Everything posted by AwesomeStar
EBRP Adventure Thread
F-11 (On the border between the Bull Knights and the Black Falcons) The sun was high in the sky, the air hot and humid, the heavy rays beating down on the two men's necks. The two men were none other than Kian and Bardock, outlaw adventurers. "So, where are we going?" asked Bardock, as he and Kian trotted down the border between the Bull Knights and the Black Falcons. "Home..." replied Kian. "Home?" "Scorpion Knight territory!" said Kian. "Why?" Kian sighed. "Revenge, Bardock, revenge..."
EBRP Discussion Thread
Can I help with the Bull Knights?
Review: 7623 Indiana Jones - Temple Escape
I got mine for my b'day at my local TRU (Coventry, UK) for £44.99 Not cheap, but an alrighty pricey.
Batman TDK ideas?
That is one sweet Bat-Pod. Any chance of instructions: : D
EBRP Discussion Thread
Won't be posting any more chapters for a few more days. Not allowed on my computer. Having to sneak on now... EDIT: Apparently I'm allowed on! Whoo!
EBRP Discussion Thread
4th chapter up - Feel free to check out and send me any comments or criticism. This also features my first (successful!) attempt at meeting up with others. Please enjoy. A.S P.S. Big TY to KhoRne and WhiteFang for helping me out, and again to KhoRne for creating my guy a friend!
EBRP Adventure Thread
E-10 (KK1/Bull Border) Kian was returning from a successful visit to his friends, Todd and Torik. He gently whipped Hope into the right direction. In order to get back to his camp, he had to cross a large hill. Only problem was that a lone figure was sitting on the hill. His hill. He stooped Hope and dismounted, taking his sword and shield with him. Kian climbed the hill carefully, and as he got higher up, he noticed a Bull Knight logo on the man's chest. An ally? Kian plucked up the courage to speak. "Hey there, my name is Kian Otherus, and I was wondering what you are doing on my hill!" "My name is Bardock, and you speak rather rudely to me, seeing as just a couple of days ago, I saved your sorry little life!" "Excuse me?" said Kian. "I pulled you into the tree," said Bardock, rather gruffly. Kian was shocked. "I see. Well, I guess we are friends?" Kian offered Bardock his hand. Bardock shook it. "Yes, we are friends!" "To the end, my friend, to the end!"
EBRP Discussion Thread
Right, I've edited my Chapters. Feel free to check them out. I hope WhiteFang and KhoRne are happy with them. Get readin'! P.S- I hope y'all like my character Kian. I've took some piccys of him, I'm just editing now.
EBRP Discussion Thread
Ok, ty. I'll get editing.
EBRP Adventure Thread
E-10 (Right on the border between Bull's and KK1's) Kian was standing on top of his cart, behind a large, high hedge. His eyes barley reached over the top of the hedge. He was trying to look for guards. He was doing this because, if he wanted to find Todd or Torik, he would have to get into King Leo's Kingdom. That was fine, except for two things: 1. He was a Bull Knight, and 2. He was a wanted man. He was going to have to sneak in. A horn sounded, and Kian saw some of the guards run into the Castle. Tea break. Typical. But this was what he needed. He reached down into a chest on his cart, and pulled out a long black cloak. This was his father's cloak. Although he hated his father, this was the only warmth he had, and boy, was it warm. He wrapped it round his body, hiding the Bull logo on his chest armor. He then pulled the hood up, adjusting it to hide his face. Kian jumped into his seat on the cart, picked up a small, light whip and gently cracked it against Hope, making her trot forwards. Just as he was halfway through the Castle gates, a guard appeared on the edge of the battlements. "Just my luck," murmured Kian. Carefully, he reached down the side of his cart, trying not to look suspicious, and pulled out a small crossbow. Beneath the cover of his cloak, he loaded it and aimed it at the guard's throat. 1...2...3......FIRE! Kian pulled the trigger and the bolt shot out of the crossbow and into the Guard's throat. He never saw it coming. Problem solved, Kian gently whipped Hope again, spurring her on through the Castle gates and into the busy courtyard.
EBRP Discussion Thread
I'll keep your Kingdom warm
EBRP Discussion Thread
Thanks for being kind and helping me. See you around in teh forums.
Hi, I'm AwesomeStar, but some people call me A.S. I'm kinda new here, and I'm most active in the History & Adventure forums. I'm currently doing that EBRP thing. Check out my character's adventures!
EBRP Adventure Thread
F-10 (Near the border between the Bull Knights and King Leo's Kingdom.) Kian was atop his cart, winding his way through the forest paths, Hope neighing quietly. He was going to King Leo's Kingdom. He was going to visit his old friends, Todd and Torik. There was a rustling in the trees above him, and, suddenly, a ladder dropped down, and a voice came down with it, a whisper. "Come on, up, quick!" "But my horse and cart..." "That has been taken care of, now up, quick!" A hand dropped down and grabbed Kian's arm, pulling him onto the branches, high above the forest path. Kian's cart was being taken into the large bushes, out of sight. "Quiet, okay?" "Okay!" At that moment a large group of Bull Knight soldiers came marching past, heavily armed, followed by another group, and another. "What are they doing?" whispered Kian. "Looking for you!" "Crud!" "Yeah, now quiet!" The legion marched past, and into the distance. Kian felt and hand on his back, and suddenly his cart appeared from nowhere, filled with straw. It must have been pushed back out of the bushes. "Think fast!" said the voice, and it pushed Kian out of the tree. Kian was hurtling through the air, he was flying, he was, he- Was covered in straw... "Who are you?" shouted Kian, up into the tree. "An old friend!" came the reply. "Todd? Torik?" said Kian. "Is it you?" There was no reply.
EBRP Discussion Thread
Thanks for being kind to me guys. I've just uploaded my second chapter. I've used your advice, perhaps you can check it for me, make sure it is okay. And what do you think of my writing skills? Are they good or bad?
EBRP Discussion Thread
Hey, I'm new to EB, but I saw this contest and knew I just HAD to enter! I've already written the profile and my character's first chapter. Perhaps some of you guys would like to check it out for me? Let me know what you think of it! Cya- A.S
EBRP Adventure Thread
F-9 (Deep forest in the Bull Knight's Kingdom.) Deep in the forest, hidden beneath the tall trees, was a small camp. This camp belonged to Kian, an ex-Bull Knights soldier, who had lost everything and had become an outlaw. This was his camp. This was his home. A loud clip-clop was heard, and out of the foliage came a horse and cart. The horse looked tired, but healthy enough. The cart was quite large, and armored with hardwood. It contained some crates and boxes. At the front of the cart was a man. His face was hidden beneath his hood, and he was carrying a small whip. This man was Kian. He was returning from a hunt, tired, dirty, hungry, but happy. He had caught a large deer, it would last him at least 3 days, and he had stolen some straw for his horse. His horse was snow-white and it was called Hope. Kian let Hope loose for a while, and started lighting a fire. He smiled to himself. He was still young, just 3 years since he had become a man, and yet he had done so much in his short life. He had stood up to his cruel Scorpion Knight father, and ran away to the Bull Knights Land with his best friends, Todd and Torik. He had joined the army at 16, fought in the war, became rich and was treated like a king. He had survived a raid on his city, lost everything but still he lived on. He was great, and he knew it. The fire lit, and he went over to his cart to fetch the deer. He had spent many months on his cart, beefing it up, modifying it, armoring it. It looked heavy, powerful, but in fact it was useless with out Hope. He picked up the dead deer, and set it down near the fire, pulled out a small knife and started gutting it. Once he had finished, he got a small stick and slid pieces of the deer onto the stick. He then cooked it over the fire. This was the life he lived. He had lost it all, but still lived on.
EBRP General Information and Character thread.
Name: Kian Otherus Age: 23 Background: Kian was born into a Scorpion Knight family, but was abused by his cruel father and ran away to the Land of the Bull Knights with his two best friends. He then became a soldier and fought in The Great War, and became rich. However, he lost his wealth in a raid on his city, and has now been reduced to becoming an outlaw. Faction: Bull Knights. Class/ Place in hierarchy: Outlaw. Equpment: Sword, shield, "Bull" whip (geddit?) and his cart. Looks: Scruffy black hair and a slight stubble round his chin, his face worn, but young and handsome. He wears typical Bull Knight clothing, a black tunic with the Bull emblem underneath toughened brown leather armor, and leggings. Often seen wearing either a brown or black hooded cloak, and wearing a small necklace, with a small bull hanging from it.
Pics of the Agents Line
Yeah, it DOES have a face! WEIRD! BTW - Shoc, your avatar's body and hood appeals to me. Tell me what set you got them from please?
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