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Everything posted by AwesomeStar

  1. Well, I've never built a castle either (I much prefer other medieval scenes) but I have admired my fair share and picked up plenty of tips and ideas, so I'll offer my bit. My advice to you would be consistency. From what I can see, the gate uses a whole host of different types of pieces, different ornaments, etc. When you take a way all the decorative aspects of castles, they are extremely uniform, as are most buildings in general. So I would start by building in one colour - for the Dragon Knights depicted in your photo, I would suggest Dark Bley - and then swapping in and out different colours for added realism later on. Castles are also, for the most part, symmetrical (I believe this is true of those lovely castles you added links too. Wales is, by the way, one of my favourite places to visit, largely because of the castles ). So I would say that at first, make everything symmetrical, and then start building outwards in terms of design, such as adding a flagpost to the right side, or a stairway to the left, etc. Lastly, practicality. Now, this is just a personal preference on my part, but I like it when castle builders take the time to make sure that everything is designed practically. This means adding crenelations to the bridge, making higher walls, lookout posts and such. Sorry for the long post but I just thought you might get something out of it. I always enjoy your other work, Peppermint, so I look forward to seeing this completed! -A.S.
  2. PAB order arrived today, very impressed. Surprised to find that I miscalculated and actually need to make another order! Guess this sort of thing is common-lace for first timer PAB users.. And to the post above me, try MLCAD in conjunction with LDraw (note: difficult for beginners) or for a more LDD-like experience, SR 3D. -A.S.
  3. Fantasy Era (2007-10) Crownies, Kingdoms Lions and Kingdoms Dragons. I just pop one or two Crownies in amongst my Kingdoms MOCs and dress him up with a backpack or a knapsack to make it look like he's travelling between kingdoms. -A.S.
  4. Fantastic MOC, mikey! The stone statue looks really authentic and mysterious, and the parts choice really makes it look like it was carved out of stone. I also really like the base for this MOC - the brown layer under the green really looks great, for reasons I can't quite put my finger on. Hm.. The only improvement I can think of is to perhaps alter some of the greenery. It sort of gives off an under-water vibe due to the apparent lack of gravity on the vines, which distracts a little. However, I'm by no means an expert on jungle foliage, so I suspect I'm totally wrong on that one. Lastly, the minifigure featured here includes a really nice combo - namely the PoTC Cannibal torso with the Cave-Man beard. Great work, keep it up! -A.S.
  5. Yep, just got a reply from lego40k saying the same thing (I PM'd him earlier). Well, that gives me something to look forward to then! -A.S.
  6. Received my Knight's Showdown in the mail today. Cute little set, and my first Lion Knight! Always a pleasure to get a lovely fig for the first time. The catapult itself works fine, and my Lion Knight's torso was pure white, rather than the pinkish tint I've seen a few members talk about. Quick question: I also placed a PAB order at the same time, and received confirmation. However, I only received this set and haven't yet received a shipping email from Lego. Is this a normal thing to expect when using PAB (it's my first time...)? -A.S.
  7. What a lovely MOC! Very impressive, Pizinho. I really love the dock and the staircase, just like Big Cam said. The brickwork on the outpost is also very nicely done, as is the greenery and rock structure on the cliff base/rock hill. I've yet to check out the other photos on Flickr, but I'll be sure to leave a comment there too when I do. My only point for improvement would be to work into the sand a little more. at the moment it seems a little flat and the streaks trailing off the main sand bank look a little too thin and too many. Other than that the MOC is very natural and cleanly built, along with excellent presentation and photography, which is half the effort! Great work, can't wait to see more. -A.S.
  8. AwesomeStar replied to rucorder's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Gorgeous! Fantastic brick work, the tan looks just right with the light bley, dark bley and even a int of old grey, which is always a welcome addition and adds heaps of realism to any stone wall. The land outside the castle is also excellent. I really love the greenery and the small village. Not to mention the almost sparkling river and those ingenious fences! My only suggestion would be to add some variation in land height - perhaps a slightly raised hill, or even just the odd dip or raise here and there. A spectacular MOC. The Historic Themes forum is really getting a huge influx of new and exciting topics, and is fast becoming one of my favourite boards on the site. Great work, rucorder and I simply can't wait to see more of you in future. Consider the Flickr images favourited immediately! -A.S.
  9. AwesomeStar replied to de Gothia's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Excellent work yet again, de Gothia! I agree with lightningtiger, the mix of stone and wood is perfect, almost Norman-like. I love the stone tower, it just seems to be covered in little details and makes use of many interesting piece usages and building techniques. It's also rather nice to see the original Knight's Kingdom emblem and pieces work their way into a MOC. The yellow roof looks fine to me. As others have said, perhaps it is a little too bright, but that really is no fault of yours. It certainly reminds me of a thatched roof. Tan may perhaps be a more accurate colour, but I feel that it would not work well with the "classic" feel you've got going on here. Oh and your photography, as usual, is impeccable. Always a pleasure to see a MOC that is presented well. Great work, keep it up! -A.S.
  10. Brilliant creation that certainly brings back fond memories of McFly and Doc Brown! The landscaping is gorgeous, as is your attention to detail and ability to capture the action. I think it would definitely be worth you taking new pictures in accordance to the rules, because it would be such a shame if this entry was denied. Great work, PrinceWilliam and I hope to see more of your work in the future! -A.S.
  11. Very nice bignette you have here Ingrimm! I love the detail you put into the forest section, it really looks alive and untamed - exactly what I'd expect from a forest ruled by elves. The mine itself is also well built, and looks very authentic. I see you've snuck in the weapons from Blacksmith Attack, and perhaps expanded on the trees from the King's Carriage set? I can't quite tell with that last one, but overall, what a splendid MOC. Also, brilliant photography. It's always nice to see a great MOC coupled with great presentation. -A.S.
  12. I've been following this beauty since it's beginning but never commented - I've been too in-awe and inspired to even form a straight sentence about it! I figured it was about time I let you know, though, that your work on this is some of the most natural, authentic landscaping I've ever seen. You make great use of basic bricks coupled with more specialised elements and your colour choice is lovely. Everything, from the innovative tree designs to the spectacular minifig placement is spot-on. I tip my quiff to you, good sir (though that isn't actually possible... ). Your work on this has inspired me to attempt, for the first time in my life, a realistic project which makes use of "chapters" and is actually dependent on me purchasing bulk supplies of Lego, rather than my previous MOCs and mash-ups which have simply been half-heartedly constructed. I'm almost finished on the first chapter! You are an absolute credit to the community and a true inspiration, maydayartist, and I simply can't wait to see this completed, despite each update being like Christmas Day! -A.S.
  13. As you know, I loved the Dunmir house on it's own, but this is just fantastic! The landscaping is really nicely done, perfect use of plant elements and cute little mushrooms. I also really like the second building - I imagine it to be a stable, maybe? Or perhaps a store area. As a final note, that well is nicely done, lovely use of the 1x2 plate and stud technique to make that circular shape. Overall, a welcome integration of your already brilliant house into a well-executed landscape. Great work once again, Davor, keep it up! -A.S. P.S. as a side-note, your photography is also wonderful. What set-up do you have, if you don't mind me asking?
  14. Gorgeous landscaping here. The tan and the green work brilliantly together. Overall this MOC looks like a lovely, cosy place to live and makes me extremely jealous of the minifigs living there! Great work, keep it up! -A.S.
  15. Just ordered 7950 Knight's Showdown from Shop@Home along with a PAB order to complete the first iteration of my new Kingdoms MOC. Can't wait for it's arrival. I'm very impressed with Kingdoms as a whole, and I didn't want to break a tenner so I thought I may as well get that small set while I'm at it, seeing as I would most likely get it sooner or later. -A.S. EDIT: Expect a review of Knight's Showdown and the Blacksmith Attack set soon.
  16. AwesomeStar replied to de Gothia's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Love this! Seriously, de Gothia, great work. The above-ground scene creates an eerie feel that would certainly put off curious travelers looking for shelter, and judging by the cave scene for a good reason, too! You've really managed to capture a wild, untamed and distinctly dangerous vibe amongst the Wolfpack gang that really shines through in your minifig placement, faces and use of accessories. Fantastic work, and I look forward to seeing more of you! -A.S.
  17. AwesomeStar replied to Davor's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Oh, that's a bit of a shame, I bet if there had been one it wold have been all cosy and warm! Still, great work Davor and I'll keep an eye out for that diorama! -A.S.
  18. I purchased my first Lego set in about two years yesterday (I had a slight MB Halo obsession... ), the Blacksmith Attack set from Kingdoms. I must say I think as well as the set itself, the entire Kingdoms line is fantastic - in the first wave alone we're treated to two civilian sets, and even the classic forts and castles have a fresh, peaceful feel compared to the intense battles of the Fantasy-Era. Very impressed, and I've quickly incorporated it into my latest MOC to mark my return to the Lego world, and also listed a few Kingdoms sets on my "Must-Have" list... -A.S.
  19. AwesomeStar replied to jaredchan's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Gorgeous, simply gorgeous! I especially love the sharp curves of the horse, rather than the squareness of what you might imagine a Trojan horse to look like - if I recall correctly, the style of the horse is actually accurate to what has been discovered. The entire scene is beautiful, and I'm rather jealous of the event attendees! -A.S.
  20. AwesomeStar replied to Davor's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    A very nice, cute house you have here. I like the blend of Dragon Knights-era design (flat colours, basic bricks) with newer techniques such as the SNOT tiles on the walls. Is there an interior? If so, I'm sure everybody here would appreciate pictures! Great work, Davor, keep it up. -A.S.
  21. Congrats Rufus! I've noticed your work in the Special Themes forum and agree with everybody else, a well-deserved hard-earned promotion indeed! -A.S.
  22. AwesomeStar replied to Bjornu's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Hey Bjournu! Lego Galleons are unfortunately rather rare, but yours is incredibly striking. The entire shape is very accurate, and it's a pity it is now broken up as I too would have loved to have seen it in full sail. All the flags are lovely, and the colour scheme is brilliantly dangerous, sure to strike fear into any pirate on the seven seas! Great job, and I can't wait to see more of your work. This ship in particular is a brilliant inspiration for me. -A.S.
  23. AwesomeStar replied to AwesomeStar's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Great minds think alike, it seems! I did! I'm actually about to leave a comment now. I love 16th century Galleons, I think they're wonderful ships. Yours, Bonaparte & CGH's and Piglet's are my favourite. I'm actually re-creating Piglet's galleon from his website's photos on MLCAD. Over the summer I'll finish it off, purchase the pieces from Bricklink and build it (that's one of the future MOCs the carronade will come in handy for). I don't think my rag-tag trio will put up much of a fight against your Bluecoat swarm, though perhaps you won't find the treasure!
  24. AwesomeStar replied to AwesomeStar's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Hey Bjornu! Thanks for your lovely comment. The wreck went through about three iterations before I was happy with it, including a really tall mast (even at this height I have the MOC half-hanging off of my shelves as it doesn't fit...). Yes, it provides great cover for the pirates law-breaking activities. Rum, gold, prisoners... I also don't like the watchtower roof. In the recent Pirates line (2009) the Imperial Fort had a dark-blue roof scheme, I think, but I can't quite recall if I'm sure or not. I did play with a tan slope and a grey one, but they didn't look right. This base is sort of supposed to be a very run down old Imperial place, which is why I went with the white buildings and such. I'm thinking of replacing the roof to either the watchower or both of the buildings with palm leaves, but at this time I can't find more than two in my messy Lego storage.
  25. AwesomeStar posted a post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Hello Classic-Pirates! After an awfully long Lego-hiatus I have returned to the brick and with my ideas afreshened (not a word, but hey...). I've never built Pirates before, so excuse the fact that this MOC isn't as wonderful as all the others on here. I've also never bought Pirates before, so in terms of flags, cutlasses and minifigures I'm somewhat limited for now, but I researched the theme extensively, so I hope you'll like some of it at least. The other week, Eurobricks member Bjornu posted his Bluecoat Outpost, built on the baseplate exclusively included with the World City Coast Guard HQ set. I also had that set many years ago, and have used the baseplate for all sorts of things, but not Pirates, until now. As Bjornu's MOC is on the right side of the law, I decided to make my MOC a response showing the other side of the law, and what Pirates would do with this baseplate. It's incredibly hot here in the UK today, so between my writing and sunbathing I could only set aside an hour or so to build this. I like it enough, though. It's a ramshackle hideout, haunted by a shipwreck, and I hope you enjoy. Overview: Watchtower: The wreck: Carronade (I'm not sure what sort of ball-weight(?) this is, but I like what I came up with. I may use this design on future MOCs I've got lined up for the summer): Many more pictures can be found here on my Brickshelf (when public). Thanks for reading, constructive criticism and comments very welcome! -A.S.
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