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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by masterX244

  1. check around the ldraw.org site. thats the central hub for the tools based around the ldraw format
  2. nothing this month... i already had ignited the afterburner on ordering in december when i got the second half of parts for the venator... first half was stretched out over a few months... and no project in the pipeline atm.
  3. thanks... wish i would have known that earlier... *putsthatpartonawantedlist* that fix has to wait until next order season though...
  4. would buy, too if available...
  5. expect another partlist soon. testing a idea for a holder at the back center part atm since that one hangs down still. Update: Holder installed, Pics in spoiler 2x 3706 axle 6 2x 4519 axle 3 1x 32073 axle 5 6x 32013 Technic Axle and Pin Connector (4 are replaceable with 32039 Technic Axle Connector with Axle Hole) 2x 32123b Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth with Axle Hole Semi-Reduced (or any other way to close the end of a axle) 1x 6632 Technic Beam 1x3 thin (axle aligner, optional) 2x 3701 Technic Brick 1 x 4 [3 Holes] 3x 2780 Technic Pin with Friction Ridges Lengthwise and Center Slots 2x 3022 plate 2 x 2 1x 3020 plate 2x4 1x 3679 Turntable top 1x 3680 Turntable base You have to mirror the assembly since it isn't symmetrical, the downwards part has to align towards the back
  6. this time as a quote so you see it straight
  7. Few posts below the one you quoted: part lists for each holder. And its a inofficial fix so you have to add those to the partlist and remove the magnets + magnet holders. Also: having access to 1 or 2 additional hands makes it easier to install the bottom panels (was cursing on the first try since it fell off due to not enough support until all were connected) Also: you might have to fiddle another holder together for the inner back corner of the plate, those sag a bit since no holder is at their spot but original got a magnet there
  8. i based off the xml part list which i imported as private MOC (now called custom list). then i applied some patches from a few pages ago to avoid the magnets. that one worked out mostly (for the final buying bricklink was used but that one has a serious bug when you only buy parts of the wanted list initially, when a order has the same item split over 2 lots and you apply the order not all parts are subtracted off. that one caused me roughly 200 extra parts (luckily nothing really expensive)
  9. or cheat by making the home-base in 2 different scales as a sort of "zoom-out" to get the ISD size down
  10. THought on exactly the same issue, too... might need a redesign of the thin ones since they dont look as stable as the big one
  11. Might be a useful entry point for you: http://brickset.com/sets/theme-Racers/subtheme-Outdoor-RC
  12. masterX244 replied to MaxTube55's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Not sure but maybe those ones might have appeared in a few more sets
  13. better rename that domain... there are enough cases where a domain containing lego got taken down. same reason why all those fan sites got "brick" in their domain name.
  14. You can also work on getting the parts stretched over a few months to spread the costs. And Rebrickable can also show which sets got usable parts, too (so you see if you can use existing parts).
  15. Punch-tab ones are kept since when opened on the front instead of the side they are a useful tray for parts while building. the big ones of the exclusives are kept, too
  16. Parts list is also on Rebrickable: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/anio/venator-star-destroyer For going cheaper search this post for the magnetless mod. optionally replacing LBG levers with old light gray levers helps, too Another warning in advance: those 2x4's with holes are easy to confuse with normal 2x4 plates but thats also a issue with officail Lego instructions. Edit: Build done. Inclusive a few snafus and fubars on the plates. (too many to notice it immediately that you screwed up) Progress Pics: http://nplusc.de/ucsven/
  17. found a error on step 169(page 175). you somehow got that angle connector part in dark red there while the parts list for BL and rebrickable both show it in bright red...
  18. All parts ordered... Building this one now :)
  19. According to Rebrickable the porsche has 68,2% of the required parts. (obtained by using a empty parts list and then "build this MOC" and scrolling down to suggested sets for parts ("other sets to consider")
  20. masterX244 replied to lookl's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Possible to get those information without visiting FB? There are ppl like me that avoid the Blue F completely.
  21. stuff taking forever over the atlantic happens from US to europe, too, afaik any oversea delivery has that issue so its most likely caused by the postal systems
  22. Possible to get a summary of the posts there? Some people avoid facebook completely and it isnt that useful for long time referencing
  23. What parts of the original part list can be removed for those ? only the magnets or are there other removed pieces, too?
  24. still remembering it... and i remember that i got a full dump of the beta msg boards floating around on my harddisk (knowing the game since it was mentioned in a note in a article about the 2008 anniversary of lego in a german newspaper)
  25. masterX244 replied to Fugazi's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    good to know that it was one little error only. at least it got noticed now
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