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Everything posted by brunojj1

  1. It´s all not OK, in my humble unbiased opinion . Why does the clamshell not stay where it belongs? Because it´s high temperature in Billund or because it´s simply poor design. Easy fix: remove the 1L beam / sleeve and leave the pin naked (blue circle) or replace by an axle pin:
  2. You can lower it down a little bit by weakening the linkage like that:
  3. @SNIPE This model is designed to sit on a shelf. The queen of flimsyness says don´t even dare to touch me, don´t move me around, forget about playing. If you wanna do it anyway and even motorize, you should first redesign the mounts for the front wheel hubs which simply fall out too easily. Then the pins on the wheels have almost no friction. So for heavy RC driving I suggest glue them to the hubs or lubricate them by sticky honey . The overall ABS material in this set feels softer and connections less reliable than what you´d usually expect. The bricked rear end would loose up to a few hundred parts on the first meters, but that´s tolerable IMO . Just do it!
  4. That´s great news indeed ! The given range of lengnths is highly welcomed too, however they seem somewhat odd (literally) to me. Lengnths in 4,8 and 10L maybe will be added later, I will ask them and order all available of course: You are right for 95% estimated part of Lego users. But the CaDA portfolio program consists at least 80% of RC vehicles. And more new (more!) powerfull stuff is on the way, promised. From my other RC related experiences I know that everything can break. That´s part of the hobby.
  5. @Aerolight : People are getting tired of clickbaiters who always have the biggest the greatest awesomeness in superlatives to offer. Don´t wast time and just skip them. As you said, we are here to have fun and believe it or not - I am reading your thread because I want to learn something from everybody. So you are supposed not only to be the GOAT on here, so you need to remind us what rules have to be respected?? Wow. Oh btw. - you have non-Lego wheels mounted on your truck (which make the truck "the biggest" indeed). No smileys.
  6. Nice to see my "useless" rotor blades come to use again
  7. Actually I don´t know, having seen them today first time. Seems not to be an actual photograph, but a render. Chromed elbow pieces - hmmm...
  8. https://decadastore.com/en-de/collections/technic/products/cada-gearbox-jq9016
  9. It´s a real shame that TLG doesn´t offer spares in any color and lengths available. They would be so cheap to produce. So others have to do that in the future.
  10. I advocated the listing of these parts in the spare parts section. Please wait around 2-3 weeks and they will be available there too.
  11. The design stems entirely from CaDA´s R&D department. But we both contributed to it, as you know.
  12. @LvdH : Nice catch, my friend! I´m wondering about this monster vehicle in the background where the part is used - what is it?... How does it work? There is a wavy thread pattern on the rotating axle inside which engages one or more of the surrounding sliders where the half rings for the clutch can be inserted, going through into the wavy groove. The whole thing is held in position by the clutch which prevents the rectangular housing from rotating. I think everybody can see that with this crucial part CaDA has created not just a substitute, but made it a function itself. There couldn´t be any better technical solution IMO and one can see how much effort went into developing this. And don´t worry about friction, it´s not more than you would have otherwise. Suing somebody like me is indeed ridiculous, but not impossible, since I´m using it for commercial purpose. But patenting the whole gearbox concept (not the part itself!) is what they did and that´s pretty the same as saying you have invented the round wheel IMO. Why do you want more drama? Think about we are still talking about TOYS after all. And why for all parts? First of all you need to differentiate between patens which are valid and which aren´t anymore, copyright, 3D marks, registered designs in US, EU, China etc. which are all very different things. You don´t need to bother of course as regular user / MOCer - enjoy all the parts diversity and endless freedom - build something extraordinary of it to enjoy !
  13. Nice job! I like this heavy duty drivetrain a lot and the performance ist stunning! Side note: this is inspired by, but definitely not an Acura NSX. And for me it doesn´t look like it very much because of the lack of some characteristic details.
  14. Lack of resources?? This must be a joke, but nothing will surprise me anymore after they have left the righteous path. Yes, being fat and lazy can can mean you have a lack of motivational resources, lack of sporty ambition e.g. . If you don´t care about your fans anymore, let themselves do the job for you, e.g. in a competition.
  15. I love this stuff and the variety of possibilities opening, testing new limits in the pursuit for greater performance. It´s the same in the RC world - once you replace a weak part anywhere, another part would break somewhere else which you can tune as well, making something else break etc... So let´s damage some more plastic anyway! I can imagine the lubrication spreading all over the place in your model, to be covered by more dirt playing outdoors .
  16. Here the opening post again: "This topic can be used to present your CADA model/set, as well to discuss. PLEASE NOTE: We don’t endorse other brands on the Technic forum, although we want to make an exception for this topic only, since our members have created some awesome models with this brand. Rules: - CADA only, no other brands at this point. - This is the only CADA topic for the Technic forum, and each CADA model goes here, so no opening a new topic for a new CADA model. - Do not use this topic solely to promote your CADA set/instructions. Do use this topic to make a nice presentation of your CADA model, and you can put a small link to the store. Again, all the presentation and discussion should be done here. - Mind the size of your pictures (max 1024). - Rules might change as the time goes on." It´s very clear from the forum moderator himself. Discuss the other "cool brand" somewhere else. Btw. they have absolutely nothing to do with Lamborghini or Koenigsegg or Ford! How incredibly flimsy everything is in CaDA products - that´s your opinion which you are welcome to share and discuss exactly here!
  17. @Polarlicht : You can ask me via PM or just read the dedicated topic. The version from @astyanax is presented there as well and everybody is welcome to use his files & instructions in order to modify anything. The modified variant from XXX is illegally selling my entire chassis 1:1 and estimated original 80% of the bodywork at least. Sorry I can´t help you so much with any unmotorized version simply because I´m not responsible for the changes made there to fill the gaps, as well as the missing functionality. In the mentioned topic you can find some suggested MODs for the fake manual shifters though.
  18. The metal joints are now available as spares: https://decadastore.com/en-de/collections/technic/products/cada-metal-universal-joint-3l-jt6001
  19. Where did you buy it? My suggestion - first ask the seller. If bought directly at CaDA, ask the support at info@decadastore.com In the meanwhile I will ask Martin to include the metal joints, carbon axles and other useful spares here: https://decadastore.com/en-de/collections/technic
  20. Considering the amount of time and efforts invested into this build and since you mentioned my P1 inspired model as one of your motivational sources, I owe you a comment trying to be not too harsh . Overall it´s a nice replica, I respect your considerations and right decision for the scale ! Dirk Klein´s approach with the diagonal beams looks very good on your model and the modularity division has been managed very well, I like it! But this one is funny to read, sorry: "(most importantly, it passes my “squint test”, where if I squint hard enough it is indistinguishable from a photo of a real 720s.) :)" I have to disagree somewhat after doing the squint test myself. Visualization and imagination always have their room however . The door handles + suspension handle seem not braced properly, so I doubt they function very well. In general I would recommend not to use mini LA´s for the suspension adjustment because they misalign / desynchronize too quickly and don´t stand heavy duty (by design!). Apart from the mentioned roof which is too high by 1(!) stud, you simply should do a better presentation with neutral background and from many different perspectives like flat front and rear view, side view, doors closed and open, rear wing activated ect. Especially an underbelly shot gives a good picture of the overall build quality and reveals interesting insights (at least for me), we are in the Technic forum. Btw. the rear spoiler has not the needed curvature, but it´s the same dilemma in Charbel´s version and in my "Pista" inerpretation as well. After having seen the real car recently I realized how severe the problem is - convex vs. concave panels´ shapes is a big chapter to discuss in the future. Don´t feel any pressure to do anything said, it´s your project and you can be really proud of it as it is! With a few tweeks you can do even better and double the joy .
  21. Paul took some efforts to make pictures from angles I didn´t, but anyway ...
  22. Wow, this is a stunning cool supercar you have pulled out here, to say the least ! Every bit of it is so well constructed and worked out, the design is all your own for which you earn extra respect on top. You have used the perfect mix of common available orange pieces put at the right angle at the right place, leaving minimal gaps. The chassis alone looks frightening already and could roll as a hotrod on its own . One thing I try to grasp is where does the high parts count come from? (probably the long wheelbase explains it). Can´t wait for the video! Feel free to PM me anytime to discuss a few more things.
  23. Tremendous job ! Love the overall authentic appearance and the nice diy sticker application . Did you consider to use some CaDA electronics and/or offer the design to them?
  24. The site is selling a bunch of stolen MOCs and ripp-offs which stay to 90% original, many of them stem from EB members. I can recognize they are using the silhouette of one of my cars as icon in a proclamation which is funny to read knowing about what is said before. Endorsing the retailers and their supply chain in the open is despiceable and discussions are not appreciated. I personally don´t mind though what you enjoy in private or not.
  25. Fantastic job, my friend ! I´m proud of having served you as motivator with my infamous model. Your take looks astonishing and I always apreciate to see new cars in the 1/10 scale if executed accurately and detailed enough. As talked in private, I wished to build in a gearbox into my car too back then, but there was not much space and I didn´t want to have anything half baked, rather compensate with other functions. No need to say I´m amazed of your gearbox, the curvature of the car is nicely done and especially the rear view looks very recognizeable and agressive! A bit of critisism anyway - the stacked 5L beams in the door disturb the flow a tiny bit. The headlights remind me more of a 570S, though I admit mine were a bit too small / not expressive. I see no rear lights, but they pop into the imagination within the red contours. Orange flex axles wouldn´t work, being too thick, I suppose? Btw. you are using red color very often, maybe you should go for a sample more of Italian style next time . Thanks for sharing!
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