Everything posted by TWP
Updating Your Minifigs
There's a 3L yellow technic axle, you could try that, but it may be too long. If you're not that purist you could consider cutting it. Or cutting yellow flex tube, that may also work.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
bought darth vader's castle, very excited for the set. Looks like one of the best location sets to date!
EB Xmas Raffle 2018 - Your Santa MOC entry thread
Enjoying all these entries, it looks like everyone at least has had enough pre-Xmas fun! Thanks CopMike for extending the entry deadline - that meant that I could participate this year again :) It doesn't matter what my ideal Santa looks like - as long as he (or she) brings enough presents (and enough Christmas spirit )! I imagine santa is really muscled to be able to bring all these to the houses every year!
Updating Your Minifigs
ah, thanks. I always thought they were flamethrowers or so.
Updating Your Minifigs
What are the guns that the commander holds supposed to be? I have a few of those but didn't think they are from Star Wars
Storage and Sorting LEGO
Sounds like a pain having to resort all your pieces, but looking at it from the positive side, maybe you can make it that much more efficient! I've now been re-sorting my entire system since I got new storage drawers, I've been doing this for already a whopping 7 days, still not finished... When the result is in, I'll share some pics!
- Storing solutions for printed tiles/bricks
Storage and Sorting LEGO
Interesting story indeed! I luckily didn't make most of the mistakes you did, sorry to hear you got that many trouble with sorting, I can completely imagine that! Seeing you've got much experience with sorting bricks, I seem to do quite a bit of "apartheid" with my bricks, e.g. every 1x2 and 1x4 has his own drawer space, but these spaces are also almost all completely filled, which seems to be easier and faster when searching with parts. Parting out sets/MOCs and sorting goes a bit slower, but I think it's worth the extra effort, right? Also, about sorting by colour groups: I don't exactly sort all my bricks like that, I prefer to sort by a group of all compatible colors. When building spaceships, I often use light/dark gray and black, so they are often together, then there's for tree building i sort brown and green in the same place, and for beaches/sea blue and tan works as well. (depending on water technique) For my basic bricks, I do sort all of one color in one big bin. When i'm building with bricks I use all sizes anyways, no need to further sort them in to specific size for me.
- Storing solutions for printed tiles/bricks
Storing solutions for printed tiles/bricks
Hello, Recently I've ordered new storage drawers which enabled me to store all my parts way better, quite happy how that turned out. All my normal unprinted bricks/tiles etc. are now stored nicely and clear so I can find them easily. However, I now search for a good way to store my printed tiles. I'd like to have them stored in such a way that I can easily see all the prints that are available to me for MOCing. Anybody have the perfect way for doing this? I've tried a few methods already: (for printed/decorated tiles/slopes/bricks) 1. Put them all on a big baseplate. I've found that leaving a row inbetween the tiles makes it a lot easier to separate them. However, this is not the most space-efficient. A concern of mine is that while rearranging and using the tiles I have to keep de-attaching the tiles which is not beneficial for their clutch power. Also, I have better uses for the baseplates. Separating is also a bit irritating. 2. Put them all in zip-loc bags. This is maybe even worse, it is very hard to get a clear view to which are available. if I finally find the tile I'm looking for, then I'm not a fan of always opening the zip-loc and then having all the zip-locs laying around loose, but this is a lesser concern. 3. Put them all on a big flat area. I always accidentally bump into these shelves and cause them all to fall of. Also, I'm afraid that the sunlight will yellow my bricks and cause stickers to peel of, the area is quite exposed to light. 4. Put them in drawers. I'd rather use the drawers for bricks so I can fill the drawers to the top. For tiles to enable a clear view on availability you don't maximise the height availability. Any methods I missed? I was thinking of maybe making a custom solution, with two large wooden plates with tiles wedged inbetween. have the plates on a hinge so I can open the case. Also have a few rows inbetween of wood so the tiles won't easily mix up. But I don't know if my woodwork skills are good enough to make something suitable.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
No, I don't think so sadly.
Updating Your Minifigs
Also made the Firestar order, looking forward to getting nearer to completing my rebel pilot collection :) I see there's just a few pairs of helmets left, they went quickly, there's just 1 of dinnes, 2 of krail and 4 of Dreis left!
Updating Your Minifigs can produce the cape for you on request (but then unofficial). I have them producing one for me for Qui-gon, but now considering I'll get an extra for the luke. How many characters wear that cape? Luke, Qui-gon, any more? (they have recently moved, so can only produce on request in a month or so, but I'm fine with that. I can imagine they would prefer to do more at a time)
Updating Your Minifigs
Nicee, how much will they cost?
Updating Your Minifigs
I have always preferred the newer one (1), as I thought that was more detailed. But I've never really compared the two. You make an interesting point. Looking at the movie shots I would still think 1 is more accurate, but I can see how some folks would prefer 2. The black showing in the movie appears to be a part of the underside pauldron sticking out.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
August, yes and yes
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Yes, I've had that a couple of times actually. Sometimes they're just open, I've also had that the little baggie was sealed INTO the bigger bag.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
no, of course 8036 will not dock with the ghost. It's way to big for it and entirely different built in structure, color scheme etc. 75170 is a fine set actually.
- Solo: A Star Wars Story - "I heard about a job."
Updating Your Minifigs
There have already been in-hand pictures posted by leakers (elepha******** on flickr, if you want a link I'll pm you) you mean a solution for the chin straps? Btw, if you want chin straps for the new pilots, you could use the reverse side of the skyhopper pilot and for luke the head from the snowspeeder with visor up. of course then you won't have a mustache for biggs... :(
Updating Your Minifigs
Hmm, that's a good point indeed. although I do think the so called replacement will go faster than it did the past 19 years. But it might still take the better part of 10. I'll probalbly keep collecting the old ones, until all new helmets are updated or so. What annoys me with the new minifig as well is the absense of a chin strap. It also doesn't seem they will have any extra dedicated printing or molding, which would be useful for e.g. gold leader (helmet almost completely dark green, white on the sides) and Zev Senesca (DBG/white). The printing on Luke's new helmet doesn't even seem more accurate then that on his old helmet. And I usually don't read the 2018 thread, but will check it out, thanks Yes, there are close-up images of the new helmet available, I'll PM them to you as I don't think EB has a policy of liking these images being posted.
Updating Your Minifigs
So what is everyone going to do with their OT rebel pilot collection now they've updated the helmet mold?
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I like the discussion that has flowed forward from this! Really nice to see more websites with nice reference that I haven't seen yet. Would be weird if a big database like @atlas mentioned doesn't exist yet - there have been a lot of people producing studio-scale models, one would expect they would have done more research than us Lego fans that only are able to recreate the bigger details and where small details become very hard. I don't get what you mean, there's no different level canon sources anymore since Disney took over. Something is either canon, or something is not canon (and then there is some stories that borrow certain elements from canon, but are not completely canon, like the freemaker adventures or From A Certain Point Of View). Like what has been set before, a lot of the original movie contradicts itself, and then there were a lot of other sources like reference books and official sources that were canon in legends continuity but contradicted eachother. Since the new phase of Star Wars, they want to get rid of all these contradictions, since they know the fans think it's important that certain data is the same in every story - all movies, reference books, games etc. - because they know fans want to recreate them. Of course still some inconsistencies exist in the SW movies and other media, both story-wise and model wise. That's inevitable, because mistakes are human. But those mistakes get resolved in later media, so I'd say the most canon version of any vehicle would be the most recent incarnation (for a certain art style). I say certain art style, because some media try to make caricatured versions of certain vehicles, a good example is star wars rebels and the star wars comics. I think most people try to recreate the live-action versions of vehicles, so the most recent source for those would be Rogue One (for TIE/X-wing) - and it's accompanying media (visual dictionary, which also has dedicated scale lists). For the Battlefront games, Dice recieved the CGI models from Rogue One from lucasfilm, and they have said they want to recreate the SW universe with the game as faithful as possible. I am certain everything is scaled the same in Battlefront as in Rogue One. But I/we may investigate this. And about the guy from Rebelscale: he did not base the size of a TIE on the Rebels version. He merely stated that the Rebels version's canopy lined up pretty well with what other (old and new) canon sources said about the TIE size. He based the TIE size on numerous different canon sources. I agree his list may not be the most accurate - but that's why it's an estimate. He did the best he could do taking all the canon content in consideration, instead of finding points why certain sources would not be entirely canon and thus having *nothing* left to base the scale on. And the point about what minifig scale is, when the proportions of a minifig do not line up is a very good point indeed. But it does mark off some territory. Some vehicles will be too big for minifig scale, some will be too small. I think it's safe to say anything bigger then 50:1 is too big for minifig scale, and anything smaller then 40:1 is smaller then minifig scale. Then it's just up for the builder to find a good balance between these scales to make his model look good next to a minifig. Btw, you had linked to that image of a FO trooper standing next to a FO TIE to determine the scale. I forgot that we have a quite good scaling image of TIE vs. human from a deleted scene from RO which was featured in the trailer: (starts at 1:44) We of course know how long felicity jones is, and by taking the perspective in account we can determine the size of all elements of the TIE (which will most probalbly end up at 7.24 m) I will go to the Star Wars identities expedition in the near future, would it be useful if I try to take overhead and side pictures of all models there? (it seems that so far most models have been shot at an angle) I could also take with me a coulor palette of Lego bricks, so I can compare the colors of costumes and models to the bricks, so we can see which color would fit best.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
No, I agree, there's not really a good source. I don't know if that TFA screenshot you posted can really be trusted, but it's maybe the best we have from the movies indeed. Maybe the CGI in the back/set in the front messes things up. The TIE does look really small from that shot, the stormtrooper is almost as high as the entire TIE cockpit. Which may be accurate, see below. That interior shot of the cockpit cannot be used to estimate the size in my opinion. It has been stated those interiors are bigger than what would fit in the TIE itself. Same case for the interior of the Millennium Falcon. The viewpoint of the TIE pilots does also not line up with what we see in the rest of the movies. For TFA I believe they corrected this size for the sets, the interior cockpits are smaller there. (is it just me or do you scale that minifig a bit too large from your reference image? I think it's best to compare it to if the TIE pilot was standing upright) The old canon and new canon up until Rogue One cannot be really trusted IMO with the sizes. It was only for Rogue One that they really started looking into the sizes. They redefined some sizes, and the new canon size came to 7.24 m. This was stated in the Rogue One Visual Dictionary, the first official book of the new canon that referenced OT sizes. And from Rogue One on, I think the Story Group likes to give out their original digital models and scale lists to other people, like game designers. The Star Wars Battlefront 2 game seems to be on point with the new sizes, and it's pretty easy to compare those ships to human height of course, and view all angles. For example, see this outtake from the battlefront game: (starts at the time where you can compare the scale quite good) The TIE seems very small, but it seems to line up with the canon size of 7.24 m. But this shot also seems to line up in size to human to the TFA movie, which I had not done before. If I want to look up a size, I always look on this website: They seem to have quite accurate sized, thoroughly backed up. Then of course I do my own research to see if this is correct enough. I think you've been doing quite accurate size analysis as well, I wonder why you did not came to the same conclusion. This is a very good read for the TIE fighter size as well: He goes quite in-depth there. I've used some of his points here above. I'd love to hear how you think about what I said!
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Yeah, I've done a quite a bit research on those, but scales of SW vehicles are subject to opinion, someone else can be convinced by something else. I obtained my data by official star wars canon lengths (which has varied over time) and discussion forums sometimes questioning that. Psiaki X-wing is a little bit too small compared to the brickwright Y-wing (which I think is closest to minifig scale of what you listed) Jerac's TIEs are (far) too big compared to minifig scale, and also larger then the Y-wing compared. TIEs are actually small crafts, easy and cheap to produce by the empire and disposable. Renegadeclone B-wing I don't know, I haven't researched B-wings and his MOC. (but my instinct says it should be a tad bigger) I'm not sure of the A-wing either, but that should be pretty close to scale to the others. UCS Falcon is (a bit) too large and UCS Slave I is a little bit too large as well.
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