Everything posted by Albus
Jabba's Palace
Very nice! Nice use of the One Ring piece I see - love the base/frame, the architecture, and the placement of the minifigs too - true to the scene!
LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
But LEGO loves making Star Wars sets based on vehicles that are seen for split-seconds! (But yeah, where's our Arena? I guess that scene doesn't have the OT nostalgia value that will make this set sell). I think the Sandcrawler is exciting enough, especially as this is only the second set they've ever done. I'll definitely be getting this when it comes out! And yes, hopefully they include part of the homestead, or at least Beru! She'll never be in another set for obvious reasons, and it seems the sort of thing LEGO likes to do (throw in valued characters wherever they can, however tenuous the link to the scene) And we haven't seen all of it, we can't judge the price too harshly yet (and has the price even been confirmed yet?). Very excited!
LEGO Hobbit 2014
Great analysis Deathleech! I definitely think the same about the splitting of the waves, and remain confident that late-2014/early-2015 will see a third LOTR wave.
The ONE Thing You Want to See from LotR Before it Ends
It's true that pretty much everyone here wants more than one set/minifig in the final wave, but that's not the point of the question. The aim is to find out what your most desired set/minifig is. It's hypothetical : if you were approached by LEGO and given a choice to ask for just one more set for LOTR, what would that be? It doesn't have to be realistic, or constitute a "third wave". Just think of it as a special opportunity that has come up and you have only one option. I think Deathleech posed the hypothetical question just for fun. I guess you could cheat and say "I want a a Middle-Earth LEGO Playset, featuring everything and everyone", haha
The ONE Thing You Want to See from LotR Before it Ends
My original answer would have easily been Galadriel, but since it looks like we're getting her in The Hobbit line... Éowyn - she might be MOCable, but I would prefer an official figure to custom, personally. As for my most desired set: probably a Minas Tirith, like everyone else . It doesn't have to be UCS, I can imagine a scaled-down but still impressive model.
LEGO Hobbit 2014
Maybe Smaug is in both sets? Being a moulded creature, it's not that unreasonable (since it's not like they are including the same build in two sets as if it were brick-built). And to those worrying that they won't do a new mould for Smaug because they'd only use it once... well, here they'd be using it twice! Personally, I agree that the Lake-Town set HAS to have Smaug in it. It is only the vague and contradictory reports from the Toy Fair that we are getting that are putting doubt on that idea. And Smaug is obviously very important for Erebor as well. It would be a pretty plain set if it were just the mountain/halls with the dwarven company. I do think they'll throw in some TABA elements to make it a bit more exciting, but maybe they can both feature Smaug. Does anyone have any good reason why he couldn't appear in both sets? LEGO has used the same dragon mould in two different sets from the same wave before (Castle 2007, albeit in different colours)... maybe they could have (slight DOS SPOILER here???)... a golden dragon in the Erebor set!!!
LEGO Hobbit 2014
I wasn't arguing that "anything is possible" though, at least not on such broad terms. I was saying that LEGO is in no way confined to sticking to a structure simply because it matches the event name with the word "army", which is what you were implying (when you said it would be silly for them to NOT do an army-builder simply because it had the word "army" in it - THAT is illogical). Changing their model is hardly difficult anyway - originally I was proposing that they have a set which is similar to the "army-builders" we have at the moment, but maybe with a different ratio of unique to generic figures, to match a specific movie scene. I agree with you here: especially about the Hobbit sets. We know the first sets we got were all supposed to be AUJ, but then the movie was split. I imagine the original second wave was going to be about six sets in size as well (some of the current 2nd wave, plus some of the sets from the upcoming 3rd wave). Whichever of the sets double up in terms of price are probably the 1-2 sets which they had to design belatedly (I reckon Mirkwood Elf Army, and possibly one of the Lake-Town sets, were designed AFTER the split), once the film split occurred.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Having a Galadriel in the Hobbit wave means they don't have to waste a set on Lothlorien/the Mirror in the LOTR wave, meaning more Gondor... (assuming she is in normal white dress that is). They'll probably do an early 2015 LOTR wave to finish it all off, if they're definitely not doing one this year, as the Toy Fair seems to indicate. I keep saying this, but I am still firmly convinced there'll be a final LOTR wave... No Treebeard in 10237 Tower of Orthanc, therefore there'll be a Treebeard set later on, meaning another wave...
What's your latest acquisition?
Is a long cape movie-accurate though? I only wonder because I have contemplated calling and getting them to send over the long cape for my Elrond, but I don't want to be one of those people who only asks for it because it says so on the packaging, rather than actually needing a long cape because he has one in the movie... If you see what I mean? I bought a second Black Gate set recently - I got it for $60, when it is usually $100 (AUD that is, of course): my local BIG W had all the 2nd-Wave LOTR sets for almost 50% off!
LEGO Hobbit 2014
It wouldn't be silly. Just because the event has the word "armies" in it, doesn't mean LEGO will automatically make a certain "type" of set to go with it. The term "Army-Builder Set" isn't even an official LEGO thing, it's just us LEGO fans coming along, pointing out similarities between 9471 Uruk-hai Army and 79012 Mirkwood Elf Army and saying that there is a pattern, because the sets have the same ratio of minifigs, and the same naming convention. Not to say I don't think there IS a pattern - I do, the sets were obviously made to be bought in multiples (that's why they connect together). What I'm instead saying is that it can be flexible; the set based on the Bo5A does not necessarily have to follow these same "rules". People shouldn't assume it will be restricted by the same constraints which appear in the two aforementioned sets, and as a result dismiss the idea of getting more than one unique, named character, simply because those two sets only had one. THAT would be incredibly silly. All I was saying is that the set does not have to follow any pre-established rules, simply because it depicts the Battle of the Five Armies. Personally I think it will be a mix - a few unique characters, but a few generic as well. So therefore not a traditional "army-builder", but still functional as one. Anyway, as for the Smaug mould - I am very confident they will make one. As everyone is already pointing out, they do heaps of one-off moulds; most of the time it is for specialised parts, and they seem to be fine with it. The idea that they don't like creating moulds that they can't re-use is probably more true for the less-specialised elements, i.e. things that aren't monsters/aliens/character-specific parts from licences. In the latter cases, staying faithful to the source material seems to trump the mould issue. They could have easily just given all the dwarves the same old wizard beard in different colours, but they didn't. And most of those moulds have not been used again (although we will probably see more dwarves in the Erebor set).
- Middle-Earth Madness - Lothlórien vs Prancing Pony [Week 5]
LEGO Hobbit 2014
Well this is exciting! And the sets appear to be pretty much true to the predictions that were going on here: a small Dol Guldur set, one based on Lake-Town with Smaug, an Erebor set, and a Bo5A set! I look forward to the minifigs from the Dol Guldur set, and will be happy to be expanding Lake-Town with the Smaug set. Erebor sounds the best, I am very happy they aren't ignoring it for other movie sequences (I'd much rather Erebor than the Bo5A, if I HAD to make a choice). I'm happy with only a small-ish Bo5A set. Also, it might not necessarily be an army-builder, to those worrying they might not get enough unique figures. The second LOTR wave didn't have an army-builder. It might just be a similarly-sized set, but normal in terms of minifig selection. I imagine it's probably actually based on a specific scene in the movie, since they have to include Dain and Bolg in it. Unless Bolg is put in the Lake-Town set, which MAY happen, as he was there in the second movie, and they've done cross-movie sets before. Thanks for the news! I look forward to hearing more :)
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LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Hmm, that Beorn head-piece is disappointing - all to make him a teeny bit taller...? Also, I am positive there will be a third LOTR wave - if they were ending with two waves, then the Ent in the Tower of Orthanc set would have been Treebeard. Since he wasn't, they must be saving him for later... It's the same reason I was sure they'd continue the theme with a second wave - since Saruman wasn't included in Orc Forge, (the most obvious place to put him), I knew they must be saving such an essential character for a later wave. So have faith people! (Also, since the movie back to being released in December, they can release the LOTR wave in the northern hemisphere summer as usual (the pattern was going to be messed up if the Hobbit was being released in July). The news about the video game is excellent - I hope they do a Visual Dictionary as well, both with an exclusive figure of course!
Vote for your favourite Category 9A entries
4) Mr Good and Evil Entry (Build by Yatkuu) - 1 point, 7) Cyclops Entry (Build by Plissken) - 1 point, 35) Mermaid Entry (Build by Cecilie) - 1 point.
Vote for your favourite Category 8A entries
14) Conquistador (vecchiasignoraceppo) - 1 point, 18) Alien Villainess (Minoton) - 1 point, 20) Actor (Kai NRG) - 1 point, (I cannot seem to press "enter" when typing in these forums, what's up with that? It works everywhere else, just not Eurobricks. I know this is sort of an inconvenient place to ask this, but it is a really annoying problem...). That aside, keep up all the good work everyone, all of these are great to look at!
Vote for your favourite Category 7A entries
2) Grandma's Visitor (sgeureka) - 1 point 26) Bride (lisqr) - 1 point 27) Bunny Suit Guy (Emma) - 1 point Great entries everyone!
Press Release 10237 - Tower of Orthanc
It's just how I wanted it - great for display but with an excellent interior for playability. The minifigures, accessories and details are great, and it is huge! I will be getting this in July (which is thankfully earlier than I was expecting it to come out! Yay!). There are some pictures showing Saruman with legs instead of his dress-piece: is this a mistake or is it possible it comes with both? Also, I agree that the lack of Treebeard indicates more sets later on - it's exactly like Orc Forge from last year: there was no Saruman, even though it was obvious he should have been there if the theme was going to only be one wave, so therefore I was positive that the wave was continuing and we were getting a Saruman this year!
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Actually, I think I understand LEGO's choice now. This is not a move to an updated "more accurate" Hoth Han, rather, they are simply releasing an alternate version (similar to chrome stormtroopers or whoever), which wouldn't usually be featured. I expect that LEGO will still be using blue for Hoth Han in the future Hoth sets to come, this figure is merely a nod to the brown/blue debate, and something which wouldn't feature in a set because LEGO has obviously chosen the blue side. That makes me a bit happier about the figure, he has a story behind him
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
It's a great figure, I think, but I too am a bit puzzled by the choice. As said on FBTB, he would have fit very well in "74014 Battle of Hoth". Even then, I wonder why the Han Solo from 2011's Hoth Echo Base (with his new hood) wasn't made brown, if they were updating. Why have all the other hoth Han's been blue not brown? Confusing... I'll definitely be getting him anyway: I have Battle of Hoth lined up as my Star Wars purchase for May (so he may as well be from that set... ).
- [MOC] LOTR: What about second breakfast?
LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
I think it is correct - Gloin doesn't have to have the exact same weapons as Gimli, and I liked the fact that there was just a slight difference, just to differentiate. From pictures, it looks like Gimli has a single-headed 4L axe in "Council Of Elrond", which would match with Gloin's. Keep in mind Gimili carries about 9 axes with him in the story ******************* I have the DVD Extended Edition of LOTR, but my Blu-Ray doesn't play them... :(
LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
No, no - I am talking about Orthanc, Saruman the White's tower at Isengard. I do know my LOTR, so don't worry I do consider it more memorable than Barad-Dur though, simply because of its prevalence in the story. Barad-Dur doesn't really feature that much in the movies (how often do you see the entirety of the tower itself? Most people probably don't know what the base looks like: I think it's more the eye itself that is the more memorable part), and I consider it less important - nothing much happens there. I think it more essential that they create an Orthanc in LEGO, than a Barad-Dur, if they could only do one of the two. On the other hand, I know most people don't know the tower's actual name, and think Orthanc is called Isengard, so... (I will ammend my statement however: I would at least put Barad-Dur above Minas Tirith in terms of memorable buildings, so thanks for reminding me). It definitely don't think Wizard Battle will fit, but I still think that an interior is likely. If anything, there will be somewhat of an interior in the form of a balcony for Saruman to stand on, I would think. I really can't wait - definitely my most anticipated set this year (so far at least...)!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
I am not sure about interior, but I am pretty sure it will at least have Saruman. Just like the UCS Millenium Falcon - it didn't need figures, being a USC, but they fit, and it might not be the same without them. What is an Orthanc without a Saruman? I would hope for a compromise regarding the interior: have an interior, for playability, but keep it a closed (and therefore hinged) building, so that it doesn't "look" like a playset.
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
C-3PO in an Ewok Village set would be a must - he does not get enough LEGO love! (Did you know there are no C-3PO minifigures from the prequels? Not even III, when he is gold!). We haven't gotten a second set with the newest version (from 2012's Droid Escape) yet, it seems odd that they would remake a central figure then ignore him for a while. I was already disappointed that he isn't appearing in the Sail Barge - with all the built-in connectivity that LEGO has been doing with Jabba's Palace, Rancor Pit, Desert Skiff and the Sail Barge, especially in terms of not doubling up on the main characters, allowing you to combine them all into one collective scene, C-3PO is the only important character we are missing! I would have liked a 3PO with a special "slimy" print on him, from when is knocked over in the palace. Instead, we are getting boring Ree-Yees... a boring mercanary who's only there because he was involved in some obscure EU plot to assassinate Jabba! That guy instead of 3PO? Ah well - I appreciate the inclusion of a unique, new character, but I just think it is more important to have the whole team of heroes there, even if I do have Droid Escape and other C-3POs. Thus, I will be even more disappointed if this Village set is true, and there is no 3PO in it...
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