Everything posted by Zepher
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
"Thank you, Kirwin. That was a smart decision. As for what I learned, very little, sadly. The Starblazers admitted to roughing up some of Hart's people, but that appears to have been when the ship was in port - not when our missing associates arrived. They also said their leader Viper was taken by the ship in retaliation. I don't know how trustworthy they were, but as I said to Alexa, I don't think they would have any reason to intentionally lie about Viper's status as missing. I don't know if they'd be forthright in their dealings with crews looking for the ship, however. They appeared initially hostile to me. They did mention our ship left quite quickly. That is all I learned."
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
“We are looking for answers, I don’t think we’re capable to offering any. It would not be a good use of time.” Merei also wants some insight into the intention of the two men, but also wants to see what Alexa and the Starblazers think of them.
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
OoC: Totally cool, appreciate it! Merei's flames sputter momentarily as the authorities come to interrupt her fruitful conversation. She turns to the Starblazers. "My promise stands regarding Viper stands, but if you have any information, I will need it now. Otherwise, my companions and I will need to pursue knowledge elsewhere, and we can take our leave peacefully."
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
OoC: Are you telling me Kirwin's plan doesn't work?? "Let us make this very simple. Starblazers, you will tell us, honestly, all you know about the ship and the two teams who were already sent here. In return, if Viper is on the ship, they will be returned to you. That is not a Hart promise, but one from me. Alexa is here witnessing me make this promise. If either party isn't pleased with this proposal, they have a problem with me. As I've said, I see no need for conflict." Merei tries to be as persuasive as possible. (I assume you wanted a bolded action? I unfortunately don't have any spells or proficiencies that will help haha).
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
"Well, not to put too fine a point on things, but you have hired a band of mercs as well, Alexa. And though it is not my preferred method if things become dangerous, I don't think Heroica is above killing people." Merei's tone remains calm, jovial even. "I don't know if Hart would resort to kidnapping. The Starblazers seem to think Hart would, but they could be lying about that. I would have a harder time accepting that they'd be lying about Viper going missing. I have a difficult time determining what the profit in that would be. The fact is: our ship is missing, our people are missing, and their person is missing. I fail to see any contention necessary from the actual facts."
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
"They have been telling me about our ship, and their leader named Viper who was apparently taken aboard. As well as the history of this station here. It seems that we have a shared purpose - Viper is missing, the ship is missing. Is there a problem?"
Main Street Mafia 2 - Confirmation
Bonjour, mes amis! Good to see everyone!
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
"Hm. I was young when the Gate Collapse happened. Can you tell me more about that? And as for other planets, I have done some traveling, and was recently on Cosmpoli itself. But it seems that you have already begun to provide the service that Hart is now trying to provide. He needs Charon for this trade route? And what exactly is Charon's history? I am full of questions, as you can tell. Please excuse my ignorance. I don't like it." Merei leans forward towards the gentleman who had previously told her to screw off. "As for you and Hart battling for this station, I will admit it means little to me, except that it has piqued my interest. I have no vested interest in either side, if I am being honest with you. But it does seem you have a vested interest in the same ship I'm looking for. If Viper was aboard, our interests our are aligned in finding it, me for my job, and you for your recovery of your leader. Which I would like to see. I don't like hearing anyone was lost, Viper, Hart's people, anyone. Mystery is interesting only in the solving."
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
Merei sits down at the table. "I would not say I misspoke, but I have also not been entirely clear. My current employer is Hart, but that is not where my allegiance lies. The company is paying me. But I am a member of Heroica. Have you heard of us? We are very young, and in truth, I've sworn myself to Heroica and I value that deeply, but Heroica isn't my main allegiance either. Hart is a means to an end. Heroica is a means to an end. I think you can appreciate that. But I like truth, and knowledge, and it seems I am missing something important. I wouldn't like to be employed by someone who isn't kind. How is Mortizar infringing on your turf, and, more important, what did they do to Viper? Something bad? We won't let that stand."
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
"I don't interrupt people in the middle of their meals more frequently than I have to. As I said, I'm Merei. Like the other two I mentioned, I am currently working for Hart. A ship went missing, and the people looking for the ship went missing, and we are looking for leads. Do you have any?"
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
"Your assumption then is, for the time being, the same as mine. They've both been through, but you doubt they have made it to the ship, meaning something happened to them here. Very well." Merei approaches the Starblazers, surveying her other teammates. The group will have to pool their information eventually, but she doesn't have much to offer yet. "Hello. I'm sorry to interrupt, but Lu said you were regulars here, and I am looking for two people who passed through recently. I'm Merei, and I hear you're a group called the Starblazers. Do the names Titania or Eston mean anything to you?" As always, she waits for both their responses, but also their reactions (insight).
- Main Street Mafia 2 - Sign Ups!
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
"Not anything except what I've said. It seems odd to me that they would disappear so entirely here. I had assumed that their disappearance indicated that something befell them here, but could they have continued on without reporting for some reason? Are they trustworthy?" Merei keeps an insightful eye on both of her employers.
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
OoC: What does temporary vitality mean? As in, how temporary? "What exactly are starblazers?" Merei asks, and upon receiving an answer nods. (Just streamlining a little! Would like an answer!) "Thank you very much, Lu. I will go confer with my friends and widen my search. You've been extremely helpful." Merei returns to Cygnus and Jace. "You mentioned earlier that it didn't seem your earlier teams had made it past the port. What led you to believe that? The bartender, Lu, has indicated they came and went. But that doesn't mean that's the truth, only what Lu perceived. What do you know that might contradict that?"
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
"I will try the quarter-pounder." Merei puts in her order before attending to business. She speaks loud enough so that the other two at the bar can hear her. "My name is Merei. They are both friends of a friend, would be more accurate. We're worried about them. They came here, but as far as we know they didn't leave, and they should have. Or if they did leave, they didn't report it. They were here looking for information about a missing ship. Is there anyone who would have interfered with their efforts? I wouldn't want to disappear mysteriously myself."
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
"One person here is assuredly a regular," says Merei. "I will order us some drinks." She approaches the bar, tipping her hat to the two uniformed men there. "Hello." She turns to the bar tender. "Do you have a menu for drinks or food? What would you recommend? My friends and I are new here, but we've had some other friends pass through in the last month or two. Do the names Titania or Eston spark anything in you? We were hoping to find them." She asks as unassumingly and persuasively as she can, and tries to use her insight as well, in case the bartender is not entirely upfront with her.
Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - General Discussion
Endgame, looks like an exciting fight there! I was really nervous with the 14 vitality, but it looks like the heroes ate through it quickly!! And, Legonator, I shouted out Kinto early and frequently - already enjoying the quest! Appreciate the mystery, and appreciate the chance to learn how the party is going to gel together!
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
Merei keeps an eye on the pilot - it seemed impolite to speak with her while being briefed, but she is clearly component and Merei likes the way she speaks in certainties. If they need to tow, Alexa Cygnus will make it happen. But, now, she is at her work, and Merei will not distract her from that. She instead approaches Zaria. "I'm sorry to interrupt, if you were hoping to take some Zs. ButI'd like your read on the situation. You seem to suspect some sort of foul play? The fact that two parties have already gone missing seems ominous. The port itself may be a danger even before we get to the ship. Do you think this was a coordinated disappearance, and people at the port want the ship to remain gone? Or did it run afoul elsewhere? I'm curious, too, about the items aboard. I think you and I are of a like mind that they are the most likely reason the ship has been targeted if it has indeed been targeted."
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
"I don't mean to be offensive, but I have many more questions, and I suspect you're ill-equipped to answer all of them. That is why you've hired us. I'm ready to investigate Charon."
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
"You mean we'll be flying past the twinned planets? Is that on our way, or near our destination itself?" Merei again focuses warmly on Zaria. "You are welcome at the planets anytime. My family there is always welcoming. I've never met one of my people I didn't like." Returning her gaze to Jace, she nods twice in quick succession. "Zaria speaks exactly what was on my mind. I am fresh to this Guild, yes, and this Guild is fresh too, but I did not arrive without having lived life some and having done some exploring. Admittedly, Zaria had more time to do so. But it's all irrelevant, as we are the crew that you have hired, and so we are the people who will do the job. I'm interested to hear what you have to tell us."
Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - General Discussion
Okay, so we actually don't have to commit to equipment then? We can just constantly be equipping and un-equipping them? Why have an "equipped" distinction at all in that case? The holoscroll is the only one that seems particularly combat based - if we can switch freely as long as we're not in combat I don't really see how it matters. I would have bought a holoscroll before the quest if I realized I could just have both things equipped .
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
"We will not have a lack of trust this time," Merei tells her. "And I am glad to hear you spent so much time observing your home planet. Observation is of utmost importance." "As Kirwin said, we have experience and finding things that are lost, though the scale of a speeder versus a whole ship is very different. I won't waste our time pretending one prepares us for the other. What matters is we were successful, and we will be again." "Kirwin has already spoken to the whole of our collective credentials. We are new to Heroica - both Kirwin and myself, and it sounds the other two as well. As for my experience before, it is not vastly different than Zaria's, actually, although I'm envious of the time she has dedicated to it. As for myself, as I'm sure is obvious I grew up on Tehanulan, and spent some time on Tehanuyan in my youth as well. Passing between the two worlds is exhilarating and encouraged, or was in my family. After that I spent some time exploring and searching. Like Zaria. There is so much to see. My searches were met with limited success. It soon became apparent that to find what I want to find, I needed more connections and resources. As a result, here I am."
Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars - General Discussion
I guess I'm a little confused about how items work - I thought we needed to have them equipped for them to come into play? (Not trying to blow up your spot, Kinto!). Do we just need them in our inventory, or equipped?
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
"I am happy to meet you, Zaria. As my friend here has said, I am Merei. What experience have you had in Heroica so far, so that we can know you better?" "I'm not worried about their capabilities," Merei assures Kirwin quietly, glancing warmly over at Zaria, "I am simply suggesting we must discover a new way that we will operate within this new community." "I'm happy to take off, though I'm eager to hear what you have to tell us. As for Varen, I don't know him yet..." "...but I do now. Hello, Varen. I'm Merei, and it is my turn to introduce my friend, Kirwin. That one currently giving you a thumbs up." Merei turns to Jace. "Varen raises an interesting point. How fast does this thing go?"
Heroica: Glory Amongst the Stars - Mission #7: My Bleeding Hart
OoC: Updated my stats - should be down the bat, up a Nanite Elixir and Plasma Potion, and at 145 credits. Also, just for fairness sake and not to be a party-pooper, how does Zaria know three spells with two spirit? Am I missing something? Merei approaches behind Kirwin and speaks lowly in their ear. "There is no Bers or Yissam this time. We will have to be responsible for keeping these people safe, and they will be responsible for us too. What do you think they are capable of?" Merei sizes them both up. "The elf looks strong, and carries a blade. And the human is carrying a gun. Two people who are prepared to get into a mess. But we are missing Yissam's ability to keep us on our feet. We'll need to act differently."
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