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About Dwarvenlord

  • Birthday 02/13/1994

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    Limburg (the Netherlands)
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    LEGO Castle and Classic Pirates!


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    the Netherlands

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  1. Well, that pretty much depends on how you build that castle... if it's horribily built, i would rather prefer the first one
  2. Hehe, the first one is one of my favourite scenes of Lotr ^^ but you shouldn't have given gimli a platebody, but a normal torso so he could have a beard.
  3. Wowz, it sure looks like a mighty giant but where is he from?... vikings, celts?... and do you proncounce the first -C- as: S?
  4. Good point. Sadly though, it proves once again how many people don't care of reading the books and only watch the films . Ah well, their lost
  5. Well, Moria isn't the only Dwarven city. There are more, like Erebor for example, wich plays a role in The Hobbit. Only because they weren't featured in the films doesn't mean TLC didn't have the chance to get some inspiration from them . But, hear me, i'm only responsing on the Dwarven-related posts
  6. Well, there are some thing they have in common, but i can't remember the knights of Gondor to have blue armour, and the orcs to have a green skin. The big Trolls are also very different, and the Dwarves... well, besides of Gimli they didn't get a big role in Lotr so there isn't much to compare with . But i think you are right about the tower raid: they look very familiar with those from Lotr, except the height of course
  7. Like many of you i voted for the Egyptian dessert i have almost al of the (big) sets, except the tomb... but the sphinx was just amazing! the design is great and lot of playabilities!
  8. Ultraman bc... your dwarf army... is beatiful i've never seen that much Lego dwarves together! Your other armies are very nice to, ofcourse The troll army looks very impressive with their frightening flag poles, huge ogres and big war vehicles to smash the enemy
  9. I'm already using a alternative for the stubby legs for my dwarves - i use a sort of brick-built plate skirts
  10. Thats why i used quotation marks (is that the right word for it? English isn't my mother tongue so...)
  11. Nice scene, sir dano! It looks a bit Japanese/Chinese, i think with the plants, the carper in the water, and the cool hat of the Dwarf (i use such cap too for one of my dwarf mages lolz ). Only the Wolfpack are the "real" medieval thing in the MOC, IMO Anyway, good work
  12. I think KKI was a very good theme! The buildings weren't that great but they had some awesome minifigs and cool catapults and stuff for the bull knights
  13. Thanks for clearing that up, Sandy! I must've overlooked the corpse of Noland when i rode the strip so are you probably making more of these stories? Sweet!
  14. Ah ok, I thought you were making a historically based army, WF. My fault Also i considered ninjas more as assasins or some kind... not realy "soldiers". That's what Samurai actually means, doesn't it?
  15. Awesome! A great end for your epic Lego strip! Very funny end ^^ i didn't expect ogle would chance in that way But i have a few questions: What happens with the evil wizard Noland? What's the floating realm? Did that come in one of the other episodes? Wasn't Brickheart supposed to be turned into an undead one when the scythe hit him?
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