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Everything posted by Zepher

  1. OoC: Kirwin continues to drive the car. I don't think there is much else they can do without consumables, and I don't feel comfortable using those on their behalf.
  2. OoC: Was just waiting for a description of round, but I guess it doesn’t matter too much! “That’s better,” says Merei with a sigh as she tries to drag Kidd to safety. “Hopefully I will have a moment of focus. Thank you, Kirwin. That was some very nice driving. I think we keep it going. Do we know where we’re going?” Merei attempts to meditate.
  3. Yeah, I'm not totally sure if we're allowed out of the cockpit! Kirwin could also try to fall back to put us within melee range... but that might sacrifice the ram. I know Bers is annoyed that he can't hit with melee (which is, of course, fun for me to observe and hopefully fun for the player, if not the character). Can definitely see him try to pick up ranged combat after this mission so he has both options. Could be a cool roleplay moment. But, regardless, defending and rallying are good in this game! I think everyone has felt like they're contributing! I have, and I'm out of spirit and out of melee!
  4. "Well, that was a mistake," says Merei as she extends her consciousness back out. "I'd really like it if you'd stop shooting at as. We'd like to keep ourselves and the speeder in one piece." Merei rallies Yissam♥. "I'm having trouble concentrating, I think you might be better suited for this. I will protect Kirwin should they be badly injured." She sweeps back the tails of her coat to show she has an Æther Brew she can chug if she needs to heal Kirwin. "But I'm afraid with these are the sort of people who would say things like a good defense is a good offense."
  5. Well, I clearly do have to go back and do some reading. I don't want to talk 1.0 too much since a) don't like dwelling on the past too much and b) doesn't feel sporting to newer folks who it would be exclusionary of, but I agree. This is a point Legonator touched on - conflict is frankly easier with established characters/players. Anyway, I don't remember exactly how the Masson hand cut-off went down (I am going to go look it up!) but I think it came at a point where we had both met the character before and made different judgment calls about him, and then it conflict was played out later as a result of that. Also, Boomingham never got the hate Karie directed at him! He did her a favor by only taking the hand, and once he did it, all debts were forgiven! Why was she holding a grudge??? But again, it came from a place of us building on our history with an NPC and also who we'd been up to that point. As for my earlier comment about having to do some reading, I have exactly 0 memory of running that quest. I'll have to go back and read it. I've always been nervous to revisit - I was a younger less mature less generous person then. Hopefully it isn't too cringey. Even early Boomingham was really leaning into like "flirting" and I had that character trait die down as I went along, because I don't think I was playing it kindly. Just to throw into the conversation above ^ generosity in role-playing is absolutely a learned skill. Generosity in general is. We are all collectively getting better, but I have absolutely played in ways I'm not proud of! AND, a final thought on generosity: already called out the fun of the quest, but WBD, I think Legonator hit the nail on the head in that you always build a vibrant world and then turn it over to the players. Very generous, and something I definitely aspire to!
  6. I'll add just a brief thought here, since to be honest I've mostly skimmed Mission #1 - I'm really busy now-a-days so reading too much of the quests I'm not on is difficult. I think the best strategy for me will be following along when I can, and then reading through it once it's all out there and I have a moment to sit down and read it like a story! But, that being said, I actually followed Mission #1 the most of the missions I'm not on, just because it seemed like good fun. A train is an awesome setting for a story - you said, WBD, that you deviated a lot from the source material () and that's true from what I took, but even if all you took from it was setting a story on a train, well, there's a reason so many great stories are set on a train! A limited space to explore with a limited cast just works well! And there did feel like there was a serious element of mystery - the introduction of Blackgaurd was cool and added a nice extra element, as did the pumping the M-Tek employees for info. It seemed like everyone had a moment to shine, with, as you said WBD, Soren schmoozing and Yelena listening in! I felt really bad for the dude who had one of his heads cut off too. That's a pretty brutal way to go through life moving forward. As for the massive discussion above about inter-party conflict, I have to admit I... really enjoyed reading it. . From an outsider's perspective, just dipping my head in, I found it super interesting, and I really enjoyed how prickly the party was. It's clear that Yelena was doing her own thing, and that bothered Soren & Zaria, but I also liked how even though they were united against Yelena's ulterior motives Soren and Zaria didn't really see eye-to-eye either! Again, I didn't catch the whole thing, but it makes me excited to re-read and it kept my interest while I was poking my head in. BUT, I'll echo WBD & Kinto (I don't want to pile on, but as someone who ENJOYED it and would honestly like to see it done in the future, I want to add my two-cents). I think it boils down to a few things, which, as the others have said, is simply implementation. It doesn't matter how much fun I'm having reading it if the other players aren't happy with it. That is an easy hurtle to overcome, though! Transparency, like Kinto indicated, helps a lot. But even then, maybe we want to keep our motives hidden - different people play different ways, and that's cool. So, most important is trust. Other players have to trust that you are genuinely prioritizing other player's enjoyment. Kinto notes that Karie and Dyric hated each other for a lot of 1.0 (I don't remember that, I'll have to go back to read it again!). My character and Karie had a LOT of beef too. But, before we got to that beef, we got to know each other as players, and understood that we were cool doing it, and we wouldn't let it get in the way of our enjoyment. I'm pointing all this out because I'm NOT 100% like WBD. I think I'd be comfortable with a rogue character, or a mission that ends in (even super!) sour feelings. But it's gotta be clearly cool with everyone. (And I'd also echo WBDs statement that it's tough to run three separate missions, so make sure the "other stuff" you're doing still has you in the party's orbit and trajectory most of the time, and I'd secondly echo Kinto in that, if you're planning to sneak off and have private scenes I think that's 100% cool, but you have to respect when other players are doing something you wouldn't know about). It's basically rogue character v. rogue player. Again, I'm only hammering that so much because I LOVE the drama of inter-party conflict, and I want to KEEP IT IN THE GAME!!!!! For that to happen, we have to say how it can happen.
  7. I’m pretty divided between rallying Bers and meditating, but I think this will be more helpful in the long run.
  8. “Please don’t kill my friend on the hood, Bers. These are bad people but there is a certain level of bad that warrants falling to your death and I don’t think they’ve quite breached that barrier. That being said,” she turns to the other bikers, “there isn’t much I can do for you if the assault continues. I will take a moment to collect myself and reflect before we continue. You should do the same.” Merei meditates.
  9. OoC: Absolutely, and thanks for the heal. Gonna take me a mission or two to put everything together in my head. Kinto - not sure if Kidd falling was for flavor and they're dead, but let me know! Merei turns her back to Cassidy as she is hit again. "I think you'd do well to listen to Bers. This seems a pointless way to die. I am sure you have other, better gifts to offer the universe." Merei tracks Kidd's trajectory through the sky, assessing if she can use a gravity sinkhole to snatch them from the sky and have them land on the hood of the speeder instead of plummeting to their death. If she can (or even if there's a chance), she will do that, if not, she will rally Bers.
  10. Thanks, changed it to the defend action!
  11. OoC: I believe you're trying to allow me to cast, CMP, but unfortunately due to initiative you'll end up healing me after my action. So, not trying to ignore the assist you're giving by taking the following action, but I think that's the way it'll work out. Merei takes a moment to appreciate the silence. She nods thankfully to Cassidy before fully turning her back on them, and laying a hand on Bers' shoulder, steadying him against the next attack (defend Bers).
  12. OoC: Cassidy seems way more hurt than they should be, unless I’m missing something? ”Let me know how things are going on that side. I will keep this side busy.” Merei repeats.
  13. Gotcha! Just play the hits then! Merei keeps the tiny spark flickering in her hand, unable to use it at the moment, and instead clenches her fist, ripping Cassidy away from the speeder (gravity sinkhole trying to move them to the right to D10).
  14. OoC: Can Bers? I’m not sure how order works, but Bers goes after Kirwin, so attack wouldn’t be possible then, right, because he isn’t in position until after his turn?
  15. OoC: Lots to read, worth the wait. Thanks Kinto! Those are powerful foes, so, Karmajay, this is absolutely your fight - those driver actions are awesome - I'd look at Defensive Driving and Steady on the Wheel, because they both rock if I'm reading them right. Merei's light dims for a moment. "Bers. I am so sorry. This is not the sort of fight you wanted, I'd think. Your sword will be of little use. Unless you can draw them closer." Her flames roil back to life. "I, on the other hand, can do quite a lot." Merei flicks an Aether terminal disk out of her one of her suitcoat's pocket and slams her fist into it, causing light to burst forth. She hurtles it at Cassidy (solar flare level 1).
  16. OoC: Sorry for the confusion! I’m 100% good to escape! Just want to try our BEST to save Carvrac, which would mean sort of shouting that we’re ditching with the briefcase AS we ditch with the briefcase. And also didn’t want to leave Bers behind! Seeing Bers is ready to go, Merei closes the distance with the Speeder. “Kirwin. Ready to move.” As she climbs into the back of the Speeder she prepares to shout out their departure with the briefcase, but only once the door is open and Kirwin has put the pedal to the metal.
  17. OoC: I'm not sure we're able to use grenades. Or if we're the best bet for them without proficiency. "Kirwin. Prepare the speeder to go. But I'm not sure Bers is leaving without a fight." Merei stations herself equidistance between the door to the sewnbag and the speeder. "Bers. Once we open the garage door we can shout threats at them. I think they are likely to try to follow. The speeder could give us the upper-hand. They want that briefcase." Wheeling around the others: "Open the door. I am with Bers. I want to show this person we mean business, so they do not turn on Carvrac. But not if it means endangering the speeder or ourselves."
  18. “I know you are unhappy not getting to fight, Bers, but I think we should take a moment to appreciate a good impromptu lock when we see one.” Merei says as Kirwin finishes his work, not trying so hard to keep her voice down any longer. “Kirwin, this is your show for the moment. How are we getting this speeder on the move? Shall you drive?”
  19. Merei nods along with Kirwin. "Once the Speeder is ready to go, we knock," she suggests to Bers. "We'll get the thing out. We might still be able to help Carvrac. You may still get your fight."
  20. OoC: Totally cool! So Merei has communicated that she thinks they shouldn't block that door, so they can save Carvrac, who appears to be in danger! BUT she won't stop you from doing it if you do it! Want to give you an opportunity to respond in character, definitely don't want to squash your roleplay, do what you think you'd do! It may even be the wiser decision. Just want to be clear that she has said she thinks they should go in and help him, instead of bolting! EDIT: Instead of JUST bolting. She definitely wants to get the speeder out of here ASAP as well.
  21. OoC: Just to clarify, the door controls Kirwin found is for the front door, yes? And then there is a second interior door that leads to the two voices we're hearing, right? Which one is Kirwin trying to jam shut? Still afraid of making any noise by speaking, Merei lifts the briefcase for her party members to see, and gives a thumbs up, hoping to indicate to them that it is important. She then puts it back where she found it. She mimes turns keys in an ignition, then mimes her hand flying through the air towards the front door. They need to get the speeder out somehow. Finally, she makes eye contact with Bers, and nods to him, holding up two fingers and pointing towards the door behind which she has heard voices. She walks to the outside of the door, waiting for the others to do what they're going to do. If this is the door Kirwin is locking, she shakes her head sadly and whispers the faintest whisper. "Carvrac. Can't leave him to danger. Now we have two objectives: free the speeder and save him."
  22. Merei would like to look around the room, trying to find a number of separate things. First, she wants to determine where the voices are coming from (and especially if there is a window in that direction). Next, if anything significant has been removed from the speeder. Third, and most importantly, if there is any sign of a briefcase. She will poke her head out of the grate if she has to, but will do it slowly, calmly, letting the dog she is aware of it but means no harm.
  23. Merei shakes her head at Kirwin and mimes opening a door, ensuring he has found an entrance. She holds up a gloved hand and five fingers, and after five seconds puts down one finger… after five more seconds a second finger… and on until she’s got only one finger left up, and when she puts that one down she bursts through the hatch, running towards the voices she heard. OoC: This should at least allow me to coordinate with Kirwin, hopefully. Don’t think I’d be able to realistically coordinate with Bers. Happy to wait and see results until after others post.
  24. Awesome, the more challenges the better.
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