Everything posted by Stash2Sixx
(GBW) Phase 2 - Information & General Discussion
Well deserved! You were a great builder when you joined but quickly became a standout, excellent builder!!!
(GBW) Phase 2 - Information & General Discussion
Greetings. Been MIA for a while, tons of stuff happened...but I think this is about the right time to reappear... So, where we at?
[MOC] United States Army Transportation Corps class S160 2-8-0 (Euro & North American Steam)
The Great Brick War- Phase 2 - The Battle is Raging! Join the Fight Now! There are new threats to peace and stability within the brick world we inhabit. Will you rise to confront this new evil or let your bricks shatter to pieces? Join the Fight Now! Weapons and Gear courtesy of
LUG Boxcar Swap
If you're a whiz at reverse construction, it's possible. Otherwise, if you wait for the premium instruction sets to come back into stock though, you'll have a MUCH easier time with it. And no worries, I've got 4 I'm bringing to Brickworld next weekend, 2 of which are already claimed (hopefully @ecmo47 and one from Empire Lug). I'll try to get a pic of my collection so far next weekend. And as you are in Australia, I know first hand what shipping is back and forth. I am willing to just swap the decals so you could build it with your own parts. And then likewise, I would have you just send the decals to me and I would build it to your color specs. No rush, I have plenty of decals made, I planned ahead!
- The Brick of Nations ---- Retired from Old Game
I feel like Eurobricks is something of an old boys club
Not a derailment, you are free to express your opinion. Since I am a moderator, I would be happy to explain. I want people to express their views, that's not a problem. When others try to shut fellow members up and get rude when they don't have the same views...there's a problem! Wish-listing is prohibited in that SW thread I was talking about, yet people still do it...that's a problem. The nasty attitudes towards others...that's a problem. So, I don't see a problem calling out laziness. It may seem harsh...but would you prefer I was all wishy washy and unclear as to what I was saying? When that happens, there's just more confusion or misunderstanding. Did you actually take a look into the SW 2019 thread I was talking about? Or did you assume I was just being mean and not realize there have been extreme issues in that thread in the past? If you assumed, then you have proven my point that laziness is all around the internet. If you did take a look, then you can see how many 'sour' personalities there are in that thread on some days. I'm not trying to cause an issue or problems. If I'm too honest or direct for you, that's who I am. I'll say the same about you to others as I would to your face. And if you don't have people to go to, reach out to the moderators. We can help find someone or offer up feedback ourselves. Maybe in the past some moderators ruled with an iron fist. We don't. Unless you try to be the Batman of Eurobricks...then we will squash that right away!
I feel like Eurobricks is something of an old boys club
Sorry to hear about your frustration @ProvenceTristram. Times change. Digital builds have become very popular; there are times I actually have to really study a build to see if it's digital or brick built. I also understand your rationale for building digital. Bricks cost money. A dedicated room/space to build costs money. TIME costs money!!! So if someone chooses to build in digital, then so be it. It shouldn't be a problem and if you encounter an issue with members being rude, then please let one of us know. The internet shines with's so much easier to put a like on a photo and not have to comment. And as we (the staff) have seen, this has become apparent on Eurobricks. Yet there are still tons of comments...but not where I think they belong. Example, take a look at how many pages of future released set topics there are and look at the quantity/quality of those comments. Wish-listing, hatred, bitching...and sometimes actual critique. And that's in just the Star Wars 2019 thread. I think you need to ask yourself, if you want critique, do you really want it from those people? I would not! I build for myself and if I need assistance, I have LUG members or members of EB who I can ask for help/observations. I find this community, for the most part, to be a friendly, welcoming community. Of course there are a few turds that need to be flushed now and then, Overall though, this is a fair, honest, friendly site. Made many friendships though this site and through conventions attended; I literally have couches across the world I can crash on. I've got a few builders in the Great Brick War game who have really improved in their building and photography skills. Problem is, the comments are usually from just those that participate in the game. These are people who are "literally" looking for feedback as they wish to learn new techniques, new ideas, new combinations to create...and unfortunately, they only get a few pieces of input. Honestly, since I have become staff, I don't get to look at as many builds as I used to, and that's on me. In your builds, do you ask for specific critique? Maybe for comments on a specific part or assembly? I mean, if people don't know you want some feedback, they may not give it. I understand your frustration, I really do. Try not to pigeon hole the entire site though. In the end, you can say what you want...with some limitation...but you don't want that to bite you in the ass in the long run. Issues, reach out to staff. Just ask around, I try to keep an open mind and help out all I can on this site. Stash / Adam
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
And I’m wracking my brain why you would jump to conclusions about why RogerSmith dislikes a color? How about before you go off making assumptions, maybe ask RogerSmith (politely) why he dislikes that color? Please, all of you, think before you post. There is way too much nasty behavior on this website when someone disagrees with another person... There is plenty of this in the real world, it doesn’t need to be here as well. NO MORE!!!
- Power Function Rechargeable Battery 8878
LUG Boxcar Swap
Please, PROD!!! Would love to get some UK items on the layout! Hoping to swap a car or two at NBD next weekend so I'll be sure to update flickr/facebook/eurobricks with a pic or two of where the swap is at.
LUG Boxcar Swap
I keep seeing all these great boxcar builds on Flickr, Eurobricks, and Facebook and I think how great it would be to have a few on my LUG's layout. So, I'm proposing a LUG boxcar swap. The idea is to create a boxcar for your LUG and have extras to trade with other LUGs at shows and conventions. Way back in the day, there was something similar called the container swap. LUGs (or members) designed a unique container that fit on the LEGO TTX cars and they had extras to swap with others. This project is a little bit larger in scale than the containers, but pretty much the same principle. You design your boxcars and have the decals created for your LUG. A few places I can suggest for decals are either OKBrickWorks or Maci's Monograms; both make quality decals and are willing to work with their customers. If you decide that you only want to swap decals, that's fine as well, as long as both parties agree. The main idea here is to create some diversity on our layouts and to foster a feeling of community. My suggested choice of boxcar is the BMR Pullman Standard PS-1 40' boxcar. It fits into any time frame and is fairly simple to add lots of customization. I've already started this with PENNLUG as you can see in the picture below. I have one almost ready for LUG PERU and am working on a car for CINCY LUG as well. Hopefully I'll have these ready in about a week for Nebraska Brick Days. Suggestions, thoughts, ideas, comments...interest...feel free to add!
[Factions Ep. I] Hangar 37
Fantastic build!!! I like how there is details and items scattered about, but not too much to over fill the area. The console is sweet in the back half, again, with all the gear and extra details. There are quite a few really thought out items in there I've seen and haven't seen before. It genuinely has a feel for a hangar from the Star Wars universe. Great job on the curve as well!
- Introduction and Country Selection Thread
- Introduction and Country Selection Thread
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yes, there is a huge issue. We will have 20 pages of people confused as to things coming out in 2019 or 2020. This has happened in the past. We have worked to avoid this. Lego has bumped items that were set to come out one year into the next. I know this for a fact. I worked there. There will be a 2020 SW discussion thread when the time is right. The second month of 2019 is not that time. So keep the discussion to 2019. Most of what is being discussed is a rumor for 2019 at this point with little to no confirmation. No need to confuse the masses by adding 2020 sets into the discussion.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
2019 set discussion. Let me help a few of you out by stating that again... 2019 set discussion. Ok, so stop with the 2020, or beyond. This is why threads get locked down. Focus on the conversation at hand, which are new sets for 2019. No more fighting over what a UCS set is, what a USC set is, what a MBS really doesn't matter. Please.
L7 - Korvaii - CorSec
Awesome build buddy!!! Reminds me of a scene from a movie where three idiots walk into a cop bar and try to rob it! Great usage of earth tones and off colors as well.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Hopefully is a good word for wishlisting. STOP IT! I’m running out of ways to say it nicely. As for people choosing what to share...I can see both sides of this. I knew of the reissued UCS Falcon months before I dropped any hints...I couldn’t say anything otherwise some people, those of you that have nothing to do but study stupid shit on the net, would have figured out that maybe I worked for a specific company with specific info. Add to that those of you who think your goal in life is to be internet famous will then go and post the info wherever you feel the need to. To those people, you really need to get some better goals. Too much? Too harsh? Suck it up! Way too many people have been treating others like crap in this forum. I see plenty of gripes about how LEGO sucks with their selection of forthcoming kits; why they didn’t choose “this” figure but chose “this” figure; how bad it is that we don’t get redesigned faces and overmoulded arms and legs... TLG is a company that wants to make money (they really love control too) and most of the time, they are way behind on things they shouldn’t be. You don’t like it, great, this is the place to voice your opinion. But it’s just that, YOUR opinion! Someone else is allowed to differ with your view. There is no need to act like an asshole, yes I just typed that, because someone doesn’t do things the way you do...or they don’t share your same view. They aren’t wrong, they’re just different. Different views are allowed in here. There’s way too much of this high and mighty crap in the community lately and as long as I’m in here, I refuse to allow it. So please, speak freely, speak honestly, but if you choose to act like a tool...I got a shed I can put you in. Any questions or concerns, feel free to message me directly or post them in my favorite thread on the site. Stash
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Dude, seriously??? What part of “no more Finch talk in here” wasn’t clear?
The Great Brick War - Phase II
The Great Brick War- Phase 2 - GOING LIVE FRIDAY! Sign Up Now! There are new threats to peace and stability within the brick world we inhabit. Will you rise to confront this new evil or let your bricks shatter to pieces? Join the Fight Now! Weapons and Gear courtesy of
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Perfectly stated. It should have its own topic. No more Finch talk in here please. Thank you. Thank you very much!
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
All this Finch talk...this is pertaining to an item from a 2019 set right? Because if it is not from a 2019 set...there would be a separate thread about it. I would hate to have to shut this thread down because people were misusing it, or remove quite a few members for carrying on a conversation where it really doesn't belong. 2019 Star Wars set discussion is for discussing the 2019 Star Wars sets...not sure how that got misconstrued...
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
This added absolutely nothing to the conversation. You believe, but are not you know nothing then? Let’s think before we type and hit the “submit reply” button please. Great! Another site is welcome to post whatever they want on their website. We, Eurobricks, try to keep a lil bit of order here...ESPECIALLY IN THIS FORUM! So please, no more hoping, no more wishing... Those members that feel like adding wishlists to their posts and want attention, I am happy to oblige and get you some staff attention.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
And that is a perfect demonstration of what wishlisting is. Please, do not do that. If you have proof, even if you cannot say what/who you got the info from, then fine. But the instance you use the words "hope, hoping, would like, would really like, should be getting, etc...", you have created a wishlist.
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