Everything posted by AwesomeStar
I bought a MB HALO set and I now feel dirty
Not at all, all my figures are fine. Maybe you're flame Marine is actually Elvis? The King LIVES! ~A.S.
I bought a MB HALO set and I now feel dirty
Oh, how I envy you! I too aim to collect them all, but so far have only picked up the sets that are interesting on the whole - I picked up the Warthog first because it was relatively large set, so I had something to play with, featured both Covenant and UNSC action, and was extremely iconic. I picked up the Brute Chopper because a.) it was the only one there, and b.) I believe it is from the second wave, and I wanted a UNSC Marine anyway. Both are lovely, and I think next time I might get the UNSC Hornet. I have wanted to get that for a while, but refrained because of the specialized pieces - if some don't fit, then I can't always replace them with Lego. ~A.S.
Sad news about MOC Master Nate “nnenn” Nielsen
The loss of nnenn will be felt throughout the Lego fan community forever - my thoughts go to his widow and two boys, and I hope that they will be okay. No one deserves a tragedy like this. ~A.S.
I bought a MB HALO set and I now feel dirty
Well, as you can see, I haven't got round to editing the pictures yet. Too much coursework, I'm afraid. My apologies. However, a couple of weeks ago I was browsing my local The Entertainer store and saw the ONLY Brute Chopper on the shelf. Acting on sheer instinct, I quickly shoved it straight to the back behind a zillion UNSC Turrets and Covenant Ghosts. A few days ago, I went in, pulled my hiding place aside to find it was still there, so I went and bought it. For £10, it was total bargain, and unlike my UNSC Warthog, which I have since swapped out as many black plates as I could for their Lego counterparts (nothing major, and now it's super solid), I had NO problems whatsoever! I'm thoroughly impressed by the set, and I WILL do a review, I promise. ~A.S.
Grand Opening Of Brick Ark
Oh, yes! Sorry Either way, your muscled chest is disappointing me! ~A.S.
Quitting Lego
Yeah, I've had a look on there once or twice to see what their people think of the new Halo sets and if there wa a solution to "popping" parts. Which there isn't, so I just replaced all I could with Lego. Do you ever get the feeling that Eurobricks and the MB forum is sort of like, I don't know, the Berlin wall? You've got West Berlin (Lego) and then East Berlin (Mega Brands). Just a thought, but it seems that way. I mean, it's almost like we're not allowed to go over the metaphorical wall (with chain guns). Then, there is a few little rebels like Peppermint M (hi! ) and myself, who kind of get a big.. bulldozer and.. Yeah. I don't know where I'm going with this anymore. Sorry. ~A.S.
Quitting Lego
Pfffffffffffttttt... Ha Ha Ha! Most users ever online was EIGHT! Haha! -Wipes a tear from eye Oh, that is just incredible. I now have to clean my laptop's screen, as it had spit and half of my cereal all over it. Excuse me. ~A.S.
A Misguided Ghost Part 1 of 9
Most interesting! I look forward to more Misguided Ghosts - that's a Paramore song, isn't it? "Travellin' endlessly..." ~A.S.
Funny Anagrams!
I don't really have the brain capacity to do this kind of thing, but here goes: Rat Sews Omea Rat Sews Ameo Ameo Sews Rat Omea Sews Rat ... That's it. I told you I was rubbish! ~A.S.
Happy Birthday, Jipay!
Happy birthday Jipay! I hope your day is filled with happiness and LEGO! ~A.S.
Oh. My goodness. This... DEITY is just incredible! Wow! I can't imagine the amount of time and effort you put into this, but, well, WOW! I'm speechless now. I think I need to lie down... ~A.S.
MOC: The Last Supper
I really like this MOC! It is a brilliant send off for both Fantasy Era and your good self. I can only wish you the best of luck on your tour of duty, and I very much hope you'll keep your head down, Cagri - I hear it's extremely dangerous, but it is people like you who do the right thing and protect us others. ~A.S.
Grand Opening Of Brick Ark
If it's the same "Summer Time" beach theme with Hinckley's muscled chest on display then I'm going to Google the word "disappointment". I'm guessing you know exactly how annoying it is when you leave little cryptic remarks like that just for the sole purpose of keeping me awake at night wondering what it is, huh? Well, I look forward to it! ~A.S.
Grand Opening Of Brick Ark
I have to agree. The winter theme is a bit... garish. And it's spring now. Can we have a spring one please? With pretty pink blossom Lego trees and Lego-family pick-nicks? ~A.S.
Grand Opening Of Brick Ark
Well, I'm blown away! A very professional look to site, and with a large number of EB members joining, I'd say a lovely community as well. Joining! (Don't worry, EB. I love you more! ) ~A.S.
Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Conclusion
A lovely conclusion. I'm glad this came, because I was feeling a little... unsatisfied at the abrupt end this game came to. But now I am happy, because not only is the game concluded, but there was a load of blood and gore too! Thank you for the game, Imperial Scouts! ~A.S.
Dystopia Mafia - Sign-up!
Count me in! I loved that introduction by the way. Reminds me of when I used to watch Air Crash Investigation. That show was pretty good - disturbing, but very interesting. ~A.S.
Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures...
It's not my fault! I blame the hormones! But you are right, Sandy. We do need to see more from her. Much, much more... ... You see how that sentence works twofold? ~A.S.
Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures...
Stellar. Simply stellar! Loved every minute of it - I never had any doubts about Matt Smith, and I was right not to. He was simply amazing, and my favourite Doctor yet (IMHO, David Tennant was quite good, but towards the end of his run he got rather stale and a bit too moody for me)! The lovely Karen Gilligan performed superbly, and in the words of new writer Steven Moffat, she was "clever, funny, witty and sexy. Or Scottish, which is the quick way of saying it!". I found her to be the best companion yet and can't wait for more. The new title music is great, a lot fresher, as is the animation sequence. I also like the re-occuring strings tune throughout the episode, and hope that'll be available for download soon. Overall, a perfect debut for number 11! ~A.S.
That's no MB Scarab tank! It's the official Halo one. I think it's scaled to fit the action figures. You nearly had me fooled, there, mister! ~A.S.
Quitting Lego
To be serious though, it's not like I haven't thought about it. I mean, Jim, you did actually make some very good points. Over the past few years, Lego's set design, quality control and overall slacking attitude towards producing their product has gone down a bit. Mega Brands, however, have upped their designs, quality of bricks and themselves as a company. Their Halo products are incredibly accurate and fun to play with. So while I am most certainly a Lego lover and forever will be, I'm certainly going to purchase the Mega Brands Halo sets. But after they have been discontinued, I will return fully to Lego. Good joke, though ~A.S.
Happy Birthday Copmike!
Happy birthday to all! I hope you all have a lovely day - best wishes from myself and my family Have a good 'un! ~A.S.
FBTB closing down
Was that TBB post about Nannan getting arrested a joke? That's the problem with this day, you never know if they are serious or not. ~A.S.
[MOC] Super Cool Ship Thing
This looks too confusing for me to build, I'm afraid. What Rick, said, INSTRUKSHUNZ PLZ?
FBTB closing down
Well, in his announcement on the News page he did say that most of the people he'd want to carry on (or would be next in line, per say) are in much the same situation as him. I too hope it's a joke, and if not, I think TBB will be running it still, and I have faith in them. ~A.S.
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