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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by Stash2Sixx

  1. Stash2Sixx replied to TESLA IS THE FUTURE's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    Taken from the Site Guidelines! Age: Eurobricks is a site intended for an adult audience, which for the purpose of these guidelines are people of around the age of 18 or greater. We reserve the right to ban anyone who does not meet that requirement. Posting that you are not an adult is a quick way to be banned. If you choose to ignore these guidelines and sign up anyway, it is not our responsibility if you are offended by what you read or see. Similarly, if you are an adult who is offended by what is often labeled as adult content, you should probably avoid this site. Posting, spam and off topic topics: Off topic posts can be great fun between friends, but they do run the risk of making a topic unreadable to other members. We ask you to try to stick to the thread topic. In most cases we are happy to leave this to your judgment, but we will step in if we feel you have gone too far. Posting in "old" topics is generally frowned on, but it's a complicated topic. Read here for more details on this. Remember: Eurobricks is a LEGO fan site, thus we want most topics here to be LEGO related. If you find you are posting mostly non-LEGO topics then maybe you have picked the wrong site. Clone and Competitor Brands: A Clone brand or competitor brand, is a product manufactured by a legitimate company. For Example Oxford,Mega Blocks. Kreo or Character Building. These are companies that do not infringe copyrights and provide a competitor product, such as licenses and themes LEGO do not produce. It is fair to discuss, compare and share these brands and their products in the Community section of the Forum. Bootlegs, Rip-Offs and Fakes: These manufacturers copy designs and minifigures from LEGO, other companies and even fans, to produce their own infringing products which they then sell, often at knock down prices. There are hundreds of names attached to these products and varied quality between them. We will no longer accept discussion and sharing of these products on Eurobricks. Most of these "brands" are facing legal cases and we have no interest in supporting them by providing a place for their criminal products to be seen. LEGO Ideas: If you have a great MOC, that is also a LEGO Ideas project, you may present it on EB as you would any MOC, with a single link to the Ideas entry. Make the title about the MOC, not the Ideas business; don't be too shouty, and it is likely to be tolerated. You need to be thinking: 'I want people on EB to see my MOC and comment on it. If they like it, perhaps they'll support it on LEGO Ideas', rather than: 'I want Ideas support! If I post it on EB, perhaps more people will vote!. Selling, self promotion and promoting: New members are not allowed to sell/trade on this site, but we do allow long term members to do so in the Buy/Sell/Trade/Finds forum; be sure to read the rules to this forum before posting there. We occasionally allow exclusions to this rule but you need to contact the staff first. We NEVER allow the personal message system to be used to spam or contact members to make sales offers. If you engage in this practice, you will be subject to an immediate ban. The only time the personal message system should be used is when both parties have previously agreed to that form of communication. We take no responsibility for any transaction that takes place as a result of contact made on this site. If you have a problem with a transaction, you should discuss it with the other party, not us. Quite simply, know who you are dealing with and act accordingly. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Please don't use Eurobricks as a billboard. You may certainly post links to your site in your signature, but don't join just to advertise your site. This includes reviews/MOCs/contests posted on off-site forums. Images: Don't post images that are over 1,024 x 768 (or 768 x 1,024 for pictures with a portrait orientation) or are LEGO confidential. Images rarely need to be over 800 x 600, and any that are over 1MB (including GIFs) are not allowed unless there is admin approval. BMPs are never allowed. Avatar images should be 100 x 100 (and under 20k if hosted on EB), and may not be more than 400 x 400 (and 100k, even if hosted remotely). No animated GIFs are to be used as avatars. Before registering, please familiarize yourself with these tutorials to learn how to reduce your own images. Also, when quoting, don't quote images unless it is specifically needed. This just fills up posts with repeat images for no reason. If you find an image of a new LEGO set and it is incredibly blurry or stamped "Confidential", it is a leak-please don't post it here. If you are uncertain, PM a member of the staff for guidance and include a link to the questionable material. Signatures: As a rough rule, you may use up to four pictures each with a maximum pixel height of 200, a file size of 250k and no more than 200 words. If your sig is bigger than your average post, it can confuse someone reading a thread and you may be asked to reduce it, or a staff member may do it for you. Some exceptions may be made on a case by case basis, but please try to limit the space you use. Font size should be kept to a minimum: ideally no bigger than size 3. No animated GIFs are to be used in your signatures. Manners and Serious Topics: Don't be offensive to other members. We like Eurobricks to be a friendly place to discuss LEGO and won't allow posts that are intended to offend or attack. For the same reason, topics (or avatars and other expressions) about religion or politics are not welcome on Eurobricks. English skills and Clarity: Try to be clear and precise when posting and use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. We do tolerate bad English as we are a site that welcomes users from all around the world, but we don't tolerate laziness. No l33t sp34k or "texting language". We don't criticize international users who are non-native English speakers, but are trying to post in English. You probably couldn't do as well in their language. Bear this in mind. Privacy/Personal Information: This is the internet, the things you post will be picked up by search engines and could potentially live on forever. Keep that in mind when you post. If you don't want something you say to be associated with you later, don't say it. We do not delete user accounts or posts, so create them responsibly. Staff: The staff are here to help you. Do not debate staff issues with them. Feel free to make suggestions as we are happy to hear them, but if you are told that something is against policy, the discussion is over. Similarly, if you're not staff don't act like you are. Telling new members site rules from time to time is one thing, but don't make a habit of being a mini-modder. Use the "Report" button instead. By registering on this site, you agree to having read and understood all of the terms herein. You also agree that you have never been a registered member at any time previously. Multiple accounts will result in instant banning. These guidelines may change. Please refer to them any time you are in doubt. - The Eurobricks staff -
  2. Someone posted something...I have no way to know if it is reliable or not now do I? And yes, there is a reason that there is not a 2019 thread up yet.
  3. This thread collects everything you think you know about 2019 LEGO Star Wars sets; discuss your opinions here! Please read before posting: Stay on target. No wish lists. Remember that this topic is for discussing sets that are rumored to come in 2019. If it's something you wish to see or something you think that we will see sometime in the future, but not something that's actually rumored to be a 2019 set, then it is pure speculation and it belongs in the Future Star Wars Sets topic. (We also have a topic for minifigures you want to see, which might be more appropriate.) No fighting. Yes, we actually have to post that! If you post news in this thread, it will not be transferred over to the 2019 News thread. Be smart, think about what you are posting and in what thread you are posting. This IS your warning! If you choose to post fabricated information; you can expect to be banned. It's not worth the fifteen minutes of internet fame. Do not post watermarked or confidential images; they will be removed and the poster will be dealt with appropriately. As stated in our Member Guidelines: This topic is for 2019 discussion, not 2020, and not 2018. We will make a new topic when we feel it is necessary. If your post was on the boards, and now it's not...there is a good chance it was either hidden or moved. Off topic posts, placing info in the wrong thread, or a request from LEGO to remove something; these are all possible reasons why something may have disappeared. Eurobricks Star Wars Forum Spoiler Policy With regards to upcoming sets and rumors: Read at your own risk. This is a topic about potential items to be released. If you do not want to know, stay out of these forums!!! With regards to spoiler tags: these are not required and we will not force anyone to use them. That being said, I'm sure if you did use them, the community would be a much happier place! Please be respectful of others. If a member used a spoiler tag, their intention was to keep something quiet; it was a courtesy to others. If you choose to comment on the contents of that spoiler tag, please refrain from publicly mentioning what the contents of the spoiler were!!! With regards to movies: We feel that two weeks from the release date is an ample amount of time for most people to view a movie. Once a movie is released in the US, we the staff, will do all we can to curb the usage of spoilers in any of the topics in the Star Wars forum for two weeks. If you do not see the movie within two weeks, then you read here at your own risk. This is the policy in the Star Wars forum, going forward. If you did not agree with us in the past, so be it. From this point on, we will not police the threads unless something becomes an issue. We ask that members not minimod (directly telling other members how to behave ) in the thread and tell others to use spoiler tags. If something is a problem, please inform the mods by reporting it. Any questions, please ask in the appropriate thread.
  4. Speaking for myself only here... Took on some extra out-of-work activities (read: exercising more) so that is eating up a portion of my free time. Also, I've taken on more at work with a few employee shortages as of late. LEGO wise, I have always been a castle fan and wanted to get involved in GoH before, but never did. So, I've started some builds there; two RBG going on for me. I'd love to get involved in the Star Wars one that's upcoming with their revamps, but I honestly don't think I'll have time for three! Still involved in GBW, not going anywhere, just difficult to participate in the last few months. Oh yeah, broke both of my elbows first week in June for those of you that didn't know. Still recovering.
  5. I think what we meant to say was..."Thanks for the entries for this round everyone. Looks like most of you were very busy as we only had 2 entries for Campaign 8!"
  6. You make a purchase and they give you something free for making that purchase. If you really want to get into an argument over how TLG words their promotions, then this is not the place to do it. There has been entirely too much crap in this thread. If you don't know what I'm talking about, read over the last 10 pages! If you have a problem with someone, report it, let the mods sort it out. No more handling these things on your own, it causes too much clutter. No one here is the Batman of the forums. Act like Batman and you'll visit the Mods for a lil special time. If you guys, and girls, choose to express your opinions, then this is the place to do it. Just know that your opinions can go against someone else's and disagreements might happen. Act mature people, act as if you all know what to do in here. Otherwise, I've got no problem locking this up if it turns into a personal battleground. Thank you.
  7. Not a problem, always wise to ask before committing to something...I get it.
  8. Hi @Professor Thaum, I guess I should leave the 'edited by' part when I update these. I actually updated this and the AAR thread a few weeks back so it is currently up to date and both lists are the same. Feel free to choose a nation, or alliance and sign up. We will have at least one more Campaign after the current one is completed, and then we will reset and change some things for when the next phase starts. Questions, please ask!
  9. Stash2Sixx replied to Mesabi's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    1. NILTC uses the LEGO rechargeable batteries and I've found, on average, they last about 6 hours+. They run for 2 hours, and then have an auto cut off. That can go for about three rounds. Dual motors on a train can cut that in about half though. 2. If there is a way to set the trains to run and forget about them, we haven't bothered to find it. We always have someone at show with running trains. Never know when something will happen so we have found it's always a good idea to have someone available. 3. Independent self run layout, no. A layout that utilizes PF trains, any, and all, of our layouts.
  10. Not easy...but if you want to make a kind gesture... And that would count as bribery, which of course, I will be sure to turn my head or log off for a week if you need to go nuts on the site or something.
  11. It's not really laziness if there aren't a whole lot of others using it as a technique. I saw it once somewhere else, but couldn't tell you where; it was years ago. I'll have to find the video and take a look, thanks for the info!
  12. Quaint little cottage, very aged! The stone work on the building itself is something to look at, but that roof really draws you in. Of course, everything is better with goats! Great build!
  13. Stash2Sixx replied to Oky's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    Let's be honest, unless someone is on the fence, the majority of people know what they like and dislike. I don't go to a movie to sift through everything with a fine tooth comb, I go to be entertained. Having a member go watch a video where someone else tears a movie apart they like? Doesn't seem like the smartest thing to tell someone to do. Also, use periods please, run on sentences, like so many other things, can just be confusing, and if someone doesn't know where to stop reading, then they will just keep going, and going, and going. Thanks! Have fun!
  14. Stash2Sixx replied to Oky's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    Easy does it. You're more than welcome to offer your opinion, ALL OF YOU, but realize others have the ability to offer theirs as well. Be courteous and respectful. If this gets bad, which I feel it's about to do, I'll deal with it as needs be. Thanks!
  15. The reversed roof build is so simple, yet really stands out in this build. Not that there aren't a few other things that stand out. Sorry I couldn't make it to Brickfair this year to see everything, including this. I need to go fave one of these shots on Flickr right now. Thanks for sharing!
  16. Keep calling it out in here and let us know. I tend to find 2, maybe 3 as I check my phone before I pass out nightly, usually about 2am CST. Most I have ever seen is 8 or 9? So yeah, we try to keep up. Thank you all.
  17. My layout is called the "Northern Illinois LEGO Train Club's Rail Yard". I don't have the room at home to set up the rail yard so it pretty much goes to our shows. Of course, I'm not the only one who is part of the layout, as it is the club layout (NILTC). I choose to use current railroads and fallen flags, with no rhyme or reason...makes it more fun to do what I want to. The layout isn't based on any actual city. As I live outside Chicago, there are plenty of rail yards for me to glance into and get some ideas. Unfortunately, not as easy to access as they used to be... Made a trip out to Bailey Yard in North Platte, Nebraska a few years ago, got a lot of good photos and ideas from that trip. Currently working on more buildings for background, a container yard, and a new and updated engine house. Eagerly anticipating the 104 switches because the little LEGO ones are the worst. Still a bit to do, but I've got time.
  18. Great looking ship, as stated earlier, very appropriate for the time period! A solid build with many lil details, really easy to miss in the small pics of EB, but on your Flickr page, they shine! Any desire to go with cloth sails, or you just chose to stay brick built for now?
  19. Ok, I'm in! I signed up years ago, YEARS AGO, and chose Mitgardia. Due to working management at a LEGO store, I didn't really have time to build on my own, ironic right? So, I never properly withdrew from the team. That being said, only right that I fulfill the pledge I made! So I will join (rejoin) Mitgardia. Unfortunately, I'm a bit limited as of right now, broke both elbows a week before Brickworld Chicago, hopefully cleared sooner than later, but I have started building small scale. I really want to work on my castle-like building skills and I think this is the perfect place to further that. That being said...I'll develop a new figure within the next week and get going on a back story. Looking for a climate similar to the Midwest USA, where my guy can farm during the summer months, but within/nearby the mountains...if possible? Roughly, what location would I be looking at? Thanks in advance.
  20. Anyone waiting until later to make a pledge and support this...it’s kind of ‘later’ now.
  21. Also, check out these . The builds aren't only for Castles and both @LittleJohn and @soccerkid6 know what they are doing when it comes to bricks!
  22. Great scene. Good choice with multiple types of ground/terrain. Rocks, sand, dirt; all of these are very noticeable. The attention to detail here is superb. I would love to check out your additional photos as well; you may want to add a link in the post or put a flickr link in your signature? Thanks for sharing! edit: I added the link for you!
  23. Realistic or not, I think it looks awesome! But isn't that the point? Take some creative license and make what YOU WANT! BTW, a BNSF heritage fleet would be amazing!
  24. Stash2Sixx replied to Cylo's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    So far, for me, Dark Red, Reddish Brown, and Pearl Gold have been the fragile ones. I've heard that the problem has been resolved as well...time will tell.
  25. No, I don't think that's necessary.
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