Everything posted by yogurt
- [MOC] Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing
[MOC] RZ-1 A-wing interceptor
I was really disappointed in the official A-wing, yours is so much better (and doesn't need stickers ) I love the Y-wings, you've even managed to get the astromechs facing the right way. I also like the use of the classic space cockpit canopy on the X-wing, it looks so much better than the one Lego uses and I've often wondered why lego doesn't use that one (ok it's still not perfect but without making a new piece I think this is the closest).
- LEGO Castle 2013
LEGO Castle 2013
I like the look of the castle design, the two tiered gatehouse and buttresses do a good job of breaking up the big grey wall problem. I don't like the dragons head on the catapult and the red and black colour scheme is poor. The bad guys shield design looks ok but the Lion shield is awful (why they've resurrected the worst shield design I don't know). The rest of the castle has the usual play features, secret door, catapults etc that I would expect but I'm not a fan of the blue decorative pieces on the walls (the red used on the last castle looked much better). I don't know if its just the photograph but something looks... well wrong, about the horse and it's barding. I'm pleased that they've included a knight as well as the king, and hopefully there will be two horses for the royalists (I doubt there will be though). However the set has the usual problem of not enough minifigs and the ever present factional imbalance of the good guys outnumbering the baddies. It'll be interesting to see what changes they make for the final version.
Cuusoo Lego Star Wars TIE variants
That looks fantastic. It looks like the new cockpit piece works better on the TIE/in that the standard TIE. I hope your cuusoo project is succesful.
Legends of Chima 2013
I'm annoyed that they've put the same two characters, Razar and Rizzo, in the Eagle Interceptor and the Chi Raider.
Favorite Elf Figure
I wouldn't line them all up like that. It makes the cmf one look like he's got jaundice
- 59 replies
- Lord of The Rings
- Elf
- Legolas
- Elrond
+4 more
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Polish-Lithuanian Hussar (CCCX Realistic Castle Figure)
Excellent. You've really captured the style and feel of the Winged Hussars. Well done.
- Ninjago 2013
Space Marines!
You'd have to make sure Quasar isn't Trademarked in some countries as it's the name of a Laser-tag company in the UK.
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Legends of Chima 2013
I think it's just two detatchable mini-vehicles on the Croc boat. I've been trying to work out whether they've used a floating hull on it.
- LEGO Castle 2013
Space Marines!
I suspect that Games Workshop doesn't trawl sites like this or the 1000's of projects on Cuusoo, but probably does keep an eye on which projects reach the review stage.
Space Marines!
There is actually a company that's fighting this issue out with Games Workshop.
Space Marines!
That's Games Workshop for you. There IP lawyers are insane. Although in this case they do have a point as Space Marines are listed as a trademark in their rulebooks.
Robin Hood's escape
Wow, you've captured the scenes from Prince of Thieves perfectly.
75003 A-Wing: a first look
I like Hans alternative face, but Ackbar's is a bit dull.
- Robin Hood (CCCX Serie)
LEGO Castle 2013
I was referring only to the 7946 Kings Castle set. Obviously the theme as a whole has been kept going by the Joust and Chess set. It seems strange to me for Lego to cut a set for 18 months or so and then re-release exactly the same set again. They might as well have kept that set available along with the new ones.
LEGO Castle 2013
You've got to wonder why they discontinued it in the first place. I understand that they wanted to keep the shelves clear for the LotR stuff, but they could have continued to sell the castle on their website. Not sure whether that means there will be changes or not? I suspect we'll at least get the new horse design.
75003 A-Wing: a first look
Thanks for warning us about all the stickers. There's no way I'm going to buy this with that amount. Shame as this was one of the only sets I was going to buy this winter. Hope the Headhunter isn't as bad.
- LEGO Castle 2013
LEGO Castle 2013
Except they're not accurate, why is the legionaire carrying a spear instead of a throwing pilum? why has he got bare arms? The Spartans hoplon is too small and the wrong shape. Why does the Spartan have a moustache? Spartans had a unique beard style with no moustache. Sorry for being pedantic but that's just me.
My thoughts on the evolution of LEGO Castle
I've never seen those ideas pics before. Wow. I especially love the castle construction scene. Lego really should take a look at those old ideas books and give some of those scenes a modern twist.
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