Everything posted by Nich Artri
Tournament of Retribution II Entry
Tell it like it is sah! I looked in that cart and couldn't even tell if there was a Bluecoat in it! The wide sea has produced stranger, fouler things than trolls... *nods sagely* Like Bluecoats! Thanks much! Too right it's fun! Thanks!
Tournament of Retribution II Entry
Thank you sah! *salutes* Just doing my duty (and having some fun with it to boot ).
Enemy Ace in No-Man's Land
Exceptional work! Best MOC I've seen all day!
Tournament of Retribution II Entry
Oho! Thanks much comrade in claws! Glory and honor to the Redcoat Crab Battallions!
Tournament of Retribution II Entry
Brute force to those who deserve it! After all, the nefarious Bluecoats in my tale strong-armed their way into an empty bar, terrifying man and women alike. Men of honor do not let such things slide. Plus...ya know...stout. Thank you much!
Tournament of Retribution II Entry
Thanks matey! 'Tis appreciated.
Tournament of Retribution II Entry
'Twas our favorite bar and Private Twofarthing wanted his stout, the poor lad. Besides, ye're a bunch of blue coated blackguards. Thanks much!
Tournament of Retribution II Entry
Glad you liked it! I actually mashed this together in Photoshop and the font I used was called TF2Professor...I thought it would fit a comic style' date=' but it looks to be a tad bit jumbled in retrospect... Arr...we don't be needin' them to fight for us, they're just answerin' the call of the Crown and Cannons. A redcoat's a redcoat no matter the size, mate. Thanks much, 'twas a blast!
Tournament of Retribution II Entry
In Which Our Red Heroes Performe Most Amusing Hijinks. Hope you enjoy it!
Tournament of Retribution II Official Signups
Name: Nich Artri Allegiance: Redcoats
A Pleasant Walk in the Park
My entry for the Bricks in Motion Twenty Four Hour Animation Contest. I feel so accomplished. One full day. One liter of Mountain Dew Code Red. Two Landshire sandwiches. Numerous bodily aches. Zero hours of sleep...if I wasn't a true brickfilmer before, I am now. Nothing notably good technically as far s I'm concerned and some of the voicework needs improvement. Ah well... The theme of THAC 7 was The Unexpected. I feel I succeeded in that task. Be surprised, watch the film!
REVIEW: 8683 Minifig series 1 -
Lego has targeted my love of collecting affordable awesome things...sorry anime trinkets your taking the back burner to random Lego minifig bags this year! >:3
Lego: Space - The Comic
Argh! The sugary-ness of it all! Who could think that cold, logical robots could drag a "D'aaaaaaaw!" outta me! >_<
Lego: Space - The Comic
Finally! Some SPIII love! And featuring one of the best little Lego sets I've seen in a while! On another note, imagine my surprise when this morning I saw this on MS Paint Adventures! Moving up in the world KDog!
Rengade Runner v.s Cross Bone Clipper
Although I've never seen this set up until today, I vote Cross Bone Clipper! While the color scheme and design may be considered <insert that tiresome argument>, I say it's unique and gives the ship character! Also, it kinda has a One Piece feel about it, and lord knows I'm an anime fan (Funimation please, not that 4Kids garbage version). Now, to hunt one down! Yar-har!
MOC: WW-II US Navy Wildcat fighter
Most impressive! It's nice to see a carrier based fighter, and done in a non-SNOT design to boot! I'm liking all the little details, and the vignette you made to show it off is quite nice as well! Just one question, how swooshable is the model? I'm thinking the folding wings are a bit problematic in that regard.
Did anyone like the old/early Bionicles?
I remember the year Bionicle came out... I'd had a a birthday recently and had some money making my pocket smell like burning leather. I went to the local Wal-Mart with my aunt and I picked up a Tahu and a Kopaka (ya gotta love dichotomy).I spent the rest of the afternoon playing with what would become two of my favorite action figures (due to the fact that they were Lego and I had some part in their creation). No over the top storylines, no craaaaaazy shooter gimmick, no steep price point. Pure, simple, awesomeness. ^_^ Somewhere at my dad's place, those little guys are in pieces sitting in a plastic drawer...I really wanna rebuild them now.... )':
[MOC] Vic Viper MkII
Very nice Vic Viper! The neutralized blue with the gray works quite well. Out of curiosity, is it able to hold a minifig?
10210 Imperial Flagship - UPCOMING SET!!!
... And here I was saving up for Brickbeard's Bounty! Imperial Flagship is go!
MOC: TTSW - TeleTransport Station West
Awesome vignette! Lovin' the use of the Squdman head!
What Books do you like?
Anything Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, P.G. Wodehouse, or Douglas Adams makes me grin. :D Steampunk is pretty good, starting with the early sci-fi masters like Verne and Wells and going to modern writers like George Mann. :3 Ray Bradbury's rather enjoyable as a short story writer; I've yet to read any of his novels though... ^^; Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes is top notch as well! ^,^ Then there's the 200+ volumes of manga that are staring at me from across the room... o_O
(in response to the frontpage pic) I haven't bought a Bionicle set since the Bohrok-Kal, though that new Tahu looks pretty darn spiffy! I just might have to fork out a Hamilton or two...
Carmen and Waldo
Don't get me started on Waldo...that guy was at a convention I went to a week ago and he swiped my legs out with his cane when I tried to catch him! >_< Pretty neat renditions of the characters, though I can't help feeling Carmen needs her brown voluminous locks! Such is the dliemna of girl minifigs in hats...
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Wa-hey! Lovin' that new battlepack! Snowtroopers are among my favorite Imp troops and it'll be nice to get a ton of them. :D Also, am I seeing multi-colored battledroids? Rusty perhaps?
Lego: Space - The Comic
Darn you modern journalism with your dragged out teasing that carries on through the next commercial break! >,</ :shakes fist: RV camping, Scottish castles, seafood, and the bout of the century...Valkyrie and Schwartz are waist deep in the best date ever...
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