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Everything posted by masterX244

  1. masterX244 replied to Fugazi's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    should be the same since i use a german firefox. in german the message is "Dynamisches Lesezeichen konnte nicht geladen werden". looks like there is a error to squish for the admins
  2. masterX244 replied to Fugazi's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    For some weird reason Firefox refuses to read the "EB News" feed as a dynamic bookmark, any other RSS-Feeds from other websites work, just not the one from here. Edit: Rewording
  3. could be a dalek or a half-dalek with studs on only 2 sides But one thing is sure: studs have to be at at least 3 sides of the center structure Edit: in the pictures later in his flickr gallery you see a view from halfway below which made me guess that he has used Part 47905 (Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Studs on 2 Sides) or Part 4733(Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Studs on 4 Sides) with a 47905 pointing to the back and a Part 87087(Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Stud on 1 Side) towards the front to hold the single tile towards the nose. But need to test that and find the parts in my boxes first Edit2: Got it reverse-engineered. It requires a 87087, a 47095 and a Part 4070 (Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Headlight) See pictures how it works (had to replace the 87007 with a 1 long technic beam and a clip with stud since i had none of the needed bricks at hand): https://nplusc.de/REVENG/MINIISD/ Edit3: Fixed a few dead links by rehosting on own webspace
  4. i still had a bunch of bad luck of getting none so far... had to resort to some other soft tools to separate a bunch of tiles in the middle of a large plate
  5. masterX244 replied to Zoshi's post in a topic in Community
    the method i saw on the page i visit regulry is a script that works similar to the bricklink method of making the #number to a link to the page sorta like a hashtag
  6. I always think the sellers at ebay got a sort of "newbie-premium" price since unexperienced buyers don't know of the cheaper bricklink sources.
  7. masterX244 replied to Zoshi's post in a topic in Community
    For those 1x2 plates: i usually sandwich em between 2x4 bricks and then try to separate em, somehow a larger gripping surface makes the work easier. and @Iria: at a different forum when you prepend a # before a set number it automatically links to a page describing which set the number identifies
  8. For me the standard method is to use 1 box per bag of the set, using that method avoids to search larger amounts of pieces since bags have some sort of pre-sorting. after some build-time you get that pattern so you have to think less on what goes where
  9. couldnt you borrow some ideas from the GBC makers for a endless loop of the cards to have it work in endlessmode, too?
  10. still wishing one would open in Stuttgart in germany. the other ones are at least 4 hours by train away and going by train is getting expensive when jts going to larger distances
  11. uploading to a file hosting site like dropbox or google drive and then posting link here should work
  12. meant tray for, edited post, stupid typoes
  13. not so useful :( i got used to open those with punch tabs at the top so you yould use the box as a tray for keeping some of the parts in while building, with the taped ones that trick isn't doable anymore edit: replaced try fopr with tray for
  14. since the latest used sets merge i'm at 36k parts.
  15. personally keeping all boxes (and openng the thumbtab ones a bit differently (on the top side with the front picture instead of the small side) cause you can use them then perfectly for storing parts inside em when building a set or using it to store other parts in the collection) and the larger ones are pretty useful to tack other stuff away in a not so obvious way
  16. sorted a used lego lot in i snagged from a friend's friend who cleaned out his basement storage and was almost throwing the parts away. Images linked are the state short before i got stuff finished http://nplusc.de/sortintermediate1.JPG (small amount of boxes stored on desk. (the one box behind the joystick contains stuff scheduled for trashing (aka clone brand parts and other non-lego stuff that sneaked inside) http://nplusc.de/sortintermediate2.JPG (that one red shoebox open with the inside box contains all those tiny parts that wouldn be a PITA to sift thru in large boxes, andt he empty box ontop of the package with the plates was the sorting tray used to keep the currently processed parts in one spot, (a few more boxes didn't find their way onto that pictur) And the entire system i use is built around cardboard and paper boxesc ause you get shoeboxes and other boxes free as packaging material and paper isn't that expensive especially when you recycle misprints. and cardboard/paper can be made to fit much easier than plastic boxes
  17. Isn't the voting eglibility wrong defined? I think that you meant: Members that joined after the start aren't allowd to vote
  18. Thanks. that was a annoying bug. time to write a small fix-program:-(
  19. im using latest SR-Builder and the ML-CAD that was on the 2010-AIO-Install. And i deleted the first bunch of 0-Lines already.
  20. lines beginning with 0 shouldnt be the problem because 0 are comments and the bug bites when i try to open the dropbox-file in ml-cad. and the group-lines are annoying to remove because sometimes every second line is a 0 GRPUP x line. Wish the export function would kill these lines, too. Seems like i have to go into blind flight for the project.
  21. DAt-Export removes that extra modifictions and that file errors with runtime error, too:-(
  22. same error. wont work, too :-( Thats just an extra-annoying glitch :-( There must be a way tofix that error. Any idea out there?
  23. * getting angry* After loading it with SR-3d-Builder and then saving it as basic dat-file(im ML-CAD-USer) ML-Cad spits out exact this file with an abnormal program termination. Thats annoying because im used to the MLCAD-Route and all other parts of my project are in a mlcad-file, too.. I dont know what causes that :-(. And i verified it qiht another file that it is a file-specific-problem. HEre the erroring file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f3pvfy33tic7dxr/10212-WU.ldr
  24. Concerning the 10212: you should make a version with wings up or the cranks placed at approbiate position because i need the model with wings up to test out something im currently building in LDraw. The wings-down versiondoesnt fit at that space unfortunately EDIT: \/ followed his hints
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