Everything posted by marky
- Star Wars sets anyone?
Mini-Review,Rants, and things you never knew about 7676 Republic Gunsh
- 2008 Picture thread
so... does anyone no the english AT-TE pirce or the RGS- 2008 Picture thread
soory guys i no this has been asked lots of times but how mcuh will the magna droid starfighter, the AT-TE and the RGS cost in english pounds??? (- The best designed set
i think the 7662 MTT its in my cupboard everytime i open the door i still go WOW! its a really great set + design- Review of V-19 and droid gunship
which woolworths did you get them from mutley?- Review of V-19 and droid gunship
i have a question which towns woolworths did you get them in cos they arent on the shops website?- Bionicle 2008 Images and Discussion
sorry i didnt realise- Bionicle 2008 Images and Discussion
i was on brickshelf and found this pic of onua nuva sorry if it was already posted but i did not see it hope you like it- New Twelk Head!
woudlnt surprise me or it could be a moc- Bionicle 2008 Images and Discussion
ok thx and by the way mazeka is an onui-matoran- Bionicle 2008 Images and Discussion
that picture of tahu isgreat and I have a question is there a posibiloty of new matoran as the new nuvas (tahu gali and onua) have the attacthment thing on their backs- so do the new makutas Thx in advance Oh and I did not see this posted anywhere but apparently mazeka is matoran + vehicle like vultraz - 2008 Picture thread
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