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Everything posted by TWP

  1. TWP replied to Tariq j's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    From the jedi gathering right? That's of course a Jedi Training Cruiser, named Crucible http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jedi_training_cruiser
  2. I hope it is not too late too post for the community build. Anyways, here is my latest MOC. I had completed it on saturday, but was only able to post this yesterday. I think after all it had taken me about 6 hours. For much months the idea of using dome topsfor a senate building. intitially, I wanted to do just the building, but later I couldn't resist to make a sort of interior too. I could have used a plate build dome, but I wanted it to have a smoother look. more pics on my Flickr account. http://www.flickr.co...s/77259875@N05/ overview: the top layer is builded like a Lego Architecture set, with the 1x8 tiles on the side. I wanted to photoshop a "Senate Building" text on it, but I don't know how. Could anyone explain how to easily put text in a picture, so it looks real? reference pic: actually my MOC isn't angled enough, but Lego still hasn't produced Brick, round corner 6 x 6 x 2 Dome top. I had to improvise the statues with teeth, it's ashame there are no straight versions. without the "roof": The "roof" is attached with 4 studs. when removed, you can see the Galactic Senate's Grand Convocation Chamber. The Grand Convocation Chamber: reference pic: I made it Light bluish gray in stead of Dark bluish gray because of several reasons: Because I thought Light bley looks better, the outside of the base already is light bley, and because I simply hadn't got the right pieces and enough in dark bley . Bonus pic: (bad) photoshopped image of the Senate's C&C welcome!
  3. If I where you, I would at least wait a wave, there are high chances a newer version might be included in the winter wave, I think. I think they will slowly convert the boxes with a disney logo, not directly, and probalbly you have too look a few minutes to find it. I assume you can expect the same thing as the difference of super heroes and avengers. I am not the biggest expert so I think someone else can answer your question better. Normally Lucasfilm unveiles the general star wars box art much earlier then the new sets leak, but I am, again, not sure, especially because it's now Disney. Your question fits here quite good in my opinion, don't be worried
  4. It is really great! I can see you mastered some good tecniques! I especially like the back and what you did with the brackets! Just one small complaint: it looks a bit too long? Keep up the good work!
  5. TWP replied to Klaus-Dieter's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I think that Lego hasn't made a tan/yellow head is because his torso is already yellow. It would look odd I think.
  6. I have both sets (actually not opened 9494 yet), and the one from palpi's arrest has a neutral, jedi face and on the other side the angry sith face. the one from the interceptor has two sith faces (dark print around his eyes), with different facial expressions.
  7. TWP replied to Oky's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I once bought a longer custom cape for grievous, but it cost me f***ing 5 euro's. It does look nice but his neck isn't made for capes.
  8. TWP replied to Oky's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Good and funny review oky! I can see a use of those dolfins, I think they can fit perfectly among my Clone Wars minifigs!
  9. TWP replied to Gubi0222's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    It looks quite nice, however it is a bit dark, so now I can't see the nice details. Do you have a pic on a white background? (and you might want to turn the pics 90 degrees)
  10. TWP replied to Morten's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Very impressive!
  11. That is what I fear and my wallet hopes...
  12. I think we won't see many Rebels sets in the winter wave yet, because Lego's designers need time to design sets and I think that winter wave is too early to recieve reference pics and design sets. I think we could expect at least some two sets, just like the anakin's cw starfighter and geonosis droids at the debute of the clone wars. I think we can expect some more episode III sets, because the designers were already designing some for the cancelled 3D movie.
  13. I would not like that, mainly because you would not be really able to see if a set is completely sealed and complete. E.g. someone at ebay might have just opened and closed the bags after getting some parts out. However, I do not think that that would happen, but it could... Actually I really like that box, how it opens! I am not able to see how a Leia in the show can make it more entertaining? The Ian-Han was a bit funny, and could have been possible, Han looks older than Leia in the movies. And Yoda going to Alderaan to give Leia a lesson or Leia to Dagobah? Sounds not really likely. I think Yoda and Ben wanted to focus on Luke as their first "hope", and if it failed they might wanted to focus on Leia. Too, because that padawan got Leia's face doesn't have to mean it IS leia? I mean, Mon Mothma got the same face, and nobody thought it was Leia in disguise or her sister, right? Didn't Tamina of PoP get a similar face with pupils?
  14. No, that CAN'T be leia. Remember, she was born after the jedi temple was attacked. At the time leia was that old, yoda was already chilling on dagobah. I think Lego realises that too, or they would really have messed things up.
  15. Do you have a source or is that speculation?
  16. I have the old ones, or actually I did have them. I sold them both, firstly because I like the new ones better, but the main reason is I want to have two RGS and two AT-TE's, and I thought it would look strange if they were different versions. By the way, did you notice that "the old republic gunship" looks a bit like "TOR Gunship"? At first I thought that, but then realised there was never a set like that released :p
  17. TWP replied to inquisitor88's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Yeah, it is kind of hard to disasseble it. What I did, is first get the axle 3 with stud out. You could do that either by placing a bar 4L on that, then place a 1x1 cone over that on the stud. That might get it out, or you could gently try to pull the two "walls" in an opposite direction, then push those back, and then there is a small gab, so you can pull the axles out. The rest is then child's play.
  18. Really nice! I already saw your Cad Bane at hothbricks, and thought it was really cool, I like every piece in it! Unfortunately Obi's head looks a bit blocky, or is that deliberately?
  19. I don't really like the ship and the figs. Maybe I will bricklink that funny speeder and maybe a nikto guard.
  20. Gunner, why don't you post this on cuusoo? I would atleast like to see this as an official Lego set!
  21. About the UCS, I can remember that two years ago during a Lego exhibition (Lego World, Zwolle, The Netherlands), the designers were wondering what we, LUG members/AFOLs, thougth of the name UCS and limited/special edition. The Lego designers were not really satisfied with those names, so asked individuallu for advice and tell what we thought. I can remember I voted anti-"UCS", maybe I regret that afterwards, because it sounded like a set is hard to obtain and only for die-hard collectors. I think I voted for SE, though it sounds a bit dull.
  22. TWP replied to hachiroku's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Do you already have pics of the interior?
  23. @brickdoctor: sorry, I actually the poster was showing just UCS sets. But I do of course agree on most sets wheter they are UCS or not. (tie collection is anti-UCS) Last Death Star was a UCS set, right? (please, then I have at least one UCS :) ) But I would think the Ewok Village is UCS.
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