MOC: European freight wagons
Hi. In the last months I built four European freight wagons: Two open wagons, one with four axles (Eaos)... MOC Eaos feight car by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr and one with two axles (E): MOC E freight car by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr Both have a step at their ends to help railway men to stand on during marshalling moves, as you can see in this photo (with the Eaos still WIP): MOC two and four-axle gondola freight cars (series E and Eaos) by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr Grain hopper (Uaggps): MOC Uaggps freight car by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr The last MOC, built Saturday flat wagon with stanchions loaded with timber: MOC L freight car by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr Stanchions can be lowered or removed, timber boards can be removed, too: MOC L freight car by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr Next projects are a refrigerated van and a four-axle covered wagon (series Gabs), I hope to build them in a few month.
Ivan Furlanis changed their profile photo
MOC: compact two-axle PF tram
After months and months without writing anything, today I break the silence to show you this simple MOC I created in July, a compact, PF-operated, two-axle tramcar. The goal of this creation was to build a small tram, as small as possible to have all PF elements inside; of course the car cannot carry any real passenger, there's just a little space for the driver, but as it has couplers at both ends, it could be coupled to one or more trailers when I'll build them. MOC two axle PF tram by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr MOC two axle PF tram by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr MOC two axle PF tram by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr MOC two axle PF tram by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr In the photos you can see my MODded 60097 tramcar, too. Free .lxf can be downloaded from MOCpages. I hope you enjoy it.
MODding train 7938
Hi! My second LEGO train, bought about two years ago, was the red passenger train 7938. I liked it from the first sight, but, after building it, I complained that the model lacks doors and the three cars are a little too short. So, I started to modify it in stages to achieve a better result. First stage, in November 2014, was adding (real) sliding doors: MODding LEGO 7938 Passenger Train by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr MODding LEGO 7938 Passenger Train by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr The idea seems nice, but in fact those doors weren't too much steady and sometimes they opened or falled down when the train was running, so I blocked them and kept just for display. To resolve the problem of the length of the three section I replaced the four central bogies with two placed under the articulation: in this way the short sections are justified and the proportion of the train is more realistic. I changed the livery, too, adding a yellow band at window heigth: MODding LEGO 7938 Passenger Train by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr Finally, last changes (February 2016). New rotating doors, new roof (allowing higher size than those bad sliding doors) and completed new livery, with dark bluish gray frame and underbody: MODding LEGO 7938 Passenger Train by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr MODding LEGO 7938 Passenger Train by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr The new roof can be open, although not completely like the LEGO version: MODding LEGO 7938 Passenger Train by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr Door opening system is copied from the Horizon Express, very easy to do. MODding LEGO 7938 Passenger Train by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr MODding LEGO 7938 Passenger Train by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr That's all!
July 2016 LEGO trains and town layout - real life WIP
A very beautiful layout, indeed. But why not to add baseplates to it? I think it will become ever better.
Ballabreek 2016
I would keep the ferry without any doubt.
Ballabreek 2016
I'm happy to see an update of this little but very nice town: Ballabreek is the proof that we don't need modulars to create a beautiful LEGO city
Unbuilt Set Backlog...
Still sealed 9 sets: 2x 10233, 31036, 60051, 60073, 60081, 60083, 60084, 60095. And I finished to build set 31026 (my 2014 self-Christmas-present) just some days ago!
- Tram.
- [MOC] Power Functions Saddle Tank Shunter in Dark Blue
[LDD] Modding 60052 into a GP35
Hi. Today I've tried to MOD the 60052 loco into an EMD GP35, with low and high nose versions, keeping as much as possible from the old model. At present I've done the excercise just with LDD, but I'm planning to do with real bricks as soon as possible. Modding 60052 into GP35 by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr With Photoshop I've added also virtual stickers to the virtual builds . Feel free to give suggestion to improve the result. The only thing I don't want to change is sides with train doors: I know real GP35s don't have side doors, but I don't like LEGO trains without them: minifigs are tired to enter inside locos and carriages flying through the roof .
Ballabreek 2015
Aha! I didn't know about that set: I'm more focused on city and train sets and I never put attention on Scooby Doo series. In fact it can blend very well with city sets, I should think to buy it
Ballabreek 2015
Thumb up for the cave: this small island is amazing, but the idea to dig a cave inside is outstanding.
MOC: Earthquake
Althogh I HATE earthquakes, I like a lot this small display. Teddy Bear is a nice (but sad) touch to the scene.
Ballabreek 2015
I like to see how the city it's growing. Can't wait to see next installment!
Deskton Yard
I know the cab-pulled truck method to move freight cars along a spur or a siding, thanks. Maybe I'll improve Deskton Yard with this system in future . Another interesting switching move is the launch of a freight car behind a loco inside a trailing spur, but this is quite impossible to do with LEGO . By the way, I've just improved my transfer caboose. Someday it will have the same livery of the locos, but for the moment I keep in "caboose red" with just two stripes in blue and yellow. Deskton Yard by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr Deskton Yard by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr The flatcar is carrying rails for an upcoming project to be done in the yard. Deskton Yard by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr Now the caboose has some interior details, too. Deskton Yard by Ivan Furlanis, su Flickr In this pic you can see where rails continue with imagination beyond the desk.
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