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Pumpkin Pie

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Pumpkin Pie

  1. Gorillas? What? Second wave? or where?
  2. (From LoC discussion) Does anybody have Ultra Sonic Raider mods that could fit all 4 ninja in the cockpits? thank you
  3. Thank you @Drock. I'm so excited for these sets I just can't wait
  4. Pumpkin Pie replied to CorneliusMurdock's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Although I have not watched the first TMNT TV show (Just because I just got into TMNT with this cartoon) but this is an excellent TV show. One of my favorites in fact. So do we know for sure when the TMNT sets are coming out?
  5. Thanks for clearing that up @Penkid11. I wonder if LoC is supposed to be happening in Ninjago? At least it sounds like that's what's happening from the commercial. I'm sorry to continue this but I could not find the ninjago mods/mocs thread. Could someone help me?
  6. When are all the superhero sets coming out? January or late December? Thank you.
  7. I am so excited for these sets! I hope there will be something like a nest in that castle. Also, could the castle and the chi raider(?) be the exclusives for this wave or are there already exclusives @Penkid11, what do you mean the driver supports? the plates that the ninja are sitting on? and in another discussion thread could you post the pictures of your mods for me, because I've been trying to figure out a mod that will look good and that will fit the four ninja with one in the top cockpit?
  8. Pumpkin Pie replied to CorneliusMurdock's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Thank you @The_Chosen_One. good suggestion. I'll probably just do that. And yes, those prelim pics are hilarious. I'm happy this year TLG have held the pics until they're the final set so that we don't have to talk about silly prelim pics
  9. Omg! I love Pong Krell! It kindof looks like he's constapated though. I wish he had his evil grimace.
  10. Pumpkin Pie replied to CorneliusMurdock's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Hey guys I'm thinking about buying a tmnt minifig from block party bricks on ebay. are the pieces mismatched like Tauriel and Legolas or are they the complete minifigs? I don't see what's so wrong about the shell raiser. To me, it seems like a perfectly fine set. I'll probably even get it.
  11. Ugh! I just remembered that I don't even have all the LOTR sets I wanted! And all these cool sets? Oy Edit: Oops, I didn't realize I would be double posting. My apologize
  12. Thank you so much Grogall! The pictures look amazing! I'm so excited for the 27th! (no emoticon could describe my happiness!)
  13. WOW! are you going to do more?
  14. Superman: "Hulk, do you want a popsicle?" Hulk:"Yes! Hulk wants popsi-Popsicles for Sissies! Hulk Smash popsicle." (No offense to people who like popsicles. I like popsicles )
  15. Holy vegetables Batman! I didn't know the Jolly green giant was real! Why didn't you tell me!?
  16. Does anybody know if it can be a drawing?
  17. Is that the new clone? or is it the republic trooper? If it's the clone than WTF?
  18. Pumpkin Pie replied to CorneliusMurdock's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Where are the pictures? I'm confused.
  19. Pumpkin Pie replied to CorneliusMurdock's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Even if those pictures are just preliminary, those are good looking sets! It's going to be such an expensive year for me!
  20. Does spider have a lighter shade of blue than the last one?
  21. When do you guys think that we'll get a picture of Krell? Cool preliminary, even if it's not very accurate it's still a cool character design .
  22. I feel as if LEGO sets just keep getting better as the years go on...
  23. WOW. Just wow. looks like it'll be an expensive winter for me. My thoughts on these sets: Clone Trooper and Droideka Battlepack: AOTC Set! although that green trooper is incredibly ugly! It's puce . the droidekas are pretty ugly too. The control center is alright though. I'll have to get it though because it's AOTC. Republic Trooper and Sith Trooper Battlepack: I'm speechless. even the speeder is beautiful. my only problem with this set is the Republic troopers helmets are pretty ugly AT-RT: Amazing AT-RT even if it is ridiculously out of scale. New Yoda? Sniper Droideka: beautiful. A-Wing: this A-wing is pretty good. It's kind of a shame that we didn't get a (Commander) Forest Moon Han Solo, but we can't do anything about that. A new Ackbar? I can't remember the older one so forgive me if it's the same Ackbar. Beautiful A-wing pilot helmet though. BARC Speeder: New and way better BARC speeder and Flitnot Speeder?! New Obi-wan?! New Captain Rex?! Yes please! I love it! Z-95 Headhunter: Pretty good. new clone pilot helmet. Cool spaceship, but I'm not sure about those front fins. Are they supposed to be there? Otherwise a pretty cool ship. I'll make my final judgement when I see Pong Krell but I'm definitely going to get this one! Rancor Pit: I love this one... Umbaran MHC: I LOVE THIS ONE! New Ahsoka! One of Cody's troopers! Umbarans! But Lego really could have made a new Umbaran helmet mould! Anyway, those are my thoughts. . .
  24. Hi guys, I was looking through this thread and couldn't find the pictures. could someone help? thanks.
  25. Really! no pictures yet?! Why, LEGO WHY???! Maybe they will come tomorrow?
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