Hero Factory 2010
I hate all of them, exept for Meltdown.
Troll Cavalry Ideas?
The computer game Battle for Middle Earth 2 had a unit of giant spiders with orc riders. I think the Aragog from the Harry Poter line, a modified Bionicle Visorak, or a MOC spider would work well as troll cavalry.
That doesn't sound to bad, at least it will still be around in some incarnation. I just still don't understand why TLC chose to do this now.
The end of Bionicle by 2010?
Worse than the recession? It's stupid that they are chosing to do this now in a recession without any clear cash-cow, back-up line to replace it.
I knew it had to happen sooner or later. I planned on quitting Bionicle this year after getting the Rahkshi Star, regardless of wheter it continued or not. But I still can't help but feel some pangs of sorrow for losing one of the key aspects of my childhood.
I'm not dissappointed to hear this. I've officialy run out of room for any more Bionicle (but I still have room for Star Wars Lego), I can't spend another dime on these things, and following the story at this point is a hopeless endeavour. But... I still dont understand why Lego would drop one of their biggest cash cows. It does not seem like good business to me. Unless...
Dino 2010
Old news is old news.
Bionicle isn't going to end by a longshot. Most likely the current storyline will come to a close with the re-unification of Spherus Magna by Mecha-Mata-Nui and Mecha-Makuta, Golden Tahu will destroy Makuta from the inside with some lame, mega-blocking deus-ex-machina, God will be in his heaven, and all will be right with the world once again... That is until 2011, when, 10,000 years after the events of 2010, Makuta's long lost evil twin will attack and a new band of Glatorian-Toa hybrids are sent to find the Greater-Beings to stop his evil reign. This will of course end up being another 10-year-long money-bath for TLC.
Steampunk attack from sea...
Simply awesome. I think this might be the first Naval Steampunk MOC ever.
Future Lego Video Games
I have only one word to say about that... Sweet!
International Talk Like A Pirate Day 2009
Hondo Ohnaka says... "Argh, Imperials off the Starbord bow!" Happy Talk Like A Space Pirate Day!
Rise of the Sith Battle Pack
Yes that's the one.
Rise of the Sith Battle Pack
Nice work. Do you have a link to that pirate fighter moc?
Lego Star Wars Species Guide
Don't forget the Xexto (Gasgano's species).
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
That ARC-170 still looks too similar, but it is curvier and it has the second rear blaster...
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