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Everything posted by AwesomeStar

  1. Did you even realize you did that? Aahhh -wipes tear from eye- Anyway: very good MOC, some really nice features and a really incredible idea in itself - Kudos sir, well sone! ~A.S.
  2. AwesomeStar posted a post in a topic in Community
    Hello! I was just on Facebook, and if you know it, it has an ad stream along the side. Well, this came up: I'm sorry? Does Hinckley own a car business? Is he in pain, so much he can't spell? And since when did CARS need health checks? Now, most of you will think I'm A.) weird, or B.) don't even think this is funny. Well, I'm sorry, but I saw Payne (pain) and 'Hinckley', and instantly put it on here I'm a little bit do-now, think-later when I wake up in the morning Anyway, enjoy the pic, if you find it funny, which you most likely will not... and don't sue me if you don't. ~A.S.
  3. Thanks guys And by reserve I meant, if it was limited, should a player drop out, could I take his place. But obviously it's not limited, so there's no need for me to be a reserve I'll post a bio and character really soon ~A.S.
  4. AwesomeStar replied to Mraz Skintas's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    I've got Chapter Two right here. It's short, but take a read and tell me what you think, Eurobricks!
  5. AwesomeStar replied to Mraz Skintas's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    Ask and ye shall recieve! Same stuff applies
  6. AwesomeStar replied to Mraz Skintas's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    Very good Mraz - interesting to read from an Elite perspective,not often you get to see that. Really good - I want more! ~A.S.
  7. AwesomeStar replied to Mraz Skintas's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    The Skirmishers look okay. Anyone get the feeling that they are just 'too' alien? They don't look Halo enough to me - they look like some other alien game, no idea what on earth it's called but damn... they just don't look Covvie. And here's the Prologue to my fan-fic: NOTE: This is my work and any replication or showing of it on any website, document or other that I do not give permission to is downright copyright infringement and a violation of my rights as the author of this manuscript and as a human being! ^ Just to make sure Thoughts? Comments and Criticism much appreciated! ~A.S.
  8. Hello! Wow, nice game you've got here - I await the action with baited breath! Now, I've just got back on Eurobricks after a bit of a hiatus from building because of exams and such, so I just wanted to enquire if A.) there are any spaces left (which I don't think there are), or B. any chance I could be a reserve? I know it's a bit audacious from me seeing as I'm really, really late in my asking, but I just wanted to make sure ~A.S.
  9. Thank you, fellas! ISC, be my guest, I know just how frustrating deciphering others techniques can be ~A.S.
  10. @iamded: Thanks! I used the head from the Space Police Galactic Enforcer alien - the one that looks like a Castle troll. It should be on BrickLink. It works well for trolls, zombies and such. @Sandy: Nest thing you know, she'll be on Broadway! Actually, that gives me a MOC idea... ~A.S.
  11. Thank you all for your lovely comments! Actually, Burman, I think I will make another story This obviously went down very well, so yes, expect more "Twisted Fairytales" from me! Thanks again for your comments, ~A.S.
  12. Thanks, Rick! Yeah, the goats are quite cute. I made a thread yesterday asking for different designs but eventually decided on one of my own, which is very easy to make. Just by examining the picture you can see how their made, unlike some of the others which I spent hours trying to decipher yesterday ~A.S.
  13. Thank you Jim! Yeah, I really like the story, and wanted to do something fun with it I think I succeeded And yeah, that was a spur-of-the-moment thing ~A.S.
  14. Hello children! Are you sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin... "Once upon a time, there were three Billy Goats called Gruff..." "The three goats had eaten all their grass, and longed for the sweet fields on the other side of the stream. The youngest goat decided to cross the bridge.." "But from under the bridge came a hungry troll with eyes as red as the sticky stuff you sometimes see on the butcher's floor that doesn't taste too good at all. 'None shall pass this bridge!' he growled. 'I'm going to gobble you up!' But the young goat was a total whiner, and said: 'Eat my older brother instead! He tastes spicy!' And the troll let him through." "And so the older goat came along. 'I'm going to gobble you up - and you'd better be a-spicy!' the troll growled. 'But sir, my older brother is much more spicy - he's like Vindaloo!' said the cowardly goat - these really aren't the best role models are they? The troll let him through." "At last, the eldest goat trotted onto the bridge. 'I'm going to gobble you up - and then drink a lot of water!' growled the troll, licking his lips, jug at the ready. 'Please don't!' yelled the eldest goat. 'I have someone you need to see!' 'Who?' demanded the troll..." "'ME!' roared the troll's wife, hopping onto the bridge. 'Where have you been the past two weeks? I've had to do all the laundry, brush the cat, hoover the cave...'" "'Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!' screamed the troll, leaping off the bridge and running away. 'Heh heh!' sniggered the goat..." "The three goats crossed to the other side and began munching on the luscious green grass. 'Erm, guys,' said the eldest goat. 'Two words: family togetherness!' The two younger goat turned away sheepishly." "The End." Well, children, wasn't that a wonderful story? Night night! ~A.S.
  15. AwesomeStar replied to Mraz Skintas's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    So? This is an on-going topic and I actually had something important to add to the topic. As long as my umping is valid, which it was, there's not much need to comment on it. --- Anyway, I'm currently writing my own Halo fan-fiction at the moment, and I'll post some in this thread once I get back to my house ~A.S.
  16. Oh, thanks you guys! These are certainly going to be helpful - thank you again! Now, I'm off for a delicious Sunday roast - I'll save you a slice! "What are we having?" "Goat!" "Argh!" ~A.S. EDIT: Sly Owl, what on Earth is a travis brick?
  17. AwesomeStar replied to Mraz Skintas's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    ^ I agree. It was cool, but not awesome, like Halo 1-3. Anyway, who's a Hero? I certainly am! If you play on Wednesday-Thursday on Halo 3 (doesn't have to be Matchmaking but connected to Xbox LIVE) Bungie will donate I think it was $100 dollars per thousand players to the Haiti disaster. I'm a Hero - are you? (Note: I'm NOT advertising!... I think. Just ignore all this if I am, okay?! ) ~A.S.
  18. Yes, yes, I am indeed, so please feel free to join the faction! (Please do! We've only got two members and I'm doing both of them at the moment! ) ~A.S.
  19. Hello all! Well, after a bit of a hiatus due to heavy school-work, I'm back on Eurobricks and actually posting! It sure is good to see(?) you all again! Anyway, onto the matter of goats: How do I make them?! After seeing some stellar MOCs starring our fine-hoofed friends, I was left wanting to make my own. But I am totally unsure how to make those cute little goats and unable to find any helpful pictures on the internet. So if anyone on here knows how, and I'm sure there's at least someone, then could please tell, or show me, how? Thank you very much, ~A.S. P.S. I honestly had no idea where to put this, even after 900+ posts. My sincerest apologies if it needs to be moved. I put it here because all the MOCs I've seen with goats in them were Castle MOCs, so I just presumed this would eb the place. Sorry, Dillon!
  20. These are stunningly perfect - well done 10/10 on these, my friend ~A.S.
  21. AwesomeStar replied to Mraz Skintas's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    Right. And if you bought ODST and still have the disk and BETA card you'll get to play BETA sometime around Spring 2010 I have a topic up on B.net about the Covenant Shadow possibly coming back in Reach. Feel free to add your thoughts and vote in the poll. ~A.S.
  22. AwesomeStar replied to Mraz Skintas's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    It's not the Chief. This has been confirmed by Bungie - I suggest you go on the forums and make a contribution The trailer is so epic, I loved it to bits. Anyone else download the music? It's so awesome. Ahh, trailer, how I love you ~A.S.
  23. AwesomeStar replied to Carbohydrates's post in a topic in Community
    I play drums and violin pretty well. I'm drumming in a band, and I'm lead violin in a little quartet I've got going. We do rock songs but convert them to violin format - sounds great ~A.S.
  24. Nope, no more Bull Knights. Shame really. Am I the only one playing? ~A.S.
  25. I'll do a quick search ~A.S.
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