Everything posted by TWP
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Assistance mounting LEGO Planet
You're welcome.
[MOC] Galactic Communication Tower
Looks great! I already knew the idea for the sattelite, so the door is my favorite part, I like what you did with those slopes. have you got interior too?
The Future of Star Wars Contest
I wouldn't mind a extended deadline, the only time I have for it now is 27 januari, and to make it better/ready, I would like a bit extra. but if very many don't like that, then de deadline is fine. (or if ACPin says he can't reach the deadline )
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
yes, there are many of those, and easy to find. just search here on eurobricks, brickshelf, flickr and google images.
Assistance mounting LEGO Planet
I might be a bit too late, but I think the best and strongest option is to attach the Octagonal Bar Frame to a 1x1 tile with clip, and put that on a plate. If you'd like to secure it with 4 clips, you might want to use some 1x2 plates with 1 stud.
8038 The Battle for Endor X2
It does certainly look more impressive. However, it is less movie accurate. anyways, if I would have two, I would try to build this too.
- Future of SW Contest: Yoda's Legacy (expanded 01/28/13)
Star Wars Sub Set Parts?
I also think it would have been handy if Bricklink has this feature.
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I think it has not, I got mine in 2009 and there where all without pupils At shop@home the images which show minifigs haven't got pupils, but it could also be because Lego was to lazy to make new images. If it really matters to you wheter you will want to buy or not, then I think you should give Lego a call.
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
[MOC] Deconstructed B-Wing starfighter
I actually think he won't be able to reply to you so soon, since the last time he was online was in july. though, that B-wing and especially the falcon are great! anyways, good luck trying to get it done punisher16!
Questions and Concerns for TLG
Then it is the best idea to not touch the stickers with your fingers. but sometimes transparent stickers leave other marks, as with my AT-OT walker. the problem of then only using sticker for the non having to be-transparent part of the piece is that the sticker might turn out bad a bit folded.
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
The tank was in the first battle of geonosis. It doesn't matter if it was on screen or not, it just was there. look at the wookieepedia article, it says there was a persuader-class droid enforcer ( about deleted scenes, I don't know either if they are to be considered as canon or non-canon. I think we can say this scene is canon, but for example the Episode III deleted scene where grievous killed shaak ti being non-canon, because in the RotS book by Matthew Stover shaak ti spoke to anakin before he went to palpatine and killed windu (books are considered canon), and in TFU(the force unleashed) starkiller kills Shaak Ti I am actually quite happy Lego didn't make a Jango Fett's slave one, because now I can easily have jango without having to buy a second slave one, I think one slave one is enough for both for me.
Questions and Concerns for TLG
I also came to that conclusion, from the darker color-white sticker sheet, lighter color-transparent sticker sheet. but sometimes, that is really a pitty, because if there is only one sticker applied on a darker surface, they use a white sticker sheet. for example in this year's A-wing (star wars), there was one surface that was darker, and all the stickers where on white. And I wanted to have that same red A-wing in green, but that is now not anymore possible, because I then have got red stickers! And a solution for the fingerprints on the transparent sticker sheets: just print the whole sticker. Lego did that in the Sith Nightspeeder (star wars), its stickers were printed on a transparent sheet(because one little 1x1 sticker got on a trans-red piece), but the rest of the stickers were all printed completely, so you couldn't see fingerprints at all!
[MOCs] Collection of Past MOCs
These are great. I saw the first one at Flickr some time ago I think. Do you also have got more pictures of the second one?
Future Star Wars Sets
Yes. first of all because it needs to be chrome, but that would make it too expensive for not so many pieces. Then I suggested they could make it grey, but he said that too wasn't possible, because the people at lucasArts (now Disney) would reject it, being not movie-accurate. Too, it has many of difficult angles that are almost impossible in Lego form.
[MOC] Hoth Ion Cannon and Battle of the shield generator
What do you mean? are you reffering to "real ion cannon. it looks a bit whiter, though."? I think it looked whiter on only that image, that might be because of all the snow around. I think the Death Star resembles the Ion Cannon better, because of it looking more technical, with all the relief looking like it is metal-plated. I think the Hoth planet looks more nature, less metal, with all the uneven round printing. I still think you'd better use the Death Star, maybe too because of all the white bricks resembling snow and then too a white cannon? Maybe if you finished it, you could compare the Death Star or Hoth planet in a scene?
Future Star Wars Sets
No. We will most likely see never one, I talked with a designer about it about a year ago.
The EB Glossary
where is C & C actually the abbreviation of? I think I know what it means, and maybe it is Comments & C... . I just don't know, though I think it is very easy. oh, and for star wars abbreviations, is TOR, KOTOR, AotC, CW, RotS, ESB, RotJ included? What does that mean, a Walrus Fan? Is there actually an abbreviation of a Lego event/exhibition?
- Is there any use of a 2x2 bricks?
[MOC] Hoth Ion Cannon and Battle of the shield generator
Thanks for all the positive comments! Nice to hear someone else likes it so much he wants to make one himself! If you finished your version, I would be pleased if you posted that one somewhere here too. That's for everyone who makes an Ion cannon himself! well that blast was just for fun anyway... Those X-mas ornaments where the chrismas balls right? I saw them with the christmas raffle I think. I saw people do other nice things with the death star planet set, e.g. for an astromech dome, an homing spider droid dome... I still have some ideas how to use some of the other planet sets too!
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
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