Everything posted by AwesomeStar
EBRP Adventure Thread
& H9, The Border Between the Bulls and the Falcons. IT WAS DUSK. The camp-fire flames flickered in the night, illuminating the faces of Kian and Bardock as they sat around the fire. Neither talked. There was no need too. Earlier that day, they had stumbled across a small settlement in the middle of nowhere. In the center, was a pile of bodies. They were all children. Now, as they sat there, pondering what savage, foul beast could have done this, they were also trying to come to terms with the answer they already knew - their own people. For today was the Day of the Feast, a horrific day where the warlords of the Bull's Kingdom went out and cannibalised their own race. It seemed that the the Falcons had held their own, but the children had still been slain. They had not travelled far. They were in no rush. Creeping between the borders, never wanting to stray into either territory, exchanging stories and tales of lore and woe. But nothing could hold off the sight they had saw that day. Children! It made both Kian and Bardock weep. For shame! Their own people - savages! Kian wanted to scream and wail, Bardoc snivelled into his beard. They had to keep going. Keep on going, keep on going, for life or death, for shame or glory, for honour and a place at the table of the great God Farago'znarr! They had to keep going.
EBRP Discussion Thread
It's DONE! Phew, thought I'd never get that done. Thoughts, my fellow adventurers? ~A.S.
EBRP Discussion Thread
Actually, I posted it a few pages back. Let me see.... EDIT: Aha! Bull Knights' Kingdom (WIP) EBRP Players in the Bull Knights' Kingdom: 1.) AwesomeStar 2.) KhoRne General Information: Capital: Garzh'gog Region: The Central Plain Palace: The Horned Fortress Location: F,9 (at the highest and center-most point of the Mountain of Akai'Tix) History of the Bull Knights' Kingdom: Centuries ago, the North-Western side of our land was divided into many warring tribes. They clashed many times, but the most famous was at the Mountain of Akai'tix, where a great battle was fought, involving all the tribes. Only two survived - the Lions, and the Bulls. It was war again. Again and again the Lions and the Bulls fought each other, until it became clear that another war would see the end of both tribes, something neither of them wanted: the Bulls, because they had a love of war surpassing any other, and the Lions because they fought out of self-defence, and did not want any tribe to die. And so it was that about two centuries ago, King Harold the Brave of the Lions, and Gha'narl Yarzohg the Loud agreed a peace treaty; they would split the land they had fought over for so long. The south side became the Lion's Kingdom, and the north became the Bull's Kingdom. But yet again, the two kingdoms are at war. The only difference? Each side now longs to destroy the other. Bull Knights' Monarchy (as it stands today): King/Leader (Gha'narl): Cedric the Bull. Queen (Jax'rem): Cedric deems that no lady is fit at his side. Prime Minister/Chief Advisor: The Council of War. Royal Family: Crown Prince/King's Heir: There is currently no heir to the throne. Prince(s): There are currently no secondary heirs to the throne. Princess: Women cannot take the throne, knave! Bull Knights' Military Formation (as it stands today): The Knights of the Horn: The Knights of the Horn are an elite force, consisting of the greatest warriors in the kingdom. They are recognisable by their special armour, which at first glance appears to be steel or iron but is infact made from a steel/bull-horn alloy that, combined, create an almost-impervious metal. Over this they wear a distinctive black tunic and a black hood, both of which are lined with the same alloy as the armour. The Knights of the Horn have their own castle, but the location is hidden from all but a select few. It is said to be a place of blackness, torture and death. The Ranks of the Bull: The Ranks of the Bull are the Bull Knight's main armed forces, consisting of legions, battlegroups and attack squads. The force gets its name from the three ranks it is split into: Archers, Swordsmen and Defence Forces. Each of these also consists of a Divine Spellcaster, who is able to enhance the soldier's abilities and aid them in their fights. The Ranks of the Bull can be found in any Bull Knight city, and serve as the main policing force for the Kingdom. Other Characters: N/A Commoners: N/A Bull Knight's Kingdom Regions: The Central Plain (D-H,9): The Central plain is a thick band of forestry, rivers and desert that divides the Kingdom in two. Each of the three "zones" are equally hard to cross, and in the middle of these is a huge mountain - The Mountain of Akai'tix. Known as the largest mountain for miles around, it is a place of death and doom, and at the very peak is the The Horned Fortress, home to Cedric and whatever foul demons lie with him there. Places of Interest: The Mountain of Akai'tix: F,8 The Lower Plain (D-G,10): The Lower Plain is a place of war, disease and poverty. The frontline for any oncoming attacks from the Lion's Kingdom, it is garrisoned constantly with soldiers, all who work in horrible and disgusting conditions but are bound their by a sacred oath of the blood of Cedric. A little further back are the supply lanes, the roads rugged and dotted with potholes and a hotspot for highwaymen and outlaws. Further back from that is the small village of Daran'n, home of thieves, crooks and con men. Only the shadiest of characters live here, and for those who have no where else to live, it is a living hell. Places of Interest: Daran'n: E,10. The Upper Plain (D-H, 8): The Upper Plain is said to be a place of wealth, trade and happiness. Sadly, that is not the case. Plagued by invasions by the Vikings of North, their villages are constantly pillaged, and their people slaughtered, beaten or forced to commit indecent acts. Currently the 9th Legion of the Knights of the Bull are stationed there, defending the villages of Racven, Olen and Uhnyagr. The supply lanes link back through the Central Plain and join with those of the Lower Plain, providing a smooth route between the two sides of the Kingdom. Places of Interest: Racven: E,8. Olen: G, 8. Uhnyagr: H, 8. The Isle of Blood (C, 8): The Isle of Blood is situated just off the West Coast, and is a place of darkness and despair. The Isle is where the people of the Bull send their prisoners, thieves and other wrong-doers. The Isle is said to be inhabited by monsters, dragons and other such foul beats. No-one knows for sure however, as the exiles are sent to the Isle on a small wooden boat, and must first pass through the Eye of Wrath, a huge whirlpool sitting in between the West Coast and the Isle of Blood. The exiles are sent there, and never come back. Places of Interest: The Eye of Wrath: D,8/9. ----------------- ~A.S.
EBRP Discussion Thread
I'm fully prepared to continue Kian's adventures and Bardoc's (Khorne's character who travels with mine), and hope that others will choose to carry on from where they left off. I am also ready to do a Bull Knight's Summary, if it so pleases you? Can't wait to carry on - can I start now? ~A.S.
EBRP Discussion Thread
Hi guys, With permission from Whitefang I'm here to ask you brilliant EBRP players and long-time fans of this game whether you would like to kick-start EBRP from where it left off? I'm sure many of you, like myself, have unfinished tales of adventure, lore and bravery, and express a desire to see a fitting end for the characters whose adventures you have worked long and hard on. So what do ye say, O men and women of the land of Eurobricks? Yay, or nay?! ~A.S.
Very impressive - actually, the best one out there, IMO. Well done, you've done the inevitable! ~A.S.
SP3 ship upgrades.
The pleasure's all mine I can't wait until Xmas comes around - Space Truck Getaway, Galactic Enforcer and Gold Heist he I come! Ahh, Xmas - The ONLY time of the year for those hugely-awesome Lego sets! ~A.S.
SP3 ship upgrades.
I think he just added stickers... they look like the ones from a 2006 Exo-Force set, am I right? I've used the same ones for my ODST Romeo figure ~A.S.
It's my 10th Wedding Anniversary!
Happy Hallowe'en!!! Oh... right. Erm, Happy 10th Anniversary, Sieggy and Walrus Keeper! May the years ahead be perfect for the two of you! ~A.S.
Raid VPR (Set 5981) Review
Cool review Ja7on! This is an 'okay' set for me. I personally dislike the ship - it just seems a bit feeble and scrappy compared to the previous line-up. However, that awesome helmet more than makes up for it, and I'll definately have to find a Bricklink seller before Xmas if I want to kit out my previous wave of Space Police men and women for when they arrive! I'm also a little peeved at Rench. Sure, he's pretty cool, what with the slimy-head and all, but I just wish Lego could maybe come up with new heads? I mean, isn't P-Squiddy supposedly the only one of his kind, yet we see Squidtron or whoever in the Smash 'N' Grab set. Good review, okay set ~A.S.
Eurgh. Exercise?! How DARE you?! Heh, well, I went to one a few times - never really got into it that much, I'm afraid. Building Lego is much cooler than getting all sweaty ~A.S.
Your favorite Space themed set?
#5972 Space Truck Getaway (also known as Container Heist). Damn, that thing is awesome. Best. Design. Ever. ~.A.S.
Fig up later today, when I get home :) It isn't entirely complete though. I guess it's version one. And yes, we should definately play Firefight sometime - I'm trying to get Vidmaster: Endure, using this guy's guide to getting it on Alpha Base, so are you up for that? ~A.S.
Well, I've just finished ODST's campaign (Co-Op on Normal with my brother) and I must say it was amazing. I've heard people flaming about ODST being a waste of money and overpriced, but for £25 from Amazon... well, I'm just laughing in their faces! The campaign is amazing, the Firefight mode is amazing, the Avatar Awards link-up to Halo: Waypoint is amazing... hot diggity-damn, this game is great! My favourite character would be Romeo - not just for his personality but for the armour. Sniper goggles ftw! Actually, speaking of Romeo, I'm near enough about to post a Romeo custom 'fig, so look out for that ~A.S.
EB Advent Calendar Raffle 2009
Hey, as I promised, my entry: ~A.S.
EB Advent Calendar Raffle 2009
Just finished building mine tonight -pictures up tomorrow morning Ooh, mystery!
Help needed: decent Halo Marine helmet?
Rock Raiders it is then. Thanks for all your help guys, and this topic can now be handed over to the mod's wishes ~A.S.
LEGO Cloaks with hood - Question
I'm almost 100% sure the only way to get a hooded cloak like this is to buy from UA. Didn't MMCB say they were making a hood to go with their other products? Good luck with your search ~A.S.
Help needed: decent Halo Marine helmet?
Oh, okay, cool I'm completely torn between the Endor helmets and the Rock Raiders helmets. IMO, the Rock Raiders ones look the most accurate, and are substantially cheaper, but I just can't get the image of the Endor helmets out of my head. ~A.S.
New BrickArms Sci-Fi Prototypes!
AwesomeStar replied to the enigma that is badger's post in a topic in Minifig Customisation WorkshopHeh heh! I noticed that too! I didn't want to say anything though...
Help needed: decent Halo Marine helmet?
Mhm... are they available in the UK?
Help needed: decent Halo Marine helmet?
Oh my goodness YES! That hat is near PERFECT for the Marines Thank you Omi, now, lets see how much these babys are...
Help needed: decent Halo Marine helmet?
Mhm. I think, in all honesty, I might just go ahead and use Stebbins' solution and use a Dk Gray Rock Raiders helmet. Maybe even paint it sand-green. I guess I just wanted to ask if anyone had any better ideas - the mods can close this if they wish, but I'd like it to stay open a while longer to take in other people's opinions? Thanks. ~A.S.
Help needed: decent Halo Marine helmet?
Ah, no. They are Halo helmets, yes, but they are for the Spartans. I'm looking for a decent marine helmet Reference pic: ~A.S.
Help needed: decent Halo Marine helmet?
Hey all. Recently I have been making some Halo 3 MOCs, just part of a new series and a game I'd love to see, that I call Halo: Marines. Having ordered BA Halo weapons, and am waiting to receive my decals from Justin Stebbins, I stumbled across a little problem: helmets. In my possession I currently have 2 sand-green kepi's, which I have used for Sgt. Johnson and G-Sgt. Pete Stacker, yet for the other 3 Marines I need a solution, relatively easy at that, for their iconic helmets. Help? ~A.S.
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