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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. excellent
  2. Very satisfying model with lots of mechanical delights. Does the real-life bus tilt down like that as well? I didn't know buses did that!
  3. A W E S O M E. I had been thinking about how great it would be to use a remote operated model boat to take pictures of birds and other wildlife on the water, I hadn't thought about using LEGO though. This shows it can work sooo beautifully. Some amazing footage there at the end. Thank you for sharing
  4. If you're making really good stuff, it will be copied. That's the internet and it's both good and bad, but the one doesn't come without the other. That's not a value statement, just how it works. Having your designs being used is a sign your work is good. If your designs are just meh, people aren't going to use those designs. It's also a useful validation that your work might have some commercial viability, or that there is a thirst for a service that doesn't exist. So while it is seductive and justifiable to get outraged if someone is using your designs, if you take the internet as it comes, with over 4 billion web users, it is more empowering that way. Thinking that all people (4 billion+) are going to play by your rules is insane. You don't get to share on your terms, even with well written copyright laws in place and even when those laws are followed. What is incumbent in sharing is that it is a loss of control. Most of the time this results in a net gain. Illegitimate Lego based businesses are not sustainable and surely don't turn a massive profit. It's distracting to get hung up on those businesses. While we should police against bad actors, I find it dispiriting to see people respond by deciding to limit the sharing of their work or obsessing over dodgy sellers, it's an ego driven response that detracts from the overwhelming beneficial effects of sharing on the internet. Expect to be copied if you post really excellent stuff. Anticipate it. Hope for it. Aim for it. If you can produce such work, then you have additional choices and status that most other creators don't have. Such as the ability to sell your designs to a market that apparently exists, or to undermine dodgy businesses by offering your work for free.
  5. Desperately want to recreate the finished article when it's ready. Thank you for sharing the process.
  6. Really like this, a very distinctly designed technic model. The modularity really is beautiful here and the bucket is striking.
  7. I awoke from one of my dark ages when the motorized bulldozer came out. I got that set and started building different things just from the parts of that particular set. I highly recommend just getting one set that draws you and then spending a good amount of time with the pieces, building the a & b model and then having a go at creating your own stuff from the same pieces.
  8. Ha, this is clever! Side question: why's it called G-Model not a c-model? Just wondering if it has a special meaning!
  9. Incredible, the curves of the car are brilliant.
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