Everything posted by yorkiejim
The free Mini V-19 Torrent raffle
i want in.
2008 Picture thread
heh, i leave for two days and you guys add like 10 pages, anyway i managed to get two of everything at midnight maddness, there wasnt alot of stock, or people but i managed to clear out all the clone wars lego. ill post a pic later.
door technique
finally a good use for those stupid things
[Comic] Jack Recieves A Padawan
i just didn't find it really funny.
2008 Picture thread
It is a mistake, no matter how much we wish it were true
When are the Clone Wars Battle Packs coming out?
well some of us are picky and want phase one clones. . anyway, im sure that almost all of us are going to end up filling our gunships phase twos until said battle pack comes out. BTW, Welcome!
What 08 sets will you buy? Or not buy? Why so?
two of everything, if midnight madness allows.
2008 Picture thread
All i can say is that tonight at 12:01 i am going to spend a massive amount of money.
New At-te review!
im actually going to mod the interior to look like that of the hasbro figure one.
2008 Picture thread
must...have.... mini vernater...(has heart attack from all the mini awsomeness)
Clone Bomber
yeah, the big weels detract from the look of the ship.
Top 10 Most Hated Pieces
yeah, i hate all the variations too, remember when we had a nice simple palet to work with.
Steampunk Guiter!
that is totaly bad @$$!!
Clone Bomber
replace the big weel things with actual thrusters, that and add more detail. EDIT: 100 posts Woohoo!!!!!
Cabbage Droid
Nice,i really like the use of those helmets!
2008 Picture thread
i just thought that it would be interesting. but then again we have this thread!
7676 Republic Attack Gunship Review
i have a question, how many troops can you cram into the deck?
2008 Picture thread
i just cant wait for midnight madness!!! im all ready for it, do you guys think we should make a midnight madness thread? you know, to discuss our preperations and things, or just to kill time until tomorrow night.
Top 10 Most Hated Pieces
These are hillarious, this series was a great idea. i just cant wait for the next one.
2008 Picture thread
I meant the comic con exclusive not the clone wars line.
NEW Official Pirate Minifigure Pictures?
i agree to the fact that lego is currently avoiding a pirate line for fear of being sued.
What New Themes or Sets would you like TLG to make?
^^^^^^^I second that^^^^^^^^
Some more Star Wars customs
Twelik head peices are arealights, the rest of the casts are fantastic (if they are yours of course)
Hellboy & Friends
You never dissapoint SirN.
h.k. here
a very warm welcom to you
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