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About Devorath

  • Birthday September 5

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  1. So it's my first time here in a few months. Can anyone sum up the information for me please? Edit: Anyway, I remember a frenzy started on BzPower last year when someone (official) said that 2014 would have something red, something with wheels, and something to do with MINIFIGURES...
  2. Huw hadn't heard of it, and a Google search found nothing. Who knows?
  3. Lego Mixels were unveiled at SDCC recently. They appear to be based on a Carton Network program called Mixels. Each set will contain a buildable character. Lego Mixels by TheDevorathShow, on Flickr What are your thoughts?
  4. I hope that these are released as normal sets, as we do not get Cusoo in New Zealand. Maybe since they changed the name of the first set to Minecraft: The Forest (I think), that might be easier to find also. I love MC and Lego, so it's a dream come true <3.
  5. I find it mildly unfair that the black brain should be so exclusive. It's happened to other themes, I guess it's Hero Factory's turn. ^ What do you mean?
  6. Guys, do we know if the Hobbit is getting a second-wave?
  7. I'm not sure myself, but according to Front, the HF and Bionicle building systems are sub-systems of the Technic system. I'd say yes.
  8. Completely Agree! I love Classic Space!
  9. XD Really nice MOC. Is this your first Marvel MOC?
  10. Weird. I have a feeling I won't find one, the biggest toy store near me identifies all the minifigures, so yeah.
  11. I only used the 2004 sets as a comparison because this year is HF's fourth year. The Metru sets were by no means the best Bionicle year however. I liked the Vahki.
  12. Does anyone in Australia or New Zealand know if EB Games will stock IPs?
  13. Really? I think the lower construction looks nicer.
  14. Does Stormer's helmet remind anybody else of Slizers? That cyborg pattern. I actually like all of this wave. Hey, it's nothing compared to Bionicle's 4th year, but for Hero Factory, I like it.
  15. It's very nice, the ship design is very nice. The splitting function seems reminiscent of the GS ships, maybe you should remove the legs and make the yellow team? A colour scheme of green and red, as well as a bug head shape would make it more recognisable as a Buggoid ship.
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