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Nich Artri

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Nich Artri

  1. Nich Artri replied to Nich Artri's post in a topic in Watto's Junkyard
    Thanks KimT! *Salutes* Roger that! Thanks! I spent the past week zooming this thing over the carpet making motorcycle noises... I'm glad someone else sees it!
  2. Nich Artri replied to Nich Artri's post in a topic in Watto's Junkyard
    Thanks Commander Cody for the comments! KDC actually stands for Kamino Defense Corps....I didn't add it to my backstory ,though, because I posted this at one in the morning...my typing skills go down as the night wears on! XD I'll edit my backstory. Thanks much! Thank you! And good luck to you in all your building endeavors as well!
  3. Ever since the Medieval Market Village was announced, I thought, "Ankh-Morpork!" Perhaps a bunch of these houses could be built in a modular style, complete with cobblestone streets. ;P Cheers! -Nich (who is now going to go off and pretend his castle minifigs are the Night Watch)
  4. Wowsa! Love that Super Heavy Trooper! The helmet needs a little paint, IMO...it looks a bit bland. Your gun desugn is a great expansion on a standard brickbuit minigun, and I'm really digging the backpack design. Kudos! Cheers! -Nich
  5. Nich Artri posted a post in a topic in Watto's Junkyard
    In order to protect the Cloning Facilities on Kamino, the Republic created a special branch of the Army of the Republic known as the Kamino Defense Corps. Their ranks were known for the surgical white of their vehicles, a trait shared by the cities of their birthing world. One of the main weapons of the KDC was the All Terrain Defense Walker. Built by the Rothana Heavy Engineering factories (who also built the AT-TE), the AT-DW was small and nimble enough to traverse the walkways and slippery pods of Kamino's city, unlike it's bulkier cousin. Like it's cousin, though, the AT-DW packs major armament and armor, including two blaster cannons, a beam cannon, and magnetized armor. There are no more AT-DWs in existence. Their storage facilities were destroyed by first strike orbital bombardments during the infamous Kamino uprising that took place 10 years after the Clone Wars. Blueprints may be found in the New Republic Archives. This took a good part of a day to build, last Saturday, in fact. I've just been too busy to upload the photos. XD It was a pain to get it to stand without falling over.... All my white bricks are gone now. ^^; Hope you enjoy it! Gallery when public: AT-DW Cheers! -Nich
  6. Nich Artri posted a post in a topic in Watto's Junkyard
    During the Clone Wars, it came as no surprise that there was a high demand for raw materials to make the instruments of war. Both the Republic and the Separatists laid claim to whole star systems, just to gain the precious resources located in the bits of rock floating between planets. Asteroids. Due to the high iron content, low gravity, and the chaotic tumbling of these monstrosities, the Republic needed a vehicle that could quickly respond to Separatist attacks that wasn't a fighter (which could be bashed to bits by rocks) or a repulsorlift craft (which might float away from the rock's surface). Hence, the Advanced Tactical Personal Offensive Defender was created! It has two magnetic wheels, dynamic suspension, four laser blasters, and four heavy warhead missiles. This is in no way inspired by a certain caped crusader's escape motorcycle..nope...nuh-uh... ;p I was considering calling it a SCOUSE, just because of the magnetic wheels. XD Hope you enjoy it! Gallery when public: AT-POD Cheers! -Nich
  7. I've built my MOCs but haven't posted them yet... really, really tired. o_o I have a small and medium entry built and ready for photographing. At this point, I'm not going to bother entering the large category, unless everyone wants to see a huge, technicolored landspeeder or something like that. XD 'K...off to sleep! Cheers! -Nich
  8. Hm...it does look a little split in half between the front cockpit section and the rear cockpit section...maybe you could make it look like one solid machine? Besides that, I like it...I seem to remember driving something similar/the same in SW:Battlefront 2. ;D Great Job! Cheers! -Nich
  9. Nich Artri replied to steelharbingerofdeath's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    A.K.A. the Tachikoma crusher. I like it! Very Ghost in the Shell-ish. The part usage is rather well done! Am I right in thinking you're going to have some mandible looking things on the side of the head? Can't wait to see the final product! Cheers! -Nich
  10. I found a packet of Fire Taco Bell sauce in my Lego box yesterday...I put it on my meatloaf at dinner...it was delicious! XD
  11. Groovy! I can remember making board games out of bricks when I was little, so this is quite exciting to hear! The dice are particularly interesting....all I used was a 2x2 brick; with a top, bottom, and four identical sides, it was like a 3-sided die. Also, do I detect a new type of minifig body on the playing pieces? Nice. Cheers! -Nich
  12. Nich Artri replied to oo7's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    Fan-bloody-tastic... It makes me wish I could've thought of it first... >,< All it needs now is some deranged test subject grafitti, a few security cameras, and a weighted storage cube or two and it'll feel like test chamber, sweet test chamber. ;P
  13. Hm, I did try the landing gear, but nothing seemed to work right...I'll give the opening cockpit a try for sure! A flashier color than red?! I can think of none, sir! I actually tiled this up as an afterthought...if I leave things untiled, I get about 5 comments that studs are ugly. Thanks! Thanks much! I wasn't aiming for Galactica heights, but hey, it works! Hm...interesting....I actually named it after the Humboldt Squid, an aggressive species prone to violence at any time. Perhaps there's a link between the squid and the university...maybe the founder discovered the squid?
  14. Nich Artri posted a post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    Some WWII MOCs I'm using in an upcoming Brickfilm Sherman Tank I built this in an afternoon. It's not the most perfect rendition of a Sherman, but I'm quite proud of it...any suggestions for improvement? Recon Jeep Built using a photo of a model built by Brickshelf user Kaitimar. I think it came out pretty darn good. Medic Bike Nothing fancy, just an Indiana Jones sidecar motorbike with a windshield added...pity the motorcycle is modern in design. ;P Minifigs Hope you enjoy them! Cheers! -Nich
  15. Nich Artri posted a post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    The Humboldt 22 Rocket Bomber is a spaceship used for the interception of missiles/asteroids/space debris. It has also seen success in several military campaigns across the galaxy. Essentially, I just wanted to build an awesome looking spaceship, and I mostly have red bricks... XD I've seen this method used for rocket launchers before, and thought I'd try it on a fighter. Just some rear shots, showcasing the engines, fins, and weapon/comm setup. The cockpit in all its glory. The intrepid pilot. Comments, compliments and critiques are appreciated. Hope you enjoy it! Cheers! -Nich
  16. Nich Artri replied to Brick Miner's post in a topic in Community
    My screen name is an amalgam of my first name, last name, mother's maiden name, and town I was born in. Why that particular combination? Years ago, I received a Lego club magazine featuring Star Wars that gave a formula for your Star Wars name! Being the nerd I am, I jumped on the opportunity.
  17. Holy Canoli.... I like how they're seemingly incorporating a storyline this time around, along with some Slave II, Millenium Falcon, and Jedi Starfighter love. I'm less than thrilled to see playable Ewoks and Gungans...necessary? I think not... Still, I thought I saw some Episode II era clones, so that's always a good thing! My main wish for this iteration of the series would be to see some cross-generation skirmish play (i.e. Rebels Vs. Republic, Empire Vs. Separatists, etc.) and maybe even some same side fighting! Cheers! -Nich
  18. Hah! Rock Monsters singing "We Will Rock You!" If possible, Tim has made me like this theme even more than before... o_o Cheers! -Nich
  19. Sulfurix and Rex...huzzah? And what's wrong with baloney/balogna?
  20. Interesting...possibly the only other Power Miners set I'll pick up from the current run ( as I already have the Mine Mech). Even so, it would've been cool if they had included one of those blue headlights w/breathing apparatus helmets instead of a stocking cap. The engine looks quite nice, and one can never have too much dynamite. Plus, the chassis brings up some interesting tank designs... (Muwahahaha! ) Cheers! -Nich
  21. Hey hey! Darn right "best writer there is!" There's a reason my small regiment of old school Imp Guards are called the In and Outs! I showed the pic of the minifig to my sister (who is also a Pratchett fan, but not so much a Lego fan), and it made her grin, so it's obviously recognizable! I actually got to meet him October '07 , and I gotta say, the resemblance is downright scary (but in a good way). Kudos on a fine minifig! Cheers -Nich
  22. Nich Artri replied to Oky's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Alright...you're now my hero! Anything with air pirates is instant win, and I particularly like the ultralight-esque quality about the whole thing. I can picture a flock of these swooping down out of some large airship. Cheers! Nich
  23. Nich Artri replied to cagri's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Ooo, fantastic! I'm catching a Fifth Element vibe from the vehicles. I'm looking forward to these sets even more so than before! :D
  24. A minifig I had made for a Brickfilm in progress (Dulce et Decorum Est fyi). Theres about three others lying around somewhere, but I don't have the motivation to photograph them presently. What do you guys think? Cheers! -Nich
  25. I say! I've seen Arealight's customs before and maybe gave them a passing thought, but when combined with the new pirates, their awesome! I particularly like the choice of hair for the soldier. These will definitely come in handy for filming projects! Thanks NewRight! -Nich
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