Everything posted by DarthPineapple
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I'm sorry, I feel so stupid now, I thought this topic was for new sets releases too.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
3 new SW sets have come out at S@H: Pirate Tank (45 EUR): Mon Calamari Cruiser (140 EUR): Mid-scale MF (45 EUR):
Chrome Darth Vader Raffle (Entries)
Mmmmmm, Chrooooooome! Overall
[Review]7754 Home One
The Mon Calamari figs are beautiful, but the set isn't. I think I'll just buy them off BL, and maybe the other figs in the set. Your vids were very funny.
Minifig Customization Workshop Contest
So if I get it right, decals or stickers are allowed as long as they aren't made by anybody else than you? Does this include designing it?
Castle sets 2008/2009
Finally a Dwarf one, I might actually buy this when I have the chance.
Looking for Islanders
Hello Natman? Is there anything else you're interested in?
Spear trading
If you can't find anyone in the US or Canada, then I'm interested. I live in Europe.
Minifigs wanted
What figs are you looking for?
Looking for Islanders
Nope, I don't.
Looking for Islanders
What are you looking for?
Looking for Islanders
PM replied. I've got 10 of the straight battle droid arms you're looking for. Are you interested in anything else?
Looking for Islanders
Hi, I'm looking for Islander figs, anyone got some for trade?
It's the BrickArms helmet from Sluban/Oxford. BA doesn't sell them anymore.
What? The Holocaust has nothing to do with this.
Exactly 65 years ago the Allies opened the longly-awaited Second Front with the largest invasion force ever. 156.000 (156,000) men assaulted Hitler's Atlantic Wall in Normandy on June 6th 1944. Prior to the landings at Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword paratroopers were deployed at key locations. Just a small bignette I made, showing 2 paratroopers. Actually just a test with trees and grass, which I finally have an decent amount of.
[MOC] Angry Dewback
Thanks everyone! What do you mean? The clear 1x1 plates?well they just hold on, the fig isn't that heavy.
[MOC] Angry Dewback
- FemTrooper
Thanks! Yea, it is sort of.- FemTrooper
I plan on making a small army of these for my faction. ^^ Stickers by Chaotic Good.- Outpost 53
Thanks! I didn't really make this to win but I just liked the concept of the contest.- Outpost 53
Thanks for the comments! 1 is around the flame, a second one left door, thrid one right door, and another one left front eaten by Visorak. This guy's a machine gunner, that's different. ;)- Outpost 53
Thanks! It's actually a sort of web the Visorak made.- Outpost 53
Thanks! Laser effects? Where are laser effects?- Outpost 53
The Visorak Army has assaulted Outpost 53 and the battle is on! The clone defenders fight bravely but will they be able to hold off the enormous visorak army? With jaws as powerful to cut through armor and even the outpost defense guns, it is not looking bright for the clones. For the Bionicle vs Star Wars contest at CABG. There are some BrickArms here and there. Stickers by me. There are a total of 53 figs in here: 32 Visorak, 4 M8 droids and 17 clones. Though that the outpost has the same number is just a coincidence! Close up of machine gunner. Other pics in the gallery. - FemTrooper
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