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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Filozof

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  1. Hi! I present to you my newest MOC - Apocaliptic diorama. As you can see, it's a part of city after Apocalypse - III World War. Sorry for background of photo - tommorow I leave. You can see it on LUGPol Exhibilition: http://www.brothers-brick.com/2010/06/30/lugpol-lego-exhibilition-in-warsaw-starts-july-10/ [pic=gallery]
  2. Your MOCs are really awsome, but why you using Lego Sets? You've got so many good Ideas, but sets doesn't match in your MOC. Try to build your own Droidekas, AAT, etc. Absolutely amazing Diorama!
  3. Sorry, I live in Poland, and I learning English too short. My fault. Does anybody say that he isn't?
  4. To cavegod cause i can't send to him pm. Please, answere in this topic. Your private message: Have you any proof, that DMAC's copied your shuttle?
  5. Oh, come on! He still telling "My MOC". Do you know what does mean MOC - My Own Creation. I think that he should called it My Stolen Creation. He should concede that he made MOD of Dmac's MOC. End Off-Topic, if you want to disscus - Private Message welcome :)
  6. "There Are no instructions"?? Come on man! Stop lying! In his gallery you can find file: sh-sitting.mpd and folder: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=102349 It's enough to build that awsome shuttle. He invented and bulit first, and you copied! Why there are differences between your and his - i think that you don't have enough parts. It's Dmac Shuttle, you just modify it.
  7. Filozof

    Red Door

    Thanks for comments! Exactly! ;)
  8. Filozof

    Red Door

    Hi! This is my new MOC - little scene with my technicfig - Raven. Tell me, what you think about it ;) FLICKR
  9. I forget about write, that this car is a part of my diorama. Thanks for comments, I'm glad to know that you like it :)
  10. Thanks! Yes, it's my imagination ;)
  11. Hi! Here it comes! My new MOC - Buggy. I wish you'll like it! Gallery: Photo = Flickr Brickshelf
  12. Filozof


    Hi all! Do you know about Brick Transport Tycoon Contest? Nexon - my MOC to 2 Challenge. And about Bonus: So here is - Nexon. Starship transporter. [pic=link] Enjoy!
  13. Hi! I found this video on youtube! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_b2BPAq_1w I open in full window, an i push "Print Screen". I see 2 Hoth battlepacks! 1. Imperial: Speederbike, white hoth version and 4 snowtroopers! Maby cannon, or something like this. 2. Rebel: I see 3 Hoth troopers and one rebel pilot. In this set is something like hovercar (?) And what YOU see on this photo/video? ;)
  14. If i want to move bel, i push it :) There aren't any mechanism - only gears ant belt. Maby someone more comment my Hangar? :D
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