Everything posted by Rayskull
LEGO Hidden Side 2020
I'd love a brick built ghost myself. Would also like a Spitfire whose shark grin nose art is part of the haunted conversion.
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
I really like those three suits, certainly wish one of the three wasn't locked in a $80+ set. I dont like the helicarrier personally and the tower I do like, im just too conservative.
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
True haha
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
I would love an Aim Mech set. You could have Captain America with a normal 3 piece Moto and if they're generous, they could throw in a Scientist and Super Adaptoid minifig $30? :D That mech would be easy to replicate in Lego. Looks like old Exoforce mech. Trans Blue with silver highlights??? 
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Exactly, besides, this is a tank, and it looks like one, even with the hatch open. I think it looks better without the stickers. The fingers and thumbs are fantastic, make great fists. I love these troops, would really like a mech in this color scheme. My custom AIM trooper
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Just got Hulkbuster, he's way better than I thought, very solid amazing build SNOT everywhere. So far that I've played with him, even on the shelf, his head looks great. It is designed to lean forward infact the legs force him into a forward lean. The complaints about the head are way, wayyyy overblown.
LEGO Hidden Side 2020
I hope there's more straight up ghosts, less possessed and less cryptids and maybe a brick built ghost. Id like to have something for my Stunt plane to hunt.
LEGO Hidden Side 2020
Just took a close look at the mystery castle. The pictures seem to tell a sad story. Like the Sliderman could be missing his wife, may have been corrupted or toopled by monstrous forces.
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
I see its available now.... I gave up this weekend and got Fuegos stunt plane. Heres a much better look at it.
LEGO Hidden Side 2020
LEGO Hidden Side 2020
Is the summer wave the last wave? I got tired waiting for my favorite Avengers set and got El Fuegos Stunt Plane. Might not go back, love all the little details. Skeleton Fuego is my favorite minifig now. Jack looks great. Kind of interested in Welcome to The Hidden side and maybe the subway. I think the Bus and the Firetruck look great, hoping to see more. Im in to the medium sized sets.
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Just saw a new game trailer, I see lots of AIM mechs, I would certainly like one of those. Yeah he never posed him properly, and he kept one shoulder folded over his arm for the whole review??
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Quoted mistakenly, is there no way to unquote? Guys its obvious its supposed to hunch forward, this reviewer is a megablocks for not properly posing it. The helmet looks great when viewed from the intended angle. I don't look that I look great viewed from under the chin either. Where is this guy out, I want it badly. I wondered about the knees, he says they're fragile...uhoh Haha its been forever since I've been content filtered. I like it, simpler, better times, when people had standards. I miss it. Thats my first view of the AIM source material, they look pretty awesome. I hope he's not a big fig, i think he'll be built to match the hulkbuster.
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
The mighty Micros are too silly
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Random, but is something preventing LEGO from visiting non Avengers characters. - Ghostrider update, maybe even Cosmic Ghostrider - Dr Doom - Nova - Classic Ultron
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
I think I'm like everyone else here, - Hot Rod unnecessary (I would rather have the suit up circle) - Needs one more unique suit - Hamburger and Box details are fun Sooo if you pick up The avengers tower, will you store your two extra suits here or there? I think there needs to be more Iron Man suits scattered about to make you want 2 of this.
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Wow I was excited there for sec, thought we were getting a crazy nice minifigure pack.
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Called, it's as if they don't even know they exist yet. Oh well. Disappointed again.
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
At 12:00 I will call my Lego store just to see,if maybe they're just not available online.
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
That's a shame the styling of the chopper looks nice, I've never liked big figs myself though. I'm really thinking about splurging on the Avengers Tower which looks great, has great minifigs, lots of great stuff inside. ....but July is a Transformers reveal month, so I might hold out to see what they unvail. For sure I'll be getting the new Hulkbuster though. I believe it's notable for being one of the few mechs that are fully unclosed, especially at $40 price point. I love the body shaping and even the head print on the shallow dome (that so many people dislike). I do have a bit of a worry about the knee connections being C-clips though. My previous experiences with C-clips aren't good. But it might be due to microdust.... not sure just seems odd to support all the weight on C-clips.
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
I'm here because of those sets. They're actually well done. I'm leveling up to the Hulkbuster as soon as possible.
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Well superhero sets are wide open because super heroes tend not to really have vehicles. Mechs are popular, the $10 sets are way better than Constraction sets, so why not. Actually, there are quite a few characters that should be mechs, and I'd like them. Random, I'd totally buy a Nova $10 mech. I'm more frustrated at some of the Spiderman sets. ....2 crawlers. Iron Venom, coming with a crawler instead of a mech lol but 3 venom mechs existing. Blah blah.... My personal wishlist, 1. Dr Doom: $40 Mech / or maybe a Castle 2. Titanium Man: $20 Mech is fine here 3. Crimson Dynamo: $20 Mech is fine again 4. Ultron: $30 Mech 5. Nimrod: $25 Mech 6. Sentinal: $80 Mech But Lego has played it super safe with marvel, the last offshoot I remember was Detroit Steel, ugly looking mech and even I am not familiar with Detroit Steel. Was he in one of the TV shows or something?
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
I get that. For you it's because your collection will now be awkward. Other subject, who's going to get the next $10 mech? I really like those $10 mechs. - Ironman - Spiderman - Thanos - Venom? So two good guys and two bad guys.... I'm guessing... - Captain America - War Machine or Thor - Red Skull - Abomination or Ronan
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Everyone is going to have their own opinion, but the flip up style helmet makes Ironman's head bigger than everyone else, and I never got used to it. The new ones are much better in my opinion and I have since gotten back into Marvel Lego very much because of the change. Also the prints on the helmets are super sharp.
Marvel Superheroes 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Oh the movie design itself, to me, is no where near as cool as any other incarnation of the character. Not Lego's fault for sure. That said the Lego version looks better than movie. But missing leg print and shield sword detail
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