LEGO Collectable Minifigures General Discussion
Are these new minifigs or just buttons?
Your dream Lego theme
A saving pvt. Ryan theme or call of duty. Also a Mobster theme would be cool.
Review : 7683 - Fight on the Flying Wing
First power miners and now this? New sets are poping up all over the place! Also the review is ok but the set looks ok.
Review: Set 8957 Mining Machine
Rock monsters hollow??? Wierd Mustache fig.???? I still think that power miners is going to be another exo-force for me I get the sets and they are fun to play with and mostly wierd parts so they just take up space...
Black Friday 2008
I got 2 lego sets at toysus but didn't care about the sale ang got peril in peru and cannon battle set.
Mystery FREE Raffle!
Sign me up I hope it is pirates!
Castle sets 2008/2009
Troll castle lets see how that turns out and the other rumored ones sound cool!
EB News Presents: Interview Index
Wow now it is time to review me.
The 2009 Pirate LEGO
The flag is upside down on the fort.
- The Eurobricks Reviewers Academy
What New Themes or Sets would you like TLG to make?
More building like cafe corner and stuff but smaller like a little 2 story house.
- The Eurobricks Reviewers Academy
EB Community Castle Build: Discussion Thread
I guess I would like to do a training ground.
2008 Picture thread
Clone battle pack is a winner can't wait!
2008 Picture thread
I cant wait for the new clone troop pack!
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