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Eurobricks Vassals
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About microwaviblerabbit

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Rookie (2/14)

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Recent Badges

  1. 43) Mime Artist Entry (Build by L-space) - 2 points 17) Skier Entry (Build by Yatkuu) - 1 point
  2. 7) Magician & Mime Artist Entry (Build by CorneliusMurdock) - 1 point 12) Diver & Surfer Entry (Build by squiz) - 1 point 15) Zombie & Vampire Entry (Build by Athos) - 1 point
  3. 22. Perfectionist; Battle of Fontenoy (May 11, 1745) - 2 points 18. Etzel; The "Kalabalik" at Bender - 1 Point
  4. Truely excellent. I love the attacks. They look better than what I would imagine official LEGO pokemon would be. I only wish I could buy these to bride my siblings with..."Look a LEGO pokemon, ooh isn't it nice. Now if you go to bed then you can have one...."
  5. Erdbeereis-3
  6. I scream clone-3 Stanley Kbrick-2 frontbeast-1 Etzel-1
  7. Jansued-3 Admiral Croissant-2 Selander-1 Pellaeon-1 jansued-I like how the shark looks happier than the patient. Considering how much I hate going to the dentist, I can only imagine how painful a Pirate dentist would be. I know when my grandfather was in the navy, they didn't use anesthetic for dental work. Ouch. Saying that I am not sure about the dentist's main tool. Maybe something like a screwdriver and spanner with a stud in it for a 'prodder' and mirror. That said, excellent moc. Admiral Croissant-I love the contrast between heaven and earth. Both scenes are lovely. The 'sky' though seems a little empty and bland. Having it being solid blue somewhat limits the effect making the moc seem restricted from different angles. Also death has a helmet? I more imagined him with a hood like a sith. Selander. Tasty. The decals are amazing. Very nice scene. However apart from the pun and description it seems very generic. Personally I think a basement level would allow for more expression of the pie seller's previous life. (Or he could be a pirate Sweeny Tod.) I think this would be a great official set, perhaps part of a pirate/medieval set of impulse/small sets of market stalls. Pellaeon. Yay for mini-putt. The idea is amazing. Very concise and well designed. The flag pole/mast just seems out of place due to its height compared to the rest. Overall very pretty. I hope to see more pirate takes on sports in the future.
  8. Sign me up. I have bought almost every single western set I have come across. Now they will end pirates, I think that western would make sense. Many of the same parts can be used, and it screams battle packs. It has clear sides, fun vehicles, and has an extremely high playability. Plus those wooden wall pieces were amazing for a young child to play with.
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