MOC: Dockyard Rail Freight Terminal
Nice crane and ship. This is exactly something I would like to apply to my own harbour. I might use your crane for inspiration to make my own. Keep up the good work.
MOC: Power Functions High Sped Train with automatic doors
Well done. I really like the powered doors.
MOC: Medieval Market Village Diorama
Fantastic MOC!
MOC: Kiosk with merchandize
Very nice work. It looks just like "the real thing". All the stickers add a lot to the realism of the scene, (but it must be a real job to make them....) I'll certainly keep that in mind for my own MOC's.
MOC: Office Building
Nice building. All the glass makes it look like it has been modernized, as was mentioned earlier in this tread! I really like the details on the roof. Particularly the birds.
Welcome to EB. looking forward to see some of your creations. I'm going to London in August. Where is the best place to buy Lego?
10197 Fire Brigade
well, there is no point of stopping producing modular houses. I'm certainly going to buy this as well. After reading through all the posts at this topic, I'm glad to see that most people like the Firestation. But I also see that it is tough to be a Lego designer these days... Me too like the old looking firetruck. As was mentioned earlier; we have some new ones from the recent years to replace the old one with if we'd like to. The only thing I'm dissatisfied with, is the thickness of my wallet... Module on!!!
Sedona Locomotive 4-6-2
Nicely done. I really like your color scheme too. Clever way of motorizing your train as well. Keep up the great work.
MOC: Liquid gas transport by train
Thanks for positive remarks. The wagon itself isn't that exiting I think. I made the containers so they would fit on a flatbed. I haven't actually seen anyone of these myself, because there are no trains where I live. But as was mentioned earlier in this tread, someone thought it looked like something they've seen before. Liquid gas has to be transported in one way or another... Anyway here are some more pictures taken from MoCPages. (I didn't want to post too many large pictures at first)
MOC: German fire engine
Nicw debut after returning from the dark ages. Cool fire engine, and really nice details and equipment. I'd also like to see a 6-8 stud wide engine som day.... good luck with the fire station.
MOC: Liquid gas transport by train
Had some white cylinders lying, and made a transport-container for liquid gas. The containers can transport any kind of gas. More pictures can be seen at MoCPages.
My Humble Little Collection
Nice town/city collection you have there. I see that we share the same taste for sets I really want a glass cabinet like yours to display my collection as well
MOC: Brickenridge
Nice little town. I agree wiht those who commented on your interior. You have done som good work there. The exterior doesn't seem to have the same standard though. Keep building!
moc: snowed in (8x16)
Nice job, and funny too. Coming from the northern part of the world, I have experienced my share of snow... Haven't eaten anybody yet, but one never knows...
Invitation to give input to new LEGO Play Themes
Theme Name: Tribes or Jungletribes. Characters: Good guys: Jungle Grump is a "Tarzan like" character and he lives toghether with his tribe consisting of humans. Bad guys: The Ape-king with his tribe of apes. They are something between humans and monkeys (the missing link). Conflict: They fight over resources like food (fruit, fish and game) and territory. The jungle isn't big enought for both tribes, and the tribe that controls the "crystal flame-maker", has the ability to make fire. Setting:The setting is in the jungle thousands of years ago in the late Stoneage (neolitikum). Jungle Grump and his tribe live in treehouses, and the Apes live in caves. Background Info: The tribes have primitive tools they use for weapons or harvesting crops. The "crystal flame-maker" is a special crystal which were found in the mountains a few hundred years ago. Its shape has been made by nature. If it is used in bright sunlight it can consentrate and direct sunlight like a magnifying glass and make fire. This is a resource that both tribes want to keep for themselves, and it has been fighting over this crystal evere since it was found. I hope this theme can make way for new animals and tools. Some new minifig clothing (or fur) is also a natural part of the theme.
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