Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
HOLY COW! I think this set is a-w-e-s-o-m-e! I better start saving some money, because this set blows me away! So detailed, 20 minifigs, on each floor a scene from the movies is going on. This set is incredible and reminds me at the vintage Kenner Death Star. This set rules!
StarWars brick started following More greetings from Belgium! , Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last! and Batman and spider man wanted
More greetings from Belgium!
No, this weekend should be my first Belug meeting ever.
More greetings from Belgium!
My native language is Nederlands that is correct Bonaparte.
Batman and spider man wanted
Aargh!!!! I just purchased them on bricklink. But I will keep this reply in mind. Thanks!!
Batman and spider man wanted
Okay, thanks a lot for the detailed info guys.
Batman and spider man wanted
I am looking for a batman minifig and a spider man minifig as well. I regret not getting one of the spider man sets when they were available. What should I try, eBay or do you guys have any other suggestions? In what way are those magnet minifig different than the normal ones? Can you use them in mocs like normal minifigs or are they rather only used as magnets?
More greetings from Belgium!
Thank you guys. Yeah, I want to share the name of the city I live in, no problem. I live in Aalst which is in the center between Ghent and Brussels. Are any of you guys Belug members? I should show up at the meeting in Wetteren this weekend.
More greetings from Belgium!
Hey, born in '69 in Belgium. Played with Lego during my childhood (enviro Police station, and the many Legoland town sets, classic space sets and some early 70's sets as well.) Gave it all in pristine condition away to my cousin when I was about 14 years old. Have been collecting Lego sets for some time now. I have found an enviro Police station on eBay several year ago (containing 95% of all the OG bricks.) I own some MIB sets, not many. I love vintage lego and nowadays I am collecting some of the classic Star Wars sets which are all on display in a special toy cabinet. I also like a lot of the special sets available in the Lego store, but you can't buy them all because my budget does not allow it :-) So, that is my introduction to this board. One complaint that might have been discussed on this board already and is off topic. I hate the fact that the new sets are not sturdy at all and break into pieces so easily! The enviro model bricks are like glued to each other while let's say the Republic Gunship Star Wars sets falls into pieces each time you take it in your hands. That is my general complaint about Lego nowadays,... otherwise I love it!
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