Everything posted by Infernum
Sad to see you go Simon! . You've been a great part of the community here! Hope to see your triumphant return in a year or two!
Battle For The Golden Mask Competition: Discussion Thread
Oh yes! Awesome contest, can't wait to get building!
Book II - Mitgardia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
That just made my day Kevkipo! Those are so cute and accurate, I love how much Sir Infernum's smile contrasts with Elon's face. :thumbup:
- Mitgardian Throne Room
Book II - Mitgardia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Can't wait to see those sketches Kevkipo!
- Freebuild – The Old Watermill
Book II Challenge III Dwarven Affairs
Sir Infernum is with the dwarves...
Book II Challenge III Dwarven Affairs
Awesome! Love this storyline!
Bran’s Tale [you decide his fate]
2A! This is definitely an awesome, original idea! Can't wait to see how this story plays out!
Home - AoM: House Phase III
Nice! Love the tower section!
October: Middle Earth Contest
For category A could I make an improved (new build, not MODed) version of a location that's already represented by a set?
AoM: Stables Phase 1
Very nice! Love the snow, and the posing of the fig and horse is great! I also really like the fig, nice use of those capes!
Lego Ultra Agents 2015
Dang, those are some great sets! Love the two midsized sets, the drill vehicle looks pretty cool, and the glider-bike looks great! Anyone else look at the black-hole dude and think Ronan? Maybe they're long-lost, evil doing twins.
LEGO Star Wars UCS 75060 Slave I
Such awesome shaping! I love how the designer built the curves here, and I love how 'swoosh'-able it seems! Love cool functions too, which are always a plus! I also like the use of sand green. The combination of sleek curves and worn detailing looks very appealing here! The subtle greebling is also very well done! I can't stand to back though... It looks ugly and incomplete, and what's up with the blue engines?
- Greatest Action Figure Combiner?
MOC: Bandit Tower
This is very nice! Well done!
October: Middle Earth Contest
Oh yes! I've been wanting to do something just like category 1 for so long! This is gonna be great! :thumbup:
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- South Sandstuck's New Walls
- Holding Rakath Gap
Yonder Lies Nocturnus
Very nice forced perspective!
Ha ha, awesome! Love the use of droid arms!
HSS: Streets of Barqa
Absolutely incredible! So many insane details, and a bunch of awesome figs too! I could look at this build for hours, so much detail! Awesome job Gideon!
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
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