Everything posted by Infernum
- LEGO Castle 2013
the secret of the old tree - Castle Diorama
Wow! This is great! So detailed!
- Petraea East Gate Astronomers Tower
The night before SW Christmas
Haha! Love this build! Great idea, perfectly executed!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I am very impressed with the LOTR line. I find the figs are amazing and so are the sets. One of my overall favorite themes ever. If Lego had made Helms Deep movie accurate it would cost at least 100 dollars more. The LOTR sets are much more playable than most themes. I'm sorry you didn't like the Helms Deep set, but personally I love the LOTR line.
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Hmm, here's my list. 1 Orc (With battle armor for some variation) 2 Easterling! 3 Ranger of Ithilien I would love any of those! I would love to see the Orc Key Chains go on sale for 99 cents! I would get over my fear of not being a purist and cut off the key chain part!
- The Pied Piper Of Hamelin
Sunny Shanty - MOC
Wow! Nice MOC! Love the flowers and the stream! The shak is great!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
At a TRU near me the salesperson said that they had the Hobbit Lego sets, but had to take them off the shelfs because the license with The Hobbit Movie wouldn't let them be sold yet, not Lego. Interesting right!
- Ninjago 2013
Legends of Chima 2013
I saw that and it does look pretty cool!
Review: 5000202 Elrond
Here's a pic with a long cape.
Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
I finally took a picture of my Mitgardia Fig, Sir Infernum, warrior of the fortress city of Arcium! Arcium borders Nocturnus to the far east of Mitgardia and took most of the threat of the Drow. It is near the Antrum mountains that Orcs and Dwarves live in. The city has good relations to with the Dwarves, but are often raided by the Orcs. I'm sorry the background is a forrest and not snowy.
- Petraea Dormitory
The Mage Rises
I loved the story! I followed it on MOCpages and I found it amazing! I have posted much longer comments on MOCpages.
- The Ruins of Emraldon
Mitgardia in a nutshell
Wow! Great little Mitgartdia build! I still need to post my fig...
- Hoshi No Mizuumi- The Lake of Stars
- Brick Flick: Attack of the Bionicles 2
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Hmm, what's that green cyrstal doing next to the tree? http://www.toysrus.c...ductId=17328336 You can see it if you zoom in at that link... Edit: I noticed that the tree is not dark red like in the Mirkwood Spiders set. I wonder why that is?
Review: 5000202 Elrond
I got it for free and had an extra dark blue cape. . Thanks for the review!
Zuriel Castle
Wow! The building, rockwork, and water are all perfect! Great build!
WIP King's Bastion
Simply fantastic!
Town Square
Wow! Great build!
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