Everything posted by TWP
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
You could always use the gungans as civillians that need to be protected by the republic.
Best 2012 Star Wars set
I think the palpatines arrest is a great set, at least worth to be mentioned. And of course too the desert skiff.
Future of SW Contest: "Blue Phantom" - Mark II mining-class pe
Future of SW Contest: "Blue Phantom" - Mark II mining-class persuader Always if I'd like to post something, everything is against me: ship getting destroyed, computer not working, unable to post pictures... <<I will add background story later>> On my flickr photostream are more images. <<I will add more pictures later>> I hope you like it. C & C welcome.
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
The Future of Star Wars Contest
P.m. Means untill friday 23.59, right? (that's 32.59 for netherlands?)
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- Future of SW Contest: Yoda's Legacy (expanded 01/28/13)
The Future of Star Wars Contest
It is then done, but not online yet. Thanks for the confidence by the way!
The Future of Star Wars Contest
I'm still working.... Hoping I get it finished on time! Question: is it possible that you make one picture before the deadline, and that you then later, after deadline, add more images and background story later?
501st AT-RT MOC
It's fun, I think the front is too big. still I like Lego's version of the one in the turbo tank more here a recolored, 501st one.
[MOC] Ж-Wing Starfighter
May I ask which cockpit piece you used?
- EBSWF Blog Interview: Bane
The current state of battle packs
I am sorry I was to lazy to read the whole topic , so I might mention something that was already said Do you like the new 'battle in a box' battle packs? I like it, in some way. Though I might prefer the old version. What is good about the new ones is that you always have one to like, wheter you are clone wars fan or OT/PT fan (or both :p). You also aren't stuck now with a really useless vehicle. What I don't like is that sometimes they put a commander in one. I hate to have a commander army. What is the best way to build armies now? Just buy every Lego Star Wars set once, with some extra battle packs and 20$/30€ priced sets. and What new battle packs would you like to see? I would too love to see a geonosian battle pack featuring 2 geonosians with wings, with two special clones: flame trooper/geonosis camouflaged ARF/mash trooper and some troop carrier/bunker/small vehicle Also something from the Mon Calamari episodes of the clone wars, with aqua droids, guarren soldier, scuba trooper, mon calamari soldier. vehicle: one or more OMS Devilfish sub. And a kashyyyk battle pack would also be great, with some clone soldiers and wookiee warrior, for droids a stap, some droids and a dwarf spider droid. A rebel trooper vs. stromies also needs to come, with two plain rebels and two of the new plain stormies. and, of course, a 501st with 212th vs. some special droids.
- EBSWF Blog Interview: Bane
- EBSWF Blog Interview: Bane
- Future of SW Contest (Small Category): A dinner with old friends
- Future of SW Contest (small category): Resurrection of the Emperor
Modded Jabba's Palace & Rancor Pit
Great MOD! I think of making this myself after seeing how awesome it is! could you maybe make a picture of which pieces you need extra to build this, and which pieces are left? BTW, I saw someone inspired by your MOD:
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
(doesn't belong this to general questions?) It depends on what you like more: make up your own battle with troops --> battle of hoth. play movie scenes --> wampa cave or battle of hoth. I personally would go for battle of hoth, because you get more minifigs and accesoires/turrets. With the wampa cave you just get a dull cave instead of nice other things. It's up to you!
[MOC] Galactic Communication Tower
I understand. this MOC is great with or without interior either way!
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
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