Everything posted by Venkefedo
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
Due to that Ten Numb head, I'd be fine with a "Sullustan-ears" headgear (hat & ears) if not a full molded head... but however they do it, we're long overdue for Nunb. Enough with Numb, give us Nunb! I'd also be fine if that Lando set is an ESB Cloud Car instead, too... an updated General (especially with Nunb) would be outstanding, but Bespin Lando's painfully overdue for an update. Mothma I'm kinda expecting in a Rogue One set. There are a few decent options for heads & hair for her with the existing torso print, tho, so she's not as pressing to update for me.
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
Definitely. Part's on the correct side, they've updated to dark tan, it's all good there. Very glad to see a new Han hair! Much better than the basic male hair or brown Old Han hair (which is great for a number of other characters, but never quite right for OT Han). If Skiff Han has that hair, then that's at least an improvement over the Carbon Freeze minifig!
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
...which means that we may be looking at two of the exact same figures from this year's Carbon Freeze set, with a Weequay and Chewie (who at least is in a smaller, cheaper set now) replacing the Ugnaught. Hopefully Boba will have printed arms this time... or a better gun... or a new jetpack! Something different than this year's Fett.
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
That seems counterintuitive. People would likely want more than the 1 or 2 Death Troopers in the shuttle set, and even most AFOLs won't want to shell out for multiple sets to get extra troops. No trooper should ever be exclusive to a ~$100 set. Named characters? Maybe. Annoying, but understandable. For troops, tho, more money would be made by throwing 'em in Battle Packs or other less-pricey sets, and fans would be much happier.
Battle Packs - Better models?
The Death Star turbo laser was pretty cool, and the recent Rebel speeder bike, and the old Hoth Rebel tank (maybe not the best build, but it was reasonably close to proper scale and based on an actual obscure vehicle from the films!)... more along those lines would be nice. There's a Ninjago bike in 70722 that I love so much, I bought parts to build the same bike for the other Ninjago guys and a slightly modified one for Batman. It's a great little build, a much better scale than the recent giant Batcycle or Kai's big red bike from an earlier Ninjago wave, and the perfect kinda thing for a Battlepack (albeit without wheels). Something more like that, less like this.
Updating Your Minifigs
Vader's own troops had very few clones in their numbers even 5 years after ROTS. The idea of the 501st remaining purely Jango clones is long gone. Most active during the war were decommissioned pretty soon after ROTS (months, most likely), and transferred to other roles such as training instructors at newly-minted Imperial Academies, since the Empire was met with applause and (personal conjecture here) there were likely millions eager to sign up and potentially join the military that won the Clone Wars & put down the Jedi rebellion. ISB Commander Beck is surprised to find a Jango-clone among her troops in the days following A New Hope (as shown in "Smuggler's Run"), but this stormtrooper, Torrent, proves fairly effective. Torrent is from a younger generation of clones and likely was an infant or still in the incubator at the end of the war.
Future Star Wars Minifigs
A Sullustan hat/ear piece. That'd be pretty wonderful... then you can easily update your Ten Numb from the last B-wing set! My main concern with a new OT X-wing helmet with dual-molding is that we'd have to gather a bunch all over again (Luke, Wedge, Dak, Porkins, Biggs, Hobbie/Dutch, Janson, Theron Nett, Zev, etc)... A longer saber hilt for double-bladed sabers! More blaster varieties! DC-17, EE-3, etc An Aqualish head that could be repainted with the extra eyes of PT Aqualish. But mostly so we can have Ponda Baba finally. A new Scout Trooper helmet. It's way past time for one! A new astromech body that's maybe 1 plate shorter and only has one stud on top, so the astromech heads can turn! (however that brings up the same issue as the X-wing helmet--needing to get that body in lots of colors & prints for variety!) That's all I've got for now!
Shadows of the Empire - Great potential?
Thrawn doesn't need the same story. It's the character that's important. He's a tactician who studies his enemies carefully, doesn't waste his forces carelessly, etc. That's what he'll be bringing to the table in Rebels: anticipating the tactics of his foes (Cham Syndulla, for starters, and reportedly fouling up a plan of Ezra's). No need for ysalamiri, Mount Tantiss, Spaarti cylinders, the Katana fleet, or a mad clone of a Jedi.
Future Star Wars Sets
Yeah, the code cylinders make it kinda complicated. Still, I'll overlook 'em if the only decent way to depict her is using the old Tarkin torso. I hope you're right about Thrawn! I agree that the gold bits would only be possible as little details near the top of the torso... which is fine! I wouldn't even object to them skipping them in the print; I can just throw a gold epaulette piece on him like I was planning on doing to the custom I'd prepped a couple years ago (and never finished...and misplaced! He's in some Lego bin of mine, awaiting a printed decal for his face & torso, decals I've drawn up or adjusted but have yet to print) Hopefully we'll see a YT-2400... and maybe an Imperial Mando BP at some point! They could use the same Mando helmet with the 'skull' print (a popular Arealight custom design!) and include the old helmet accessories...I think the little "headlamp" bits from Mando/Clone helmets could be turned upright to mimic the 'spikes' on the Imp Mando helms. Haven't tried it myself, but it seems plausible...
Shadows of the Empire - Great potential?
With a YT-2400 in Season 3--and a mystery pilot with black hair, a yellow shirt, and blue vest it seems--there's a chance Lego could make one as a set. It wouldn't be the Outrider, and likely wouldn't have Dash or Guri or anything, but it'd be a Jek-14's Stealth Starfighter as an E-wing!
Marvel Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
Better an exploding feature designed & built into a truck than a kid slamming a Lego truck into the ground or a wall to make it 'explode' a different way... a way that leads to a much bigger mess to clean up, and probably some painful encounters for anyone walking around without shoes on later that day (or the following week, perhaps!)
DC Superheroes 2016 - Rumors and Discussion
The Ultra Agents helmet would've been better, but as for why they didn't use it? Look to the "SDCC figure guessing game" thread. Many guessed they'd use the Ultra Agents helmet for him when he was confirmed as the DC offering... but most weren't happy about it, since then it'd make the figure a lot more desirable. More would've wanted the figure in part for that element in dark blue with trans-light-blue dual-molding, and therefore more would've been upset at being unable to acquire the figure without shelling out oodles of money. This way, fewer fans will be bummed to miss out on the figure. They can easily get the helmet itself, since it's available in dark blue already, and then custom-print stickers to make their own stand-in at home, if they so choose... ...and it frees up Lego to possibly use the UA helmet in another Atom down the line, should they ever make a more readily-available set used on the CW shows with Atom included. That may be a long shot, but it's still a possibility! I do like how they included a 'stand' that serves the same purpose as the builds in the Ant-Man movie set, to show that the hero shrinks. Clever! But, an easy pass... maybe we'll get a comic/toon-style Atom in a year or two! In the meantime, I can do without TV Ray for now quite easily.
Future Star Wars Sets
Good news! Grand Admiral Thrawn! Bad news! His uniform will be tan instead of white, because Rebels. (But seriously, based on the trailer, if they do a minifig of Governor Pryce--whose uniform is clearly gray in the trailer--in dark tan, I'ma have to write a letter to TLG... in the meantime, KOTCS's Irina Spalko head & hair plus existing Tarkin torso will do nicely; it doesn't show off any feminine features, but it's the right color with the right rank badge! Kinda odd that a planetary or sector governor would have the same badge as the governor of the entire Outer Rim, but whatever). As much as I hope TLG doesn't offer up any more dark-tan Imp uniforms, I really hope they don't just use Yularen's torso print for Thrawn and call it "good enough". New Zeb, new Sabine, new Kanan (make the mask a separate element? Or have masked/unmasked expressions?), new Ezra... Mandos, Biker Scouts, TIE Interceptors (with red markings!), a YT-2400 (with mystery pilot with black hair, yellow shirt, and blue vest!), Hondo, Azmorigan, Maul, Nightsister-y magic stuff, Wedge, Y-wings, maybe a buildable Bendu? Season 3 looks to have a lot to offer already... I hope TLG doesn't take a full year or more to get around to covering much of it! They had the Freemaker sets available before the show even aired, so it'd be nice to see some S3 trickle into the Winter wave.
Future Star Wars Sets
The Mon Calamari head finally got updated with the latest Ackbar minifig, and now we've got even more possible uses for 'em via the Rogue One BTS video from Celebration! There's a bluish-gray Mon Calamari guy about 30 seconds in, with a light gray mouth/throat... and behind him are a couple pale gray Mon Calamari standing around! Nice to see some 'skin tone' variety in the films! I'm sure these will be minor characters, the standing ones likely background fodder only, the seated two-toned guy maybe having a slightly larger role, but they could wind up in a set sometime. Might see more use of the Death Star Droid head, too, as there's a shiny one in the scene just before the Mon Calamari show up in the video! So we could get a nice clean one, rather than the grungy one from the Yoda Chronicles set.
Star Wars Rebels
Most likely, yeah. Which is okay... a new one would be ideal and very useful for that "close-cropped" look, but I'll be happy enough just getting a nice print for his new outfit (both torso AND legs!), and maybe--fingers crossed, no matter how futile a hope it is--an updated head print with a better skin tone. Looking forward to seeing if Sabine sports a new 'do, too... and if Zeb will get updated deco to better reflect Season 3 in next year's sets! At least there shouldn't be any more binoculars standing in for Ezra's saber hilt...
Marvel Superheroes 2016 Rumors And Discussion
...and yet you show a picture of a Spidey 1981 cartoon Me, too. It's still my 3rd favorite Spidey cartoon, after Spectacular Spider-Man & Ultimate Spider-Man. Cheesy, crude animation, goofy premise, but I loves it, warts & all. Would love to see an Iceman akin to the Electro they made... opaque torso, opaque hips, but trans-light-blue head, arms, and legs would be wonderful. Firestar would be pretty simple... just a couple new prints and the Pop Star/Warrior Woman hair in red maybe (tho Ariel hair may work as well... the feathered Pop Star hair's more fitting of SM&HAF tho). That'd be an awesome cheesy thing they could do. I loved it when the Ultimate Spider-Man comic paid tribute to the show... they already had Iceman and the Human Torch living with Pete at Aunt May's house (and those three are a great Amazing Friends group as-is, since Spidey & Johnny are such great pals in the 616 universe), but then they had Liz Allan become Firestar rather than Angelica Jones (who looked more like MJ in the cartoon anyway for some reason), so they got to have a Spidey/Iceman/Firestar appearance as well! That Spidey set... redundant Cap, but understandable, but otherwise great figures! And some Roxxon stuff for nice Marvel scenery!
DC Super Heroes (& LEGO Batman Movie) General Discussion
Gotham City Breakout arrived yesterday with Nightwing, and all is well! Swapped out his saber-blade batons for 3L black bars for now (might switch to the pearl dark grey variety later).
Updating Your Minifigs
The 'detailed ANH Luke' head (from the Advent Calendar, Sandcrawler, and Cantina set might be good for an older Luke, what with all the extra lines on it... the previous Luke head (Rancor Pit, Desert Skiff, etc) could be useful for Hobbie... the 'smile' head kinda has a "two fighters against a Star Destroyer?" look to the eyebrows That less-detailed Luke head also has the benefit of being in more sets and a lot cheaper on BL... pretty good generic head for many characters! I just ordered a Sheldon Cooper head to use for a Wes Janson... doesn't necessarily fit with any comic depiction of Wes, but the happy face on him looks like it might fit with the joking nature he had with guys like Wedge & Hobbie. Now to find a good torso for him...
- 71040 The Disney Castle Discussion
LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Not necessarily... the DS will likely have more minifigs than the Disney Castle, and more new prints. The Castle only has 5 minifigs (advertised, plus a couple knight 'statues' that are minifigs lacking only printed heads), while this will likely have many more, and that'll probably lower the part-count vs price.
Marvel Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
They are pretty great for those DC characters... might look good on a shelf with a Batmobile! Very few cosmetic changes need be made to 'em... I'm glad they used the old mold for this Hulk. It works. I really wish/hope they print some toes onto Red Hulk tho. While a minifig of the Leader might've been nice to see, his status in Agents of SMASH is irrelevant, as this set is not based on Agents of SMASH (no Red She-Hulk in the show, for one--aside from one of the Gamma Twins in the future--plus wrong deco/outfits for the other three)
LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Those blue blades do look good...but totally, utterly, "what were they THINKING"ly wrong for Ahsoka. Same with the Shaak Ti headpiece...the blue stripes look great, but that 'forehead' is terrible... if/when I get her, a TCW Ahsoka headpiece will replace that. Of course, I'd also like a spare head for my spare TCW Ahsoka, to ditch the big-eye head...
SDCC Superheroes Exclusive Minifigures Guessing Game 2016
In the Ultimate comics, she's definitely Spider-Woman... took the name Jessica Drew & everything. I'm not sure how that stacks up with the USM cartoon (where I think the "Spider-Girl" they've had dresses more like Mayday Parker), or whether she's in Earth-616 now post-Secret Wars (Miles made the jump over, but I don't know how many other former USM characters transitioned with him) They do some odd things with the Spidey sets... some are clearly more cartoon-based than others. Like, in the cartoon, Rhino is a guy who's mutated into a big rhino guy... but in the Lego set with Rhino, they based it more on ASM2's version--a guy in a mech-suit (which is sorta like what Ultimate Rhino was in the comics, but not 616 Rhino either). The Bridge Battle has the "Web Warriors" title, which screams 'cartoon', but Aunt May in the set is closer to a semi-classic 616 portrayal, while the cartoon's Aunt May is very much more like the Ultimate comic version--younger, hipper, just with shorter gray hair that doesn't get put in a bun. I'll throw in my agreement for the Rocket Raccoon or Azog model of SDCC exclusive figures... the Spider-Woman/Phoenix/Bizarro/Shazam model is no good. Tho it was still a bit troublesome to acquire that Rocket, being part of a TRU promo and dependent on how your local TRUs were managed and/or how many folks tried to get multiples.
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