Thanks, awesome! I don't see a lot of other interesting recolors, but maybe that's because I'm only interested in LBG/DBG/black/white and other space stuff
Btw, for the plethora of people saying they loose their carts on B&P, and those that want BnP to integrate with bricklink: I would recommend the brickhunter tool. You can then just make a wanted list in bricklink with the pieces and quantities you need, and automatically import it into B&P. If your cart fails, then you can just re-import. I've used this tool twice now, and it is really amazing. BnP used to be a chore, but now I can get my order done in like 30 seconds, instead of 3 hours! It's like magic
(btw, I am in no way affiliated to brickhunter - I just think it's a great program. It may seem i'm overselling, but it is really that easy)