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Everything posted by Ultimatemau

  1. T Lego: Amazing MOC, next level bodywork. It's going straight to my top 5 of the last 5 years! Time to get active, I need these instructions. Building this will be a learning experience by itself!
  2. Thank you DLuders for the link to sariel's tutorial. It's very helpful!
  3. I got the black panels and finished the car! Features: 2 L motors for drive 1 servo motor for steering working steering wheel Hidden battery pack Damper pistons (I love the Silver Champion F1!) Here are some links some picture: I will try to make a video of the drive and steering. If anyone has good tips for photography of models it would be much appreciated!
  4. Thanks for the tip Theo, I will make a brickshelf account to put my MOCS on.
  5. I will start posting more pictures as soon as I get the rest of the black panels. I'll will also try to make a video showing the drive and steering. Does anyone know a good way to post more pictures because my limit was 100 KB.
  6. Hello Eurobrick, I'm not new to this forum, but this will be my first post. First something about me. I've have been building stuff with Lego's since I was 4. After the age of 12 I started lost the taste for building, but since 2 years it's all back! Now for the RC Mod on the new 42000 model. I actually didn't buy it yet, but I've created the F1 in full black! The functions for the adjustable rear wing and body are not in there anymore. Instead I've included 1 servo motor and 2 large motors for drive. The battery pack is fully enclosed by the body and servo motor is also enclosed by the body (steering wheel still works). I will post the pictures soon since I'm still waiting for 4 black panels from BrickLink! For now Ill just post the half-finished version with some red panels. Note that the tires are from the 8880 supercar instead of the originals from the 42000 (which are 3 mm wider than the 8880 tires). Enjoy!
  7. Hi, Try looking at sheepo's solutions. His are complex and very compact and nice looking (and functional of course) http://www.sheepo.es/ Cheers
  8. int x is declared globally so in task task_2() you are overwriting x from x = 10 to x = 20. We would expect to get 20 in this case. What's the programming language you are using? Can't you return a value from that function like int task_2() { return 20; }?
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