieval set of impulse/small sets of market stalls.
Pellaeon. Yay for mini-putt. The idea is amazing. Very concise and well designed. The flag pole/mast just seems out of place due to its height compared to the rest. Overall very pretty. I hope to see more pirate takes on sports in the future.