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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Noahs-Dad

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    Scotland, UK

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  1. OP = Original Poster. Apologies to de-personalise things there Cecile.. A little bit of white-tac is entirely forgiveable I think on such a fantastic model it would be harsh of anyone to pick points at that. It is also great that you took the time to follow up on everyones comments, your even a most pleasant guy to boot :) Someone suggested adding a troll, I'm sure you will already know theres a polarbear piece in existence (from an 80s or 90s explorers/expedition set perhaps?). You must have been tempted to add one in somewhere?
  2. I wondered about the attachment of the figs also. Perhaps the OP can confirm? I thought they may have possibly been attached with a little blu-tac (or white-tac would be more appropriate!). If thats the case I could certainly forgive such a technique as it would only have been done for display purposes, and I still can't stop looking at the photos and going "wow" over and over in my head.
  3. I don't know the coffee joke! It has probably gone over my simple head, please enlighten me someone :)
  4. Just incredible. Far to many compliments and fantastic features to mention them all but in particular I love:- - The scaling with the continuous rising slope, with the train tunnel underneath. - It can be used for playing as you haven't cluttered the building's and managed to create open space. - The mountain face climing wall, the ski slope, I mean just WOW! - Nice touch with the recycling also. I really can't pay enough compliments on this build.
  5. Where I live (Scotland, UK) you occassionaly get a random Series appear for a few months in any random shop. Recently my ASDA store has been stocking series 5 for a while. A while back series 4 was in a Bargain BM Store which is like a cheap discount outlet type of shop. I'd be really surprised if anything other than series 5 onwards was brought back for retail sale at this stage.
  6. Well done, I like it. Having just seen the movie your build was very recognisable to me. Whats the options for an invisible man figure like in the film. Is there such a thing as clear transluscent trousers/torso parts in existence? If not, there should be!
  7. Thanks guys. I noticed Winter Toy Shop was no longer on sale anywhere including Lego's site. I managed to pick it BNIB on ebay for £60 recently, so was happy with that. If anyone needs the Winter Toy Shop, I'd suggest picking it up on Ebay or Amazon if you can get it for about £60 - £70 as it is definetly going to be at inflated prices soon. I bought Winter Bakery 10216 and Winter Post Office 10222, both for £50ish from the LEGO website in the last month. I agree these look like they could be getting retired before long. I will probably wait and see what offers LEGO provide over the next month and pick up Winter Village 10229 from them direct. My intention is to use all these sets, to create a North Pole environment, by building them on several white 32 x 32 bases and a couple of green 32 x 32 bases. Throw in a red/white North Pole stick, build a simple custom Reindeer stable (using brown horses or old style dogs), a few Toy Parcel's and Elf like minifigs with short legs, and a Christmas train and it's very North Pole-ish I think. Christmas Holiday Train 10173 would be a great addition to any North Pole set, but I'm going to buy several of the small Christmas Train 40034 sets, because at £4 from the LEGO website when your getting the trailer like connection, thats just fab and a cheap but cute alternative. A few seats can easily be thrown in for the kid minifigs, its very and easily customisable.
  8. Was going to buy 10229 Winter Village, but was hoping to leave it a year or so. Does anyone know what the availability of this set is going to be like. Is it likely to be around for next Xmas at lego.com? I'm worried it might be retired and nobody wants to pay 2 or 3 x the RRP on ebay.
  9. For the UK'rs amongst us, might want to get over to TESCO Direct before stock runs out on some of the big items: CODE td-mxtn gets you £10 of a £75 or more spend. NOTE THE CODE WILL ONLY WORK ONCE. Great for big items like: Queen Annes Revenge Pirate Ship - £71.60 Pirates Black Pearl Ship - £80.00 Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle - £80.00 Free delivery to store. As an example, I bought Queen Annes Revenge for £71.60 + City Speedboat for £3.60. TOTAL AFTER DISCOUNT - £65.30 Thats pretty fantastic right? And if your feeling greedy and are sneaky like me, you can always use the wifes account to pick up another big set with the code.
  10. Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, but I'm new here and posting on the buy/sell/finds section is disabled for me. At Tesco Direct I just bought: City Passenger Train 7938 - £67.25 Lego T Junction & Curved Road Plates 7281 - £9.00 TOTAL = £76.25 - £10.00 coupon code TD-MXTN (applicable if spending over £75) + £3.00 delivery (unfortunately no delivery to store available for set 7938) TOTAL TO PAY = £69.25 A good buy to say the least, don't hang about it if its for you as it will be gone by the morning. I have had 7938 on stock alert email msg, and it just came back into stock 30 mins ago.
  11. Appreciate the info Duq, very useful. I'm still not understanding one thing though. Say I wanted to purchase the new 9467 Monsters Ghost Train set... the track doesn't sound like an issue but how would I know what motor would be compatable or appropriate in this example? Would any motor work? Or would it require a particular voltage of motor dependant on the weight or amount of bricks used?
  12. Is there such a thing as a guide for all lego train sets ever made, that includes list/table type information on what you need for each train. I.e. most sets don't come with a motor and not all track sets would work with each train. As someone who owns no train/track sets I find this very confusing. A compatability list showing (1) the Train Set, (2) what track sets are compatible with it, (3) what motors are compatabile with it. That would be extremely helpful, but I haven't been able to find such a list as yet. I'm looking to get into this area (for both current/new sets and older no longer available train sets).
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