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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. updated this topic on request with the latest version details. LDD PF is no longer beta and if any update of Lego Digital Designer comes out i will update LDD PF with the updated content of LDD.
  2. 1.0.6. beta - updated to LDD brickset 835.4 - added more than 12.500 (!) NON LDD, but official LEGO itemnos witch has an alias to a LDD design id. So with an official Lego building instruction booklet/pdf it should be possible to find (almost) every Lego itemnr/nos in LDD PF. - cosmetic corrections
  3. Thanks legolijntje for you compliments and suggestion, fixed :) 1.0.5. beta - speeded up the splash screen as suggested by legolijntje of eurobricks.com - moved the font selection menu option to prefs
  4. Update *1.0.4b* , new features Fast search with wildcards * Match everything ? Match exactly one character. # Match a digit. @ Match an alphabetic character $ Match a digit or an alphabetic character #+ Match multiple digits. @+ Match multiple alphabetic characters $+ Match multiple digits or alphabetic characters Minimize and Maximize button to make the main window small or default. This is handy when used with stay on top and working in LDD. Auto minimize after clipboard or LDD Direct copy. All options (including selected font) can be saved in the .ini file and will be loaded by program start.
  5. bug fix 1.0.1: While runing LDD Partfinder with eurobricks Lego Digital Designer open in a web browser the wrong window was addressed (duh). I replaced the check routine with a new LDD check routine. This seems to solve the problem. New version is uploaded on the already mentioned download location in this topic.
  6. Hello all, i'm new here so hopefully i post this in the correct place. I like to work with Lego Digital Designer but finding of parts is very limited. Because of this i wrote myself a little tool wich make working with LDD better. Because the tool is better working than expected i want to share the beta version already with you all. If anyone found a bug or a feature request, let me know. LDD Part Finder 1.0.0 build 4 final features Index of all (available) parts of LDD 4.3.5 Fast search on partnumber, design id or description keyword, wildcards or regular expression (PCRE, use :your RegularExpression in front of a search) Show the partnumber and a preview image of the found LDD design part Show the itemnos and a preview image of the itemnos variations in official LDD colors Copy the item description or design id/itemnos to clipboard option Copy the item description or design id/itemnos DIRECT to the stringfield of LDD option Main window Stay on front of all other windows option Bring LDD to front after a clipboard or DIRECT copy option Minimize and Maximize button to make the main window small or default. This is handy when used with stay on top and working in LDD. Auto minimize after clipboard or LDD Direct copy. All options (including selected font) can be saved in the .ini file and will be loaded by program start. Option to choose another font for easy reading at your own comfort. Low memory usage and working on WinXP/Win7 x86/x64 (minimal required screen size = 800x600) Contains 14.490 LDD itemnos and 13.877 NON LDD itemnos (but official Lego numbers) Easy LDD Yes/No column to show if your selected itemnos/Lego part/variation is known and supported in LDD Key in your itemnumber from an Official Lego building instruction inventory and pronto, with ONLY ONE mouseclick it's into LDD, the end of searching is near! extended_images_lib.bin, this library contains 12.455 official Lego part images with or without decorations. This library is optional and you can download this separately. Place it in the same folder as LDD PF and the program will automatically use it when you click a itemnos. Downside is that not all parts are available as extended image, if so then the standard image will be used. - It's free Current download location and Google project site http://code.google.c...ldd-partfinder/ Greetings from The Netherlands, DrFalken
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