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Everything posted by Zepher

  1. "My only concern there is a potential danger. We still don't know what this ship was carrying, and what made it go dark. It is possible the two mysteries overlap. Access to anything the ship was carrying was in Engineering, and we would be going in blind." Merei is taken aback by Varen's callous calculations, but does nothing with it now, storing it for later. "I hope they'll be able to move as well," is all she says. Seeing the door open, and the crushed employee, Merei calms herself. "Calm. Cautious. Careful. Zaria, would you like to lead the investigation into the medical bay? Kirwin can accompany me." Merei begins to, quietly, move towards the crushed body, taking out her Aether Terminal Disk as she does so.
  2. Yeah, @The Legonater, the whole mission has been absolutely awesome so far. Sets, stories, characters, everything.
  3. OoC: We're on the portside dock, right? "I will admit, Varen, that I found your initial statement that we might find survivors in the sickbay dispiriting. I was hoping the ship was lost, not abandoned. But this cold and darkness do not inspire much confidence." Merei's flames burn low. "I think we must restore power to the ship, but if something has befallen the crew, that same danger may still lurk, and going to the sickbay may provide us with tools or clues. It is also close. I think moving slowly, carefully, and systematically will aid us greatly."
  4. I’m going to be honest and say I had become very suspicious of Tariq by the final day… but it did take that long, and I knew pushing it wouldn’t get to a Lynch because of how little I’d talked about it before then! Jack Sassy was incredibly LOW on my list of suspects by the end. Well done to the scum! And thanks to Bob!! Have not played in a while and the quietness of a lot of the game made it difficult. But that didn’t have anything to do with the host work, which was great! Real rough early kills for the town, which was totally random. Totally balanced set-up though. Just bad luck and some quiet days!
  5. “Good to know. I have one more question. If the ship had taken on a prisoner, Viper, where would be the most likely place to store said prisoner?”
  6. “Alexa, are we able to respond to you when you contact us? Other than that, no questions, I am prepared to board.”
  7. I’m not adamant she doesn’t vote for Susan. I just wanted to know on a day when we need a Lynch why she’s start a vote for a new person so late in the day. If it were done earlier in the day, frankly, it’d be much easier to accept. I’m very paranoid at this point… any vote that goes through feels like the wrong one to me, since I’m assuming we’re 3 town to 2 scum, and the chance of the town muddling through and getting it right seems so low. At least people are being vocal now, finally, at the end. Gives us something to examine. For now our choices are between Geoff and Joyce. I feel like the case against Joyce is almost better, with the constant voting for Susan, the splitting the vote and then being the hammer, but again that might just be because we don’t have a lot to go on with Geoff. We’ve still got a bit of time to change our mind if we want. What are people’s thoughts? Does anyone feel we’re making a grave error?
  8. There are no votes for Susan and no one else has indicated that they'd be willing to vote for her. Why place this vote?
  9. Merei gazes out the windows at space, unable to tear her eyes away as she speaks softly. "Any lay out of the ship that you know would be helpful. Where can we go to complete the jobs we will have to complete?"
  10. I think it’d be best for everyone to place their votes now so that we can see where we stand and adjust if we need to. Geoff already had a vote. We need a lynch. The two of you are my top suspects, so voting for either of you is fine. Though I also think Ash could be flying under the radar… in fact I’m less confident about Geoff the more I sit on it. The reality is he is very quiet, that could be scum or town.
  11. Honestly I’m super divided. I wanted to vote for Geoff earlier because he wasn’t being helpful, but we’ve GOT to be right today. Scum has been absolutely just sliding through this game, so they’ve never needed to be vocal. I feel like Ash leading a vote today pings me, especially a vote against someone who is gonna be easy to lynch. But I truly don’t know what else to do. Vote: Geoff (KotZ)
  12. “Well this is no good. Cheryl was one of the most vocal of us, and additionally the town must vote in lock-step, if there are indeed two members of the mafia. I am still comfortable with voting for Joyce or Geoff. We must be unified, and we must be sure it’s not someone the scum is voting for. Very very difficult.”
  13. "Very well." Merei moves to B4, clears B3, and then uses two movements to return to the Actaeon.
  14. OoC: I think the most elegant solution is to simply write "Yellow Beacon Achieved at D4" or something like that. Just so we remember we've accomplished that one successfully. I would put in Varen's actions, but I believe we're also still waiting for Kirwin?
  15. Unvote: Geoff (KotZ), and Vote: Joyce (jimmynick). I don't feel great about it, but we're out of time.
  16. OoC: I believe the ship was moved by the storm. Everything else remains where it was originally revealed. EDIT: Oops, you’re right, one of the signals also moved. Don’t think we need a larger map, just think there was an accident!
  17. It seems Cheryl accidentally time-traveled and spoke in yesterday's conversation... just bringing it over here for organization purposes. Don't like, however, that Cheryl is sitting instead of putting her weight somewhere. Cheryl, we need time to change things if necessary - it'd be better to put a vote down and then change it if we have to. This feels like someone who is trying to wait to hammer... like I've said (though people didn't like it) Cheryl is appearing helpful, because she's talking, but I'm still feeling like she's doing a lot to foment suspicion. Why didn't this come with a vote? I'll be keeping an eye. I'm willing to change my vote to Joyce, and to a lesser extent Susan. Why did people not want to support my vote for Geoff?
  18. OoC: Okay, cool, so just so I get it we need to move to the place where the same colors would intersect, take an action there when there is no debris on that space, and then we'll be cleared in that color. Yes? "Understood, Zaria. I will remain by the ship for now to provide a path home for the others. Varen, Kirwin, you must find those final signals." Merei will... 1. Clear Debris on D5. 2. Move to B5. 3. Clear B5. 4. Clear B4.
  19. OoC: Sorry, away visiting family. Didn’t mean to hold things up! Merei looks around her wistfully. She’d like to stay out here, but the lack of oxygen is making her flames flicker. “Do not worry for me, Zaria. I will return to the ship to refuel. Continue to explore.” Merei will… 1. Clear B1 2. Move to B1 3. Clear C1 4. Jet suit Booster back to the ship at D5
  20. Oui, very quiet. Would you like to use the quietness to cast a vote, or just comment on how quiet it is? For now I will Vote: Geoff (KotZ). For all the reasons above, and so that it is a little less quiet. As I’ve said, Joyce seems a good candidate to me too if we need to change. I will have more to say later, hopefully, as I am busy at the moment.
  21. OoC: Gotcha. I’d like to try to refuel at A2 in that case. That’s why I submitted as one action - wasn’t sure what I had to submit to try that. As for Varen’s actions, I’m sorry I don’t think I’ve been doing a good job of reading other people’s actions. In that case he will use an action to get to D2, clear E2, and then use two actions to return to the ship on D5.
  22. OoC: Great. Thank you. Do we need to explore the squares with the oxygen ships on them, or is that not important? And how many of the signals do we have to uncover? I thought it was three total... is that incorrect or are we done? Merei is a small mote of light floating among the cosmos. As she should be. She can't go back to the ship now. She continues to float off into space. Merei will... 1. Move to A2. 2. Attempt to refuel/explore A2. 3. Move to A1. 4. Explore A1. Varen willl.... 1. Move to C3. 2. Explore C3. 3. Move to C5. 4. Move to D5.
  23. I was going to call Cheryl out for this same slip, but actually came to the same conclusion - there can't be three scum, or else we would have lost. Her logic absolutely holds, and I don't think this indicates anything. So Cheryl has finally come around to what I was saying on Day One (which she found suspicious). There are probably two scum. I will allow that there might be one. That seems unlikely, just for random chance of us lynching them early, but as Cheryl has said it's best to keep our mind open in regards to the number. I think Cheryl's questions are good too. Joyce and Geoff have been looking suspect to me for some time, in the way that they've been "contributing" by vaguely accusing others, without committing to the actual accusation. I'm still not honestly 100% sold on Cheryl, but as I've said all along I'd rather keep around people who are vocal. Vocal town is super helpful at this point. Even vocal scum is better than quiet scum, because we're more likely to catch them saying something wrong. We're in a precarious situation here. Either we don't lynch, and buy ourselves another day, or lynch and risk losing. If we do buy ourselves another day, and there are two scum, all three town would absolutely have to vote in sync to salvage our situation, which seems tough. So I'm inclined to believe a lynch today is our best bet. Ash isn't really throwing up hardcore flags for me so far. I'd really like a vote for Joyce or Geoff. I feel out of the two Geoff is giving off worse vibes, but I can't tell if that's just because he's barely paying attention or if he's trying to fade into the background. Also, did anyone else receive any hats or anything like that? That could help us try to define what happened to Cheryl yesterday.
  24. OoC: could you kindly remind me how this ship refill stations work? Do we have to explore them to figure out if they have oxygen in them? Or are they a sure thing? Could I go to A2 to refill?
  25. OoC: Let's make it happen, cap'n! Missing you, @KotZ! Hope you're able to rejoin us soon! Varen... 1. Clears D2 2. Moves to D2 3. Explores D2. 4. Moves to D4.
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