Everything posted by Karto
Yellowing in MISB sets
Another possible reason: Your set might have been restored. Yellowing can be treated with Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), BUT depending on the cause of the yellowing (UV, smoke or BFR), the results may not last very long. I have treated sets that showed equally yellowed bricks. It looks like this is usually caused by the Bromine Flame Retardants breaking down (Bromine is brown). The results were impressive, but after a few months without any UV/Smoke exposure, the yellowing on white bricks came back and got even worse. I cannot recall having the same issue with other colors such as grey or blue... If the blue bricks were also treated against yellowing, they might look slightly lighter than other blue bricks from the same period.
The oldest set you have ever found in a toy shop?
A couple years ago, a store called Vavantas nearby Louvain in Belgium, decided to get rid of all their old Lego stuff to make room for the new lineups. They advertised it by offering a 50% off on everything and that's how I learned about this store. It's a family business and they have three stores in total (that's what you need to look for!). They sell cloths, office furniture but they also have a nice selection of toys including Lego. I went there and I had the chance to find some old 12V sets and supplementals (including a 7866 Remote Controlled Road Crossing) and old town sets (Legoland and System) from the 80s. They were sitting there waiting for me for 20+ years . Note: Now there's only new stuff. Unfortunately, this is extremely rare to come by here in Belgium. The Americanization of the retailing industry has lead to the disappearing of smaller toy stores. Only a few remain because they specialize (usually in what they see as high-end toys: expensive wooden and metal toys). Large toy store chains don't keep older sets somewhere in an attic.
New Yellow Castle (375, 6075) Parts
Imo, It's almost impossible to get an accurate inventory at this level. As TLC didn't keep track of anything back then, not even of the sets they produced (sigh), they certainly won't be able to help identifying mold life spans. It seems already difficult to gather accurate parts inventories on BL - for older sets - based on investigations, I can't imagine what a mess we would get if we look at the mold types. Besides this lack of information sources, there's also a more pratical issue here. I've been collecting sets (1978-97 mainly) for several years and I do pay attention to those details (side pips, cellulose vs ABS, Pat Pend., open inner studs, inner markings, etc.). Even if you can make some general statements, it's not possible to be really precise. I think production lines were too inconsistent to be able to keep track of this. For example, the yellow castle 375 you're selling parts for: I own two copies of the same version (type I stickers), both have been build once (mint) and have never been mixed up with other sets. In both copies, all of the 1x1 and 1x2 yellow bricks have the side pips. On the other hand, one copy has all the 1x3 with side pips but not the other one. This is just one example. Almost every set has such a story of mixed part types (that would fit a Blu-Ray ). But yet, I still hope to see such an inventory pop up somewhere...
Review: 6506 Precinct Cruiser
I always liked that one.
Collecting MISB sets
Well I've read your post again and it doesn't really change my interpretation (scuse my English ). I just want to point that there is quite a difference between saying: "I prefer building" and "I prefer building and I don't understand how you can prefer to store boxes and might so be missing the whole point of LEGO" (atleast, that's what I read). That comes indeed from your perspective, but it feels more like you're giving your opinion about someone else. I'll try to explain myself by using a similar statement from my perspective: I realy like to collect complete original sets and in fact I don't really get it how you can spend hours building horrible things, then posting pictures, hoping to get a lot of positive comments and starting all over again. Doesn't that sound, well... a bit unfair? I didn't really want to point your post in particular neither did I want to sound harsh (seems I usually do ), but I rather looked to make a general statement (as Johnnyvgoode refered to at the end of his initial post). Strange enough, almost every time we are speaking about collecting sealed sets, we get proses on the 'purpose of LEGO' or on how people don't understand this way of collecting (an opinion always comes from a personal perspective). In fact, there's nothing to understand. Peace and love my friend.
Collecting MISB sets
tbh, I have a hard understanding of how some people seem to think that their way of enjoying a toy is better than someone else's. The only purpose of LEGO is to be sold. I guess everyone has his own way, some like to destroy their bricks, others like to build and a few like just to own them. Every time someone speaks about sealed sets, we got a bunch of people basically insulting the guys who like collecting them (that might seem a little harsh, but that's how I feel when I read comments with such negative opinions about other AFOLs ways). Is it really that hard to understand that LEGO sets can be collected just as coins, Coca-Cola stuff or paintings? I really don't get it. Sorry this not very constructive, but once in a while, I'm in the mood to answer To answer the first question of the thread: I collect sets, usually near mint or sealed (who would have guessed thath? ) and I've reached my goal of owning all town and train sets produced between 1978 and 1997. Maybe it's time for me to start collecting MegaBlo... no, just kidding.
Reference for US/EU boxes in classic town sets?
All the 1xxx town sets are either promotional or limited releases, usually exclusive to a store chain and limited to one or a few countries. So, it might be tricky to find out were it was sold. Limited releases based on dragster racing and other exotic car sports were usually intended for the US market as regular sets (such as 1461, 1477, 1496, 1497, 1517, 1518, 1528, 1572, 1612, 1631, etc.) but some were also released elsewhere as exclusives. In the case of 1665, the set was released in atleast one European country: mine, Belgium . I got it back at the time when we were quite lucky in Belgium (mid 80s to 90) to have a lot of exclusive sets such as the 1525 Containrer Lorry, 1472 Holiday Home, etc. I do remember having seen a 1665 US box (with 'Town System' written below 'Legoland' on the front) but I can't find any examples, I'm not sure though. Set 1821 was a US only set imo. I got mine shipped over a few years ago.
Reference for US/EU boxes in classic town sets?
Honestly, I don't know about Pirate sets. I've more experience with town sets. Now the period between 1991 and 1992 might be tricky because that's the time when TLG started to re-think the box layouts and introduced the 'SYSTEM' concept. About the 6541 Intercoastal Seaport: Sets produced until 1991 were still in yellow 'Legoland' boxes. Some of them were reproduced the next years, either due to good sales (sets were usually produced in one batch for several years of sales) or maybe because they planned the change of the general color scheme and produced less boxes with the old layout. These reproduced sets were then delivered in the new blue 'System' box. I've for example two European boxes of the 6389 Fire Control Center, a yellow 'Legoland' one from 1990 and a blue 'System' one dated from 1992. It seems also the case in the US as you can find a 1991 US version yellow box of the 6541 Intercoastal Seaport. I don't know about the 4551 crocodile engine. I don't see it in my US catalogs and it seems no US sellers has one for sale on bricklink. I didn't even know S@H existed in the early 90s
Reference for US/EU boxes in classic town sets?
Only US boxes had the triangle.
Reference for US/EU boxes in classic town sets?
It's typical for US boxes. The differences that I can recall are as follow (starting with the appearance of the minifig in 1978): - Between 1978 and 1980, the numbering was different in the US. The rest of the world (including Canada) used the European standard. - Starting from 1980, the same numbering was used for Legoland sets (1978-1992) and System sets (1991-1999) but some differences on the US box layout remained due to legal issues and commercial choices: The piece count (on the front for Legoland, on the side or on the front for System). A (large) safety warning statement. The set name. Starting from 1990, the theme showed up at the top-right corner. The address of the US offices only. The European boxes had none of these specifications on the box. In fact, the European box type was more likely the International version. It was also distibuted to Japan, China and probably other countries outside the EU. From 13 to 15 languages were used on the side for informational messages and the required European Conformity CE marking was also present. The Canadian boxes were also different until 1990. Packaging was outsourced to Samsonite which was also stated on the box. The box structure could be different, like the fact they didn't use trays on mid-range legoland sets (ie. the 6373 Motorcycle shop). The legal statements were also on the box, but always in English and French, obviously (tabarnak!). Note: These differences apply on boxes from the 80s and the 90s. The current system is probably different.
Reference for US/EU boxes in classic town sets?
1782 Isn't a US only set. There are atleast two versions of the box: - The US version with the 'Divers' theme in the right upper corner, the piece count at the right bottom and the 'Building Toy' reference below the Lego logo (usually in English / French and more recently English / French / Spanish). - The European version without any reference. I suppose this set was released in the UK and Germany as you sometimes see it for sale on and by non-Lego collectors. Most of the other 17xx sets were also released elsewhere. I think only the value packs 1721, 1722 and 1729 are US only. The sets from 1772 up to 1775 were only available through some airline companies (Asian and European for sure, don't know about North American).
Reference for US/EU boxes in classic town sets?
American 'legoland' and 'system' boxes are quite easy to recognize. They all have the peace count on the front (english/french), the set name on the side and for the 'system' boxes you'll also find the theme in the upper-right corner on the front. The European boxes don't have all these specifications. Canadian boxes from the 80s have the peace count but are usually packed somewhat different. Packaging was done locally by Samsonite which is also stated on the box itself. Now talking about European issues is in my mind totally wrong, and that's one of the major problems with the German Collector's Guide. Sets may be available in some European countries but not everywhere. There were a lot of local limited/promotional releases in Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, The UK and Denmark. The coastal base set 6387 mentioned above was only available in the UK (regular issue there) and on a very limited base in The Netherlands (which is why there's a European style box). I don't call this 'available in Europe'. I'm also interested in an accurate source but I'm afraid there isn't. As stated by one of the creators of the Collector's Guide, they based their book on personnal experience, on lots of research (mainly in official catalogs and advertizement) and with some limited help of TLG itself (but without archives...).
Can you tell which set is this from the picture of it's bags and s
It's a clone brand, probably from 'Enlighten'. Look here.
Whats the BEST deal you ever found?
I've got a MISB Technic 8868 Air Tech Claw Rig from 1992 for 20€ a few days ago at a flea market. The seller told me that it was probably worth 50, but he was happy to sell it for 20. I didn't say anything besides 'thanks'
How used is "used" on bricklink?
Although you would expect from a specialized site such as Bricklink to get much better used parts than elsewhere (eBay...) you might be a bit disappointed. The difference lies at the service level. Bricklink sellers often offer some sort of guarantee and packaging is better. I collect sets so I try to pay attention to the type of parts I use to 'restore' older sets. Sets from the late 70s / early 80s for example have lots of parts with molding marks on the side instead of on the top of a stud. A few brickling sellers make these differences (with the prices going along). You would expect from a store with 1000+ positive feedbacks, higher prices and paying such attention to details to provide quality items? No... One of my last orders was a mess. About 40% was pure trash including heavy bitemarks, discoloration and even glue leftovers... About half of my orders (always used parts) are missing items or have the wrong ones. I get used to this, so I usually order more than I need and that's actually a shame. In the end, it's about finding the good store - which is consistent in its quality (if someone knows one for used parts?). I buy from both sites and each one has its advantages. Bricklink offers the possibility to select by peace but buying for the first time at a store is a real shot in the dark. Lots on eBay come usually much cheaper and atleast, you can see from pictures what you get. On the quality level, I've got better 'used' parts from eBay. Note: For new parts, it's obviously another story...
How to store Lego instructions?
You may use 4 ring binders instead of 2 and better sleeves, like the ones used by banknote collectors.
- Yellowing in MISB sets
Retail cost of Lego
I remember back in the early 90s a retailer telling me that the business relation with TLG was quite special: The minimum order amounts were high, making it hard for smaller stores. The buying prices per unit were very low compared to the suggested retail prices (40 to 80% lower) but then again, you were supposed to follow these suggested prices closely. TLG was very powerful at the time ... I'm wondering how the policy is turning these days.
Yellowing in MISB sets
Some input from my experience: Direct or indirect UV exposure causes yellowing mainly on the exposed sides, especially on white, blue and gray bricks. In case of long-term exposure, even yellow parts are affected. I'm currently preparing an article on my use of industrial hydrogen peroxide (30%). It will be based on sets of the 80s, built once (mint) and exposed on a shelf for over a decade. White bricks have turned brown... As said before, UV doesn't affect bricks which are in closed boxes. Boxes that are exposed to direct sun light, will fade but the parts inside won't change. Note: Cellulose parts are very sensible to UV and cannot be 'cleaned'... Smoke also causes yellowing but on a more even scale, on several sides of parts. On the other hand, it seems that less ABS types and lower pressures are affected. Boxes exposed to smoke won't be affected but some of the parts inside might be. I've encountered this a few times with sealed boxes where very specific, mostly white parts have yellowed over time. ie. The white wheel rims of a 8880 MISB set, which are apparently made of lighter ABS, have yellowed in a smoky environment. I collect mint/MISB sets and tbh until now, I have never encountered a new set, which has yellowed bricks and that has been stored in a UV-free and smoke-free environment.
Latest updates on LEGO set sales
A few interesting sales at Colruyt in Belgium: Some stores are selling out all there Toy Story stuff at 50% off. This applies on their retail prices which are already way lower than the MSRP. - 7597 Western Chase Train: 29 Euro (MSRP: 99,99 Euro) - 7594 Woody's Roundup: 19,75 Euro (MSRP: 59,99 Euro) - 7599 Garbage Truck Getaway: 19,75 Euro (MSRP: 59,99 Euro) - 7593 Buzz's Star Command Spaceship: 9,75 Euro (MSRP: 39,99 Euro) I also got the new Hogwarts Castle (4th ed.) at 42 Euro (MSRP: 129,99 Euro), but there was only one of them at my local store. I don't know if this was a one-shot.
LEGO catalogues reference?
The only source I know of is Bricklink. Most of the ones I own are referenced there (per year, region and language). On the home page, select the 'Catalog' tab, then 'Catalogs' and choose by year. There are about 2900 different ones, usually with thumbnails, serial numbers and country codes. Bricklink
A disturbing trend has developed in my White Cheese Slopes..
I've checked some of my sets and I haven't found any slopes with this issue. Sets like 7990 Cement Mixer and 7991 Recycle Truck have been built once 4 years ago and put back (still built) in their boxes. Their cheese slopes are fine (white, trans, blue) and so are my other (opened) sets. It may be interesting if you guys tell us the origin of the broken peaces (sets/year). Atleast, we will know if it's related to a faulty batch of parts or if it's a more general (known?) issue. Cracks in 1x1 parts (plates, rounded plates, modified plates, tiles, bricks, cylinders, headlights, etc.) are common since their appearance in the 70s. But this issue usually appears after intensive use (stress) and/or frequently changing environmental conditions (UV, heat, humidity). It's hard to investigate as the parts you bought were used. The previous owner may have caused damage to the 'internal structure' of the parts (use or storage related) and you finished the job.
Lego Shop Question?
I have seen some strange things over the years especially on eBay. One thing you have to know, is that Lego Shop@Home doesn't deliver everywhere on Earth. So, sometimes people have to buy actual limited sets somewhere else and usually at a higher price. But: I have seen Germans buying sets on twice the retail price while the set was still available at S@H (usually Star Wars and modular buildings). Most European deliveries from S@H come from... Germany. I have also seen a used Café Corner going for 200€ in Germany long before it got discontinued (retail was 149€). I guess there's always a reason (no credit card and no friends?)...
Favorite Set Ever?
The 6399 Airport Shuttle for me. One amazing giant set for a kid at the time. Classics such as 375, 6080, 978, 7745 are also amongst my favorites. I guess it has all to do with the age of people...
Do you buy 1 set to play with and 1 to keep sealed?
Even worse, I buy sets twice 'one to play, one to keep' and usually end up not opening one at all.
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