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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Takanuinuva

  1. TBF there wasn't any animal headed characters outside of the Serpentine in Ninjago until the Merge Frohicky could be from Chima/The Wyldness
  2. 10 with 3 of them being ones already in other sets is pretty bad. The other 6 better be some of the more unique character designs we've seen in Dragons Rising. I just hope if Lobbo is in the set. He's not counted as one of the 10.
  3. Interesting to see a towball version of the Glatorian neck. I wonder if it'll have a use outside of technic.
  4. Which new pieces?
  5. I still want an Omega so Team Dark can be finished.
  6. Team Sonic truck could be the G.U.N Truck from Adventure 2 (Likely the Generations one gimmick wise) But they can't call it that cause of Lego's policy. Granted would make more sense if it was Team Sonic vs Command Truck.
  7. TBF Lloyds one transforms which would require more engineering hence the higher piece count.
  8. God I hope not. Zane's been near death so many times already. Maybe it's what happens if Riyu gives Zane a power boost like he did with Nya.
  9. Unless we're missing a set reveal. We're missing 3 of the Forbidden 5. Especially since one of them was leaked yet doesn't show up in any of these sets. And weren't all 5 of them confirmed for this wave?
  10. So yea not gonna be getting this Metal Sonic. Lego didn't even line up the printing for the intake and engine. The back printing should be much higher. Praying he get's a way better Minifig in a future set.
  11. It's actually the same size as a standard minifig head hole. So it's to pose him looking upward. Also still hoping we get an Omega to finish Team Dark first. The one I made is pretty good. But I'd love to see how Lego handles one.
  12. So decided to take a look at the Cyclone vs Metal Sonic set on Lego.com and found an interesting detail Metal Sonic has a hole in the back of his head so he can be posed in flight. https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/set/assets/bltf8b00a265cf39bbf/77002_360_SoMe.mp4#t=0.1
  13. I didn't want to make a whole seperate topic for this. But I wanted an opinion on my Omega Moc Which leg design looks better for him?
  14. Bit hard to tell but are those new parts on that black handlebar piece on the front of that boat. They don't appear to be the 1x1 round studs with holes in them.
  15. Hopefully he and Cole don't interact. Gonna be odd hearing the same voice from 2 different characters. Also hope he isn't evil. He left on good terms in DOTD (Will this also explain if The Departed Realm got merged?)
  16. The Celestial Mech appears to share design traits of Mei's Dragon Mech The legs in particular looks to be a copy.
  17. Starting to wish a part like this existed. Would be so helpful for small articulated builds. (Something I moc'd up in paint.net)
  18. Surprised no discussion on Monkie Kid season 5. As it's been out for awhile.
  19. I wonder if Omega would work as a Polybag. I wonder what the part limit for them is.
  20. Hopefully if Metal appears in another set Lego will think to update him better.
  21. Shame Metal uses normal minifigure arms and legs. Not even dual molded legs. I wonder why Lego didn't use the prosthetic leg mold from Echo for Metal Sonic. (Granted they'd have to make a mirrored version. Which might not have been in the budget) If I do get this set. It'll be on sale.
  22. Am curious why the launcher doesn't have the spring printing anymore. (Cost cutting measure/ You'd already have it from the first wave?) Campfire set is a bit lame yea. I'd personally would have scrapped the launcher and thrown in another build instead. Not every set with Sonic in it needs that Launcher. Shadow vs the Biolizard is pretty cool though. Though I hope we get pics of Metal Sonic soon.
  23. Found the issue. It was part 5660 https://bricksafe.com/files/stephan3321/ldd-new-parts/5660.png Removed the files for it and the head folder works fine. (I don't really use star wars parts so I can work with my LDD as is for now) Did notice the Ninjago minifigure parts weren't included with this update. Guessing a later update instead for them?
  24. Thanks as there doesn't appear to be any files from today in said lodo file. I did restore my lodo file so I have everything even the bugged parts. For the record I did what I've always done with the other updates Copy and paste the DB and Pallete folders from the update to the main one.
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